

Responses from oddiofyl

Decware and “The List”
Again , no one cares.....  show the world you have a shread of decency and offer Chip your Decware at a decent price...  
Decware and “The List”
RIAA GUY.  , here is your chance to be a decent human being.   If I were rich and successful like you I would reach out to Chip after reading this post.... maybe sell him that amp for what you have into it????   
Decware and “The List”
Hey sorry your thread went off the rails.... I would put a WTB ad for whatever amp you want on USAM and on Decwares site. Also check HiFi Shark . It is an aggregate of most audio sales across the globe. Good luck.    
Best US second hand dealers that ship overseas
The Music Room is a great place for used gear.   They are strict on grading if they say it has minimal signs of wear , it is most likely in really good shape.  Not sure if they ship internationally   
Decware and “The List”
Thanks all....  he is a low life for sure.   No dig against Decware , but I wouldn't pay a premium just  because they are backordered.   Not for any amp.   I waited 11 months for my  amp and I'd do it again.     Funny thing about  Gold Record Guy... 
Meandering Pitch, Where’s The Problem?
If the belt is more than 5 years old that's the first thing I would try.  Cheap and it never hurts to have a new belt ....    
Decware and “The List”
Jeff i wasn't really low balling....  second hand gear is second hand gear.   Would you trust a guy like RAII guy anyway ?   I wouldn't.   Guy is poison to this site.   I buy used all the time, rarely do I care about the warranty.   But where is ... 
Decware and “The List”
When I see your screen name I usually avoid the topic.    
Decware and “The List”
Narcissistic prick…….     
Decware and “The List”
Actually there are some nice folks over at SHF…. Please don’t pollute another site with your elitist BS  
Decware and “The List”
No one cares about narcissistic 45 year old retirees..  
Decware and “The List”
You should join SteveHoffman Forum , maybe someone over there will think your gold records are cool  
Decware and “The List”
No one cares about your closet of toys that you don’t use. You are supposed to enjoy it.  
Decware and “The List”
Does it have your name on the original invoice ?   If yes, it is second hand.    
Tubes, Tubes and more Tubes...
Amen to that !   A lot of "NOS" tunes aren't really NOS.....