There are obviously women audiophiles - this place is testament to that - it's just that I have never met one. No women I have ever come across have shown the slightest interest in Hi-Fi sound or gear aesthetics. Mind you, precious few men have either. |
. Whew, not my speakers...big ass industrial-looking towers with no grilles. My speakers are the type only a man could love.
But, I have a feeling that if I owned a set of the big Maggies in black, they might turn on a few ladies.....they are beautiful speakers and could pass for an art installation. . |
No. Are the colors of fingernail polish a turn on for men? If you shut your eyes, can you tell her the color of her shoes? |
"...that all changes once you make the commitment..." Isn't that the case with anything when you commit to a woman? Sigh... |
This thread is too funny - women for the most part do not care at all and really think it is a waste of money. When you are initially dating , they may think it is cool (or so they say) that all changes once you make the commitment - in most cases.
They find ways to spend that extra money for that upgrade - oh on any number of home improvement stuff. I think some of the posters are fooling themselves in thinking this is a turnon - keep dreaming. The only turn on that would be is if you sell your 30K wilsons and buy her a gift with it. |
Being 84 and having pots of money may just swing it. |
Quadophile, if your comment is meant for me, read my posts on this more carefully. This was a light hearted post. If you actually took my OP seriously, it is you who may have a problem. If your post was in jest, it's all good. |
If an audiophile has to impress a girl with his audio equipment that means he himself has noting to impress a girl with. |
no. just the opposite especially if you ever talk about hifi.most women like to discuss things that are important to them and not things technical. notice i wrote "most", please! music is fine tho.... |
Kijanki, do you work for the National Inquirer? Lol... |
"I have bad back ... the love of my life ... a bitch to lift 240 lb speaker"
Dracule1, I'm speechless. |
Actually, Yes! During the 80es most popular dance music was Italo dance music. At that time I used to work for national arline as a mechanic so I could afford to buy not the HI End electronics but the decent one. I remember when I purchased Nakamichi Dragon deck and Pioneer S-1010 speakers. So My friend was in the record business so I always had a brand new hits. My neighbor was a GORGEOUS Flight Attendant who loved the Dance music. One day I played music louder than usual so she came up and I started apologizing for playing music loud. She actually came to ask if I can make a copy for her. O, She loved the speakers and electronics, she even learned how to calibrate the tapes on Nakamichi. We had many nice days until she got married. I think she got married because I sold Dragon and purchased CR-7E (calibrating it's easier). |
I'm shure most of us nose the diffence between "then" and "than", butt we maid typos wen we think two fast for use to no the misteak. |
Lrsky, They sound the same and have the same amount of letters making choice very difficult - otherwise always choose a shorter one. For instance write: nun instead of noun or none nose instead of knows by instead of buy or bye be instead of bee site instead of sight or cite our instead of hour etc.
"Maid in USA" is improper since "maid" and "made" have the same amount of letters.
It is simple to remember and saves a lot of paper. |
Just a grammatic question...since when did we develop as an English speaking country, this confusion with the words, THAN and THEN?
Example of correct usage. "He is older THAN she."
Incorrect usage. " He is older THEN she."
Is this difficult? Why do I see it not only here, but in some nationally/or at least locally produced ads?
Show of hands many of you did NOT know this? I only point it out as I noticed it on this particular thread.
Larry |
It depends on the woman. If you play the right music, she'll pay attention to you. Which is what you want anyway, right? But don't expect her to appreciate your audio investment. |
Musicpod, that's why I am not married and have a girlfriend instead. I can buy "that junk" ad infinitum :-) |
I don't think so. At least in my experience. Descriptive words that come to mind, which women have used to describe my speakers/set-up have included "that stuff" and "that junk."
Most recenlty when a female friend of mine saw my system and thought it a waste of $$$. Her comment was, "You better finish buying all this junk before you get married. Because once you get married your wife will never let you waste money on this kind of junk."
So, I don't think so. Although I now remember that 1 female friend described the speakers as classy and with a high quality furniture look. But I'm sure they were not a "turn on" for her. |
Cindi Lauper made this whole matter crystal clear back when Reagan was Pres. Girls just want to have fun. Make your speakers fun and they will be relevant to her. Otherwise they are just another stupid penis extension fantasy to be challenged or tolerated depending on how happy she is in general.
The counterpart of your speaker delusion is breast implants. Is that what you are looking for? |
OK, I didnt read whole thread, but can anyone recomend some decent(with modest pricing),preferable integrated amp and cd player(not separate dac/transports,pre and power) gear which will atract/ turn on womens to me? any recomendations apreciated. thanks in advance |
Ah Cajunpepe, I hope you're not suffering from Alzheimer's repeating yourself like that :-) |
This really is an old man's hobby...I don't remember the last time I've seen the frequent usage of the verb "courting"!
