

Responses from russ69

UGH...The tired, "BEST" Rock guitarist thread
If Nuge says it's so, I'll trust him on this issue. I'm not a big Van Halen fan and I like more soul than flair on the electric guitar but no doubt Eddie is admired by many.  
I don't want to beat a dead horse but I'm bugged.
And realistically the dealer, and more to the point… salesmen, have a low track record for trustworthiness. My first dealer, Walt at Woodland stereo always made sure I went home with the right stuff. He helped Arnie Nudel with his first loudspe... 
I don't want to beat a dead horse but I'm bugged.
This problem of audiophiles living their lives according to how things were 30-40 years ago has caused a lot of suffering (and to be clear, when people have made up stories about life and life does not agree with those stories, that is the source... 
Large room with low budget for speakers
The OP seems to have gone missing but let me say it would be hard for me to recommend anything, you need to do a little shopping for yourself. I think with your budget a good dealer can put you in the right direction. A good working relationship w... 
How can I establish a reference level?
FYI: I set my volume level at the minimum acceptable level. I turn it up and I slowly lower the volume to the point where I don’t lose anything. Your long-term hearing health will thank you.  
REL Strata III repair issue
Old thread X 2 but I thought I leave this here. IMHO, if the repair is less than an equivalent replacement sub, go for the repair. Also look around of a used model of the same sub, it might be cheaper to take the parts out of that one. I had to re... 
I don't want to beat a dead horse but I'm bugged.
I personally would not trust user listening tests unless they don't know what they are listening to. The potential to fool ourselves is too high. I wish I could be fooled into believing a system sounds good when it sounds bad. I'd save a lot of... 
Why Do You Post?
I invite anyone here to join me in the ABL, otherwise known as the Anti Bloviation League. We are here to support brevity. Hear, Hear!   
I don't want to beat a dead horse but I'm bugged.
However, the upper shelf designers seem to make stuff that does not require cabels Show me just one audio electronic manufacturer that doesn't use aftermarket cables to demo their gear.  
Near field subs
I'm not sure near field is the right term. Far field is multiple wavelengths away. A 50 hz wavelength is around 22 feet long and lower frequencies are longer yet. So you are always in the near field with subwoofer. Maybe just near placement but no... 
objective vs. subjective rabbit hole
Which is more important, how reproduced music sounds to you, or how the electronics (and room), measure on paper? I did the measurements thing for the first 20 years, then I wondered why my cheap a$$ headphones rocked and my system didn't. It w... 
Help picking an amp to work with my system
Parasound A21 will do the job. Also make sure you pull the ESLXs out from where your screen is. A couple of feet will do it, 3 feet is better.   
Help picking an amp to work with my system
That said, I don’t have to have it that loud In that case get a good A/B or Class D amp with some serious power and low ohm capability (200wpc is enough) and maybe think about a sub to take on some of the load. If you like the Nova give them a ... 
Why Do You Post?
I've been in the hobby a very long time and if my experience counts for something I'm willing to suggest and help other members. My answers are sometimes short and maybe a little curt but writing flowery prose is not my best trait.   
Help picking an amp to work with my system
so is 95db really that high of a volume considering the break in requirement? If you are clipping your amp, you are already playing way too loud for your equipment. Adding a robust 200wpc amp will help with that but I’m still concerned about yo...