

Responses from rooze

Magwires Speaker Cable Impressions?
Look under Paul Speltz Anti Cables, they are magwires and there's a lot of discussion about them, mostly positive. Running multiple smaller strands of magwire may defeat the object - there's a lot of good info both hear and at the Cable Asylum. 
Musical Fidelity A324 DAC, Is this a ??
Hmm...I guess to each his own. Interestingly enough (snofun3) I replaced an EAD 7000III with this DAC, and I don't agree that the EAD was superior, though I have said many times that going from the EAD to the MF was a sideways step in some regards... 
Maggies 3.6 vs 20.1
Nealhood, thanks for that tip, I hadn't seen that website before.Germanboxers, when I rebuilt my XO's for the 3.6's I built both the internal and external XO components on one external board (per speaker). To do that I needed to bring leads direct... 
Ls 3/5a sound without the price.....
I've heard Kans and the Spica TC50's, I liked both but preferred the tighter imaging on the Spica's. Both are easy to accommodate in the room. I've seen older Spica's sell for around $250Roozer 
Maggies 3.6 vs 20.1
What are your room dimensions?...that's really the first thing to consider, do you have the space to realize the potential of the larger 20's?Regarding Nealhood's comments about having 7' behind the speaker to make them really shine. There's some ... 
What music would you like at your funeral?
Jake the Peg by Rolf Harris. 
After Quad ESL's?
I also preferred the 57's over the 63's and lived with the 57's in a second system for a while. I preferred my Sonus Faber Electa's over the 57's, particularly driven by a tubed amp. So my recommendation would be to try the smaller standmount SF's... 
Amazing ''Overachieving'' products...your pick?
Another vote for magwires. I can't think of anything with a better price:performance ratio that I've used in my system.Rooze 
McIntosh 501 or 602 for Magnepan 20.1
SimAudio W10's might work well with the 20's. They work very well with the 3.6's. Remember that the Mac's don't double into 4 ohms. I understand the power stage is looking at the fixed impedance of the Autoformers, but I tried the MC252 in my syst... 
Which Solid State Amplifier is Making you Happy?
SimAudio W10's are the best I've heard so far....pick em up for under $6k used. Good partner with Maggies or anything needing some oomph. Not your typical sterile sounding SS that hides behind bass wallop and has little else. Good amps.Rooze 
Wisconsin - Anyone interested?
Great meeting at Doc's in Port Washington WI on Sunday April 17th - Thanks to Doc for hosting us.Those of you who have not been able to attend a meeting yet, please check-out our past meeting notes here: www.newaudiosociety.com/schedule.htmYou'll ... 
Which Krell to hunt down on the used market?
Concerning neutrality, it's an over-used descriptive and generally intended as a positive attribute of a component or system. Yet many people prefer the musicality of tubes, which in most cases are not considered particularly neutral. I've heard p... 
Which Krell to hunt down on the used market?
I tried the MD300's in my system for a while and they sound very good. They are warmer sounding than the newer FPB's - a little less 'neutral'. I was also concerned about the cost of a future re-cap with a near 20 yr old amp. These things generate... 
best rock voices
Rolf Harris 
Krell KPS 20i - What Standard vs a Modern Machine?
Thanks Mejames and Togo.I'm looking at the Capitole MkII, more expensive than the used 20i but as you say it has the added benefit of the volume control.I agree Togo with your comment about the 20i being closer to what you hear at a live event, it...