Koegz, instead of groovy, how about "far out" or "bitchin"? or may be "swell"? The car that I drive on weekends is something I dreamed about since I was 13. Has nothing to do with impressing the women. I have not been in the market so speak for past 10 years. I still love the same girlfriend.
True it goes both ways, but I get a lot more attention from women since I got my car. But don't get ruffled. There are still many truly "swell" women out there. |
This really is an old man's hobby...I don't remember the last time I've seen the frequent usage of the verb "courting"!
It is not that to many women are purely intrested in your money, if you really have any. It is the fact that you assume that is all they care about. You assume that it is the woman and not the guy's ISSUE. And it does work both ways. Both individules must see something in the other. Even if it is his/her speakers. Although this is highly unlikely, at least for him. As far as your girlfriend, does she know you referr to her as "groovy"? I mean is this a "Monkeys" episode? Or maybe the "partridge family"? Either way, stick with the car. And for the record, that is a pun, someone who showes off his or her possessions is likely trying to atract the same in kind. |
Macrojack, I'm just making light of the situation ;-) I'm not interested in attracting any woman with my material possessions. I have a groovy girl friend who makes me happy. I am somewhat surprised by how many audiophiles have had issues with women who are only interested in their money. Somewhat comforting, but sad that so many women are this way.
"If you want to attract women, ultimately YOU are going to have to keep their attention, not your possessions."
I would think it's a two-way street. Both parties have to keep each others attention. If I followed your advice, I would lose interest pretty quick, unless she does the same. |
"If you want to attract women, ultimately YOU are going to have to keep their attention, not your possessions."
Good point! |
Dracule1 - Your objective is not clear. If you want to attract women, ultimately YOU are going to have to keep their attention, not your possessions. That said, why do you care whether her initial interest is sparked by your car or your speakers? I would submit that your undue emphasis on the importance of these pieces of bait, causes you to attract women who are similarly focussed. |
Over a hundred responses to my light hearted post! I didn't think it would get this far. Apparently it has hit a nerve for many. Unfortunately, I have met more gold diggers than not. I'm very low keyed about my work, income (only the IRS and my employer know), lifestyle, etc. I don't wear fancy cloths most of the time (I like Walmart cloths), drive a Subaru to work, and don't volunteer what I do for a living unless it is necessary. But I do have a nice weekend car. When I'm out on the town on weekends in my nice car, I have had women literally drive up to me trying to strike up a conversation. Obviously, I don't take these women seriously. Sometimes, I tell them I'm a valet, and they clear out faster than Audiophiles in Bose demo room. I would like to mount my nice speakers on roof of my nice car and drive around town. It would be a bitch to lift a 240 lb speaker onto my car, but I'm hunting for the love of my life. I will marry the first woman who takes an interest of my speakers over my car! But she must weigh at least 100 lbs less than my speaker. I have a bad back and wouldn't be able to lift her up on my honey moon, if she weighed any more. |
"women who place money as a high priority"
Very shallow women indeed!
Myself - I like these great qualities in a woman, that are often praised by superficial men. |
Gentlemen, my last post concerned one specific instance and was, in no way, offered as support for any thesis on the character of women. Nobody's daughter's honor need be defended. The intention of the post was light hearted humor which is how I interpreted this thread "Are audiophile speakers turn on for single women?" Come on! |
Kijanki - Your friends wife probably added both color and texture to the sound with her tweak.
Paperw8 - You're right about the nature of transactions and I was remiss in not stating that women who place money as a high priority are probably gold diggers. Naturally, everyone in our system needs money. What they will do for money, how much they require and who they will trade with are probably all good indicators of the sort of person involved. Such ladies will generally not consider speakers as payment and amateurs probably will not either.
However, if she is taking you to the cleaners, she probably won't mind if you want to bring your speakers along. |
12-02-10: Macrojack Women who are impressed by wealth or demonstrations and indicators thereof probably are gold diggers. If you are trying to impress her thusly, then she may well be your counterpart.
mate selection is, in many regards, a transaction. having money helps in that having money is better than not having money. that doesn't necessarily make the woman a "gold digger", but the reality is, in a transaction, each party is out to get something, so some amount of "trade" is fair. to borrow the words of john galt: "we are all traders in value". there is some truth to that statement although the goods-in-trade are not always (or exclusively) pecuniary. |
"In general, the whole "audio shrine" is offensive to the female eye"
My friend's wife covered speakers with thick ornamental blanket since they looked "offensive". Sound is very muffled and distant (but is very warm). |
Congrats. That's a very well thought out assessment of how these things work in the real world! |
Anthrpomorphize means to attribute human characteristics to creatures that are non-human.
