Just get a regular integrated and and separate streamer. The amp will always be good but streamers are going to constantly change as new services become available.
All in One amp up to $7k
Hi, needed some advice.
Looking for an all in one amplifier- including streaming. Had earlier settled on and bought a Hegel 590 - but could not ship it to Dubai from the US, sold it to a friend of mine.
Any recommendations? In the $5k-$7k range? At least 150w into 8 Ohms.
I had looked at Gold Note- but not completely sure. PS Audio Stellar Strata MK2 fits the bill though not sure how good it is.
Also though I didn’t listen to the Hegel H590 I have this feeling that it would have been awesome.
My Soulnote A2 gives audiophile pleasing smooth sound. I agree with @russ69 about separate digital (streamer / DAC). The Integrated will be timeless, the digital not so much. |
@russ69 and @fastfreight hear you on separates. that is what I have now. I have 2 amps- a Vincent SV200, small footprint, belies the ratings, hybrid. It just rocks my 2 speakers. The other is a Gato AMP 150 AE. Again an excellent amp and it should be for the price it commands. I have DMP A6 working as a streamer only and have 2 DACS- a MHDT Lab Orchid (tube based) and a Topping D70 Pro Octo. That's a lot of gear and while I love each piece just want to reduce the amount of stuff lying around. I recently sold a Naim Uniti Atom- and now I think maybe I should not have. |
@chenry thank you for the suggestion I never knew till your post that JBL made amps. Love all the tech in it, but I am not particularly fond of vintage looks. Will look at Arcam. |
@drrsutliff interesting recommendation. they have been causing a rage recently on the net. Will surely look this up. |
@dokosan have always admired Simaudio. Listened to their inception story on a podcast last and this year and have always wanted to listen. will keep a look out for the 2 things that you mention though it will be one piece more than I need. |
@dxbwineguy ,if the small Vincent rocks your speakers,why do you need a minimum of 150wpc.as you stated in your OP? |
@dxbwineguy Too bad about the Hegel H590, as I believe you would've been absolutely blown away by it!!! I use the Hegel H590 as an amp/preamp only. I use a separate outboard DAC. I strongly believe that the Hegel H590/H600 are one of the greatest values in high end audio. Happy listening. |
@freediver its a valid point that you make. I think the only reason is because not sure what I am missing. Will check out your recommendation. Thank you. |
@kennymacc yes I agree. But then I think maybe it wasn’t supposed to be. |
@grislybutter possibly. My aspiration for high power (do I sound like a politician?) is only because I have never had a very high power amp - so am not sure what I am missing. There must be a reason that folks like Hegel make an H590 vs their owther amps. That is the only reason. |
@dxbwineguy I understand it perfectly. You want that effortless sound. I am no expert but there are many threads and posts about not all watts being equal.
