

Responses from oddiofyl

The 300B World
I am using a Raytheon Ceramic base  274b in my amp.   I also have some Ken Rad circa 1945 5r4gy that are great .  
Stupid Asking Prices- Why Don't Sellers Read Audiogon The Blue Book First?
I actually don't care whether those amps sell.  They are fantastic and I'm sure I will add them to the list of things I've regretted selling.     Down the road I will set up a second system and wish I still had them.    I have a guy that seems ser... 
odd question about stand-mount speakers
One of my favorite speakers , PSB M2 Platinum had that array, woofer on top , tweeter below.    If I could find a mint pair in Cherry, I would buy them again   One of my biggest regrets, selling those.   
Stupid Asking Prices- Why Don't Sellers Read Audiogon The Blue Book First?
I use HiFi Shark as a guide, USAM also.   I try to price fairly with a little room for negotiation.   I have had numerous people inquire about my QS mono amps but I don't want to ship.  Local sales take a little time but if priced right it will se... 
mcintosh mc275 mk6 tube rolling ?
Good point about having a tester.   I found out the hard way that some of my “best” tubes were average at best.      Since having a tester I sorted through about a dozen NOS e180f Mullards.  They were from a large batch and I have no doubt they w... 
Adding a Dac and Stresmer
LAB 12 is way better than decent .....   have you heard one Audioman?     It's a sleeper,    
Adding a Dac and Stresmer
Yes Aurenders are not cheap , but I got a great deal on a N200 and have zero regrets.   Super high build quality, great App, sounds great, excellent support.     All that all up and it is a good value.    
Adding a Dac and Stresmer
Hi Silverfox.     The only direct comparison I have made in my system is LAb 12 vs RME.     I did listen to the SimAudio DAC and Merason DAC 1 during demo and thought the LAB 12 was the most natural sounding.   Merason was really good but I prefer... 
Tube tester?
While true that most testers don't test at real world voltages it is important to leave the tube in the tester for 5 min or so.  If you put it in and test it cold your results will be poor.    Ultimately your ears are the final say.   That fact th... 
Adding a Dac and Stresmer
I love my LAB 12 DAC.....   great sounding DAC.    https://parttimeaudiophile.com/2023/03/12/lab12-dac1-review/ I bought it thinking i would take advantage of my dealers one year trade up on something 2 X the cost.    It sounds so good I am keep... 
Considering A 20-40 Watt Stereo SET Amp
Check out Aric Audio.   Made here in Mass , I am pretty sure he has something in his product line that would appeal to you   
Recommendations for a vacum tube tester
Yes it is a great tool.   I’m not home tonight but I will check my manuals and let you know if there is a specific set of values.  I am guessing the switches would be set the same , but not sure what the target is for KT77      
DAC Transformer Hum - Affect Audio?
Bring it to work or to a friend’s and see if it does the same thing   
Decware and “The List”
+1 voodoo.    Very brave to face that diagnosis head on with such dignity.   I wish you well Chip.  Hopefully you find the exact amp you are looking for .  
Decware and “The List”
My issue with Decware is this … don’t tell me it’s 18 months with 2100 people on the List when your monthly production is less than 60 units.  Math doesn’t lie, that’s over a three year wait.  The list is growing faster than they can build and tha...