Best Used CD Player for 2,500 - 3,000

Any suggestion on the best used CD player in this price range. I am building a system from scratch, only have speakers picked out at this point. (Thiel 6s)
Ag insider logo xs@2xmwthorne
I was thinking of a CD Player, not DAC/Transport combo. How would you rate the Sony SCD-1 up against the players mentioned here?
Lot's of good choices here! BUT...are you talking CD player, or just the transport? There are quite a few of either available, and lots have already been mentioned; if you are looking at a transport, check out Audiomeca's Mephisto II (you could team it up with an Aragon D2A mkII DAC - very inexpensive, but excellent results to start with). If you want a CD player, check out any of the used Naim CD players that fit within your budget - good sounding equipment and not HOT right now so a reasonable value.

One player that doesn't get too much mention is the Cary players. In your price range the Cary 306 would work. I have done A/B's between the Cary 303 and the Meridian, Linn, Rotel and Rega models and clearly liked the Cary better. Let your ears be the judge.
I agree with Mes with the new audio aero do out any day now, some are going to dump there old players. You wouldn't need a pre amp and it would blow EVERYTHING away near that price range. But if you must stick with new, check out the Resolution Audio CD-55, I am not sure if they are still being made but are a great player in that price range if they are.

All good choices, but you should add a Electrocompaniet to your list. I have seen the mk1's listed for around $2200.00 and the mk2's for around $3000.00. Many people think it could be the best single box cd player around, I would have to agree! Good luck.
I can highly recommend the Levinson M39 CD player as excellent if your budget can stretch to about $3300.-3500. for a used one. Good Luck. Craig
I would definitely try the Arcam FMJ CD23, which retails for about $2,295. I have owned Wadia, Theta and Audio Research, and I think that this Arcam FMJ CD23 can hold its own in any good system. As with any, carefully select the interconnect that joins it to the amp. I use Audio Research tubes and Silverline SR17's ... I've got very good sound!
When the new Audio Aero Capitole hits the streets, any time now, you may see a few of the current models for sale used, possibly for more than your price point but worthy of consideration nonetheless.
Muse 9 sig, Bat vkd5, Wadia 850 are good choices...I've owned them all and liked em...Wadia is good choice if you can skip the preamp...