Yes they do.  I’m not here to advocate for any particular brand but I’ve heard a lot and they do matter. High Fidelity reveal cables, Kubala Sosna Elation and Clarity Cable Natural. I’m having a listening session where all of them is doing a great job. I’ve had cables that were cheaper in my system but a nicely priced cable that matches your system is a must.  I’m not here to argue what I’m not hearing because I have a pretty good ear.  I’m enjoying these three brands today and each is presenting the music differently but very nicely. Those who say cables don’t matter. Get your ears checked.  I have a system that’s worth about 30 to 35k retail.  Now all of these brands are above 1k and up but they really are performing! What are your thoughts. 
Post removed 
Whoa! What? Hey, that’s a lot of assumptions. Why assume anything?
In a modern recording, I’m wondering how much of the signal passed from the mic to the engineer over whatever cables at the studio is left by the time it passes through the computer they’re processing/mixing on. I assume almost all of the sound staging for most of our recordings is entirely fake. I’d bet every instrument is processed and equalized and run through DSP filters. I’d say it’s much more likely that we’re buying cables to better hear the recording, and that recording is loosely connected to the signal at the mic.

I’m off to UPS now to pick up my Cable Company library order. I’m really interested in knowing what my first impressions are, hypnosis or not. I do agree with the statement above that if I have to really strain to hear a difference, then it’s not worth my money to upgrade.
Everyone should buy more expensive cables, especially if they can't hear the difference between what they already have. You have to consider directionality, skin effect, interference by gamma, cosmic and Wi-Fi signals plus secret government wavelengths.

Then there's 2G, 3G, and 4G. Of course the game's up when 5G comes but in the meantime I advise everyone to send every last cent they have on the most expensive cables they can find. And every time a more expensive cable comes along you must buy that too.

You just can't take any chances these days. The fact that some say a straightened coat hanger sounds just as good as $1000 per metre cable just shows how unrefined their palette must be. No, I don't need any figures on resistance, induction or capacitance. I prefer to trust my ears. I had them recently checked only 20 years ago.

Now pass me another glass of Screaming Eagle Cabernet 1992. At $500k a bottle it's got to be worth every cent.

It all depends on where you get off and what you’re trying to accomplish. My debutante ball was with Mapleshade at CES way back when. The (Ron Bowman, Pierre’s partner) interconnects are 54 ga or whatever, thinner than a human hair, which produce either almost no skin effect or all skin effect, I forget which. The Mapleshade cables sound really spectacular, by the way. I had brought along my Nimbus sub Hertz iso platform to isolate the Nakamichi Dragon CD System that included a unique feature: when a CD is inserted into the CD player a vacuum is produced around the CD transport for a stage of isolation. All cables and power cords (also ultra thin