Anybody gone from ethernet to optical for connection to a streamer?

Interested to know if it mattered? did you hear any sound changes?

my streamer has an optical input, and trying to decide if its worth converting over from ethernet?
I will buy a dog.  Train it to bark alot.  Use my speakers for target practice.  
Only way you're going to know is by trying, the great thing about streaming is the wide variety of equipment and constant innovation.
My best advice to you is to keep it simple. I have been down this rabbit hole, switches, filters, clocks ect. You can spend thousands but no matter what you do it's only going to be so good your at the mercy of the people sending you the stream. These devices can change the sound slightly but is it for the better?

I'm back to the basics and the SQ is the best it has ever been. Ethernet cable from router to server, server to DAC Shunyata USB Omega cable.
My player has an optical network input, so does getting sonore rendu thingy make sense?
Yes, optical is a big improvement. Can't say enough good stuff about the Sonore opticalRendu fed from a NAS device in another room. A good power supply for your renderer is also very important to allowing you to hear everything your optical changes will bring. 
Tons of threads on these topics here and on audiophilelifestyle. It's worth doing plenty of research to get a handle on it. Cheers,
I agree ethernet cables make difference. Thread got me to wondering where optimum optical placement would be. I'm using just prior to USB renderer based on idea last segment of ethernet chain would provide greatest benefit. On the other hand, if converter placed just after modem, in other words first link in chain, may provide greatest benefit. The idea is any junk riding coax into modem, modem itself and first ethernet cable out of modem would be galvanically isolated, benefiting server. Problem then is EMI/RFI in house can enter after first link.  And then I could go further, keep present optical conversion, add the second optical setup prior to server. And then, we could only be so lucky to have fiber optical service from cable company. Even at this, ethernet cable within your house would be susceptible to EMI/RFI.
Ultimate setup, fiber feed all the way from cable company through entire ethernet and digital audio equipment throughout house having available fiber connections direct to optimized optical connection on dac.

Yes, I continue to say optimizing streaming solutions is the most complex undertaking I've yet encountered in audio. My experience is every single minute link in chain makes a qualitative difference. Relatively high degrees of improvement are available at every link in chain, and fast evolving innovations mean highest quality streaming never a stable situation.
No matter what you read here, listen for yourself and then decide.  This stuff is dependent on your equipment and on your environment, including the length of run from your router to your streamer, and the amount of EMI/RFI present in your home.  The equipment I use (both the server/streamer and DAC) have internal galvanic isolation and I have yet to hear meaningful differences when trying a variety of small boxes that many others say have a profound effect. 

That said, I am currently running 45 feet of fiber from my router to just before my server/streamer, where it is converted to a very short Ethernet cable, which enters the streamer.  Both the converters, at the router and at the server/streamer, are powered with linear power supplies and not the standard SMPS used in wall warts. 

I have run CAT 5, CAT 7, and CAT 8 cables and again have not noticed significant differences.  If anything, the fiber may result in a bit smoother sound compared to any of the CAT cables, or it may be my imagination.   You may want to look at the differences between CAT cables which vary in the level of shielding.  CAT 8 provides the highest level of shielding and could offer an improvement in noisy environments.    Both the fiber cable and the converters are inexpensive so try for yourself and let your ears decide what sounds best for your gear and environment.
Fibre is the best upgrade I have done on my streaming. The OpticalRendu is great. Ethernet direct into a DAC was about the same as my microRendu. Fibre optical was so much better than either of those 2. It was so obvious to me that I immediately bought a second OpticalRendu. I have been using both for about 6 months now on 2 DACs.

The only DAC with Ethernet that I think could be very good and challenge the Fibre optical is the upcoming AudioByte Hub (need the VOX + ZAP).

@jd55 I use this switch for fibre. 
Ubiquiti - UniFi® Switch 8-150W

I can't speak to the optical portion of your question here - but I do know I swapped out my normal, everyday ethernet cable with an "audiophile grade" CAT 7 cable from Pangea. And it introduced the absolute worst ground loop/ hum into my system that I have ever had. (And, I'm still confused about how that happened... I can repeat this, and tried two different cables from them with the same results if anyone is interested.) The optical connection has the potential of reducing ground loop issues, but if you can't hear a hum/ buzz now, it most likely won't make much of a difference. 
I’m a little confused are you talking about a fiber connection from your modem/ router to a streamer. If so what type of modem? I’m in the telecom industry but not familiar with any modem that that has fiber outputs only a single input. What equipment is before the streamer?
I have an Etheregen and tried it with both Fiber and CAT and I could not hear the difference. (yes, I had only one hooked up at a time).  The Etheregen switch claims it's "moat" galvanically separates the "in" from the "out". My limited listening test confirmed this in my opinion. That said, I don't know if this helps answer your question, but you might find it useful.  
Yes, it made a worthwhile improvement in my steaming setup. In my case I place optical between server and Usb renderer (Sotm sms 200 neo, powered by Uptone Js-2 lps). Use two TP Link MC200CM, both powered with LPS for the conversion.

Optical conversion galvanically isolates from ground noise on ethernet. Result, blacker background, higher resolution thing.

I've found optimizing streaming is complex undertaking, steaming setup much more complex than my analog. I used Audiophilesyle forums as my guide for setup, steaming now preferable to my pretty nice analog setup for sound quality.
I don't have optical ethernet capability, but I have to say that, from my CD player to my DAC, I'm not going back to traditional interconnects from an Optical one I installed a couple months ago. Just a little bit higher fidelity in every respect.
I assume you are talking about optical ethernet. I'm in the same boat. I've recently purchased a Sonore OpticalRendu, but am waiting on a power supply to be able to hook it u.