Many of you seem to be imposing male values and tendencies on females in your speculation. Is there a word for that?
Women who are impressed by wealth or demonstrations and indicators thereof probably are gold diggers. If you are trying to impress her thusly, then she may well be your counterpart.
One of the things I've noticed about women and stereo speakers is that they don't like the symmetry that the speakers impose upon their decorating. Secondly, many ladies would prefer not to feature the speakers in the room like you probably do if you're concerned about using them to impress her or anyone else. In general, the whole "audio shrine" is offensive to the female eye.
There is an expression which says that children should be seen and not heard. Most women feel that, conversely, speakers should be heard and not seen.
All this is a roundabout way of saying "NO" to the original question. |
audio systems are very inefficient vehicles for impressing women. if that's your objective, you will get more bang for your buck (figuratively and possibly literally) by putting your money into a flashy car. cars are public, so driving a flashy car is a kind of "display" behavior that will get you noticed with little effort.
on the other hand, to impress a woman with your audio system, you've actually got to get her to go *into* your home. well, if you can get a woman to go into your home, then you have already made some impression on her, especially if you don't know her that well. by that point in time, there are already so many other things that would have had to have happened to impress the woman, that the audio system would be peripheral, at best.
for example, if you have a 750 sq. ft. "listening room" with 12 ft. ceilings, then you are probably living in a pretty big house. so your house would have made an impression on the woman before she even walked in the door.
on the other hand, if you are spending huge sums of money on audio equipment that are disproportionate with your surroundings, then the woman is likely to think of you as being a chump. displays of wealth are only effective if they are reasonably accurate indicators of your wealth. if a woman senses that you are stretching yourself to the limit to appear impressive, and you aren't actually as well-off as you might first appear; then she is more likely to think of you as being a fool with your money. that characteristic tends to not impress women so much... |
It seems the consensus here is that all women are "Golddiggers". Having 3 grown daughters I can tell you that simply is not true. Guys tend to asume it can't be them. It's because they are not rich enough or their car is not cool enough. No, it's you! |
Phaelon do you still have the interconnects? Or did they lack synergy like your coworker did with you? |
I occasionally used to give a co-worker, who I was very attracted to, a ride home. If I talked about my passion for audio, her response would be one of polite interest. One day she discovered a pair of Siltech G6 interconnects in my back seat (honest, they were just there; I, uh... borrowed them from a friend, OK?). I reasonably cautioned her to be careful with them because they were expensive. She bit, eh...I mean she asked how much? First there was disbelief, but as I went into a detailed explanation, her whole disposition changed. Suddenly, she had a million questions about my system. Before we could get to her place, she asked if she could buy me a drink - to repay me for my generosity in driving her home all these times. Prior to this, I was admonished if I missed a light. We shared three glorious weeks together that ended abruptly, of course, at the Audi dealer when I wouldn't make the down payment and co-sign. Oh well. |
If the speaker is classy in it's appearance some people (women) will notice. I love fine furniture and for me a speaker should look like a piece of fine furniture/art. If I don't like the looks of it I won't concider it, no matter how good it sounds. If a woman doesn't give a rat's behind about fine furniture/art, she probably won't be impressed by the speaker. |
The diamond/gold speaker. |
Expensive? for some this is a definite turn on. Like thinking that he must have lots of loose cash to spend on me.
If they like you after seeing your audio setup, you either have a really good one, or a really bad one.
"looks just like a Telefunken U47".
I couldn't resist
e |
I know this is getting slightly off topic, but there was a polygamist from Utah being interviewed by the show 20/20. He left that life and ended up with his first wife only, but he said "there were times when all seven would be mad at me at once"! True |
Orpheus10, Even Prince Charming had old stinky drawers and smelly socks, keep em away from your women, do your own laundry. "No honey, the clothes pins in the laundry room are actually for your nose" (chick turn-off #1) Women say they want a "sensitive man"..take her to a chick flick, and she turns and see's you tearing up??? (chick turn-off #2) these are just some of the small battles in the war between the sexes. Goal? You both end up victors in the end! |
Draculel, Of course by equipment I'm referrring to audio equipment be it speakers or anything else. Women just seem disinterested. |
Women love everything about you until they become your wife. |
I would say yes. Anything expensive is a turn on for single women, it means you have a lot of money that can someday be redirected to their benefit:) |
I think the biggest turn on for my wife is when I mop the floor. Am I getting old.
Soon audiofeil will jump in here and say I have to make a disclaimer.
Hey "Theunderlyingtheme" great moniker but I suspect there is something behind, or below it. Are you an author?
Curious but with no underlyingmotive.