thanks @audioman58. Looking for an all in one though. Streamer for sure in the same box. |
I have been an owner of two Audiomat tube integrated amplifiers for over twenty years. I first bought the Audiomat Arpege and LOVED it. A few years later I had an opportunity to buy an Audiomat Prelude Reference MKII that had been a demo. I’m still using the Audiomat Arpege in the TV system. I think it’s had one repair in 20 years and that was the volume knob. I recently moved on from the Prelude for no really good reason. It had only one repair in the same lengthy period and it was for the same issue, the volume knob, an inexpensive repair. I had just heard Luxman tube separates each selling for well over double the price of the Audiomat Prelude. If you look for reviews on Audiomat products you will find them uniformly outstanding. Here is one on the Aria, pure Class A. https://hifiplus.com/articles/audiomat-aria-integrated-amplifier/ |
@audioman58 i already have a separate set up- streamer, DAC and amp. i hear you in the Hegel. I will look at that and reach out to the person you mentioned. @megabyte usually I would be able to ship and amp to the UAE from the US. I have done that a few times. This particular purchase was on USAM from an individual. This means no proper invoice like a shop issued. US custom rules require for any shipped package to have a proper invoice to ensure that a prohibited item is not being being shipped out and to also evaluate the cost. @echolane will look into that. |
It’s a thought @mapman though I do seem to have a mental block when it comes to Cambridge Audio. |
I have had great luck with my Anthem STR all in one, for 3 years now. 200 wpc into 8, doubles into 4. Preamp includes room correction software which I needed for my new room setup and it works flawlessly. Has a built in dac that works well with all the requisite inputs. I did ultimately decide to upgrade to a separate dac (echoing the point made by others) but I do use it as the dac for my cd transport. It has a great interface, is built like a tank and drives a $7K pair of speakers quite well thank you very much. There probably are marginally better sounding all in ones out there but I doubt at anywhere near this price. It had a retail when I bought it of $4500 but I believe that’s risen to around $5500. Still worth it and then some. Good luck to you! |
@g2the2nd will look at Nad over the weekend. @melbergall I have eyed an Anthem STR for sometime - the heft scares me a bit. Will try and listen to one. Finding a used one in Dubai could be a challenge- let’s see. |
I'd consider the Atoll SDA-300 (or 200). $5500 all in one. 150W, 2 toroidal transformers, dedicated power supplies for analogue stages as well as the dac. Discrete class A preamp circuitry. Burr brown dac I, personally, like the advice of a separate streamer and integrated due to the ever changing streaming technology. |
@greenngoldcheesehead Have heard a lot about Atoll. In Dubai, difficult to find. Maybe on my next trip to Europe- sometime next year. I did try the Devialet Expert 220 earlier this week. Small package - breadth and width as much as Project turntable. Height almost nothing. Great sound. Decent remote. Pathetic app. No Tidal support. Overall the sound was good, very good but could not better the Gato/Eversolo A6 combo. So returned it. |
https://www.stevehuffphoto.com/2023/04/04/aavik-u-150-integrated-amp-review-2023/ A Used Aavik U-150 if you are lucky enough to find one....20K new. 7-8K on the used market. Loaded!!!! |
@mbmi I could get one at a very good price. Maybe $6k. But it doesn't have a streamer. so not decided. over the last 2 days got home a Musical Fidelity m2Si for a home demo. It sings and for the price (new $1k) it sings beautifully. It held more than a candle to the $4.5k Gato Amp 150. I could not tell the difference between 72W and 150W. But then I am not sure if that is a reason to buy it. |
@arizonabob thanks. It seems it is a streamer/pre-amp akin to an Eversolo for example. Am looking at an integrated with streaming. Currently homing in on a Hegel H390 |
I you liked the Naim Atom, you might want to consider the Naim Uniti Nova. I haven't heard either, but with the Nova, you would have the convince of the Atom with more power. I own the Hifi Rose RS520 and it is great as an all in one amp. It doesn't compete with some of the better amps that I've owned in the past, but as a streamer with the watts you are looking for (and a wonderful touch display), it is a pretty nice unit and well below budget. The Lyngdorf 3400 might be another consideration in the $7k range.
@jer rhanks for the recommendation on the Gold Note. Will audition them. |
@billynine been there done that with Naim. Though I loved it, just want to try something new. |
I’ve known about Devialet Brand for a few years - all rave reviews. I finally bought a used one, Expert Pro 220. First take, a very puzzling set-up, my speakers turns out is not in the configurator. The home web site doesn’t display the 220, it’s been hidden. After 2 days and multiple phone calls it’s now playing music — not very loud though, I have no idea why 220 watts are unable to really goose the volume for Magnepan, .7. For this transaction I traded in my Jeff Rowlands100 watt ( 8 ohms ). The Jeff Rowland was superior in power into 4 ohms at 150 watts (4 ohm load ) and an untouchable midrange. I errored in this one transaction . I have no idea how 100s of reviewers did not pick up on these points. Sound is limp. Now I hear of promoting a companion amp to boost the power, simply incredible! Caution: the ring maybe fake diamonds after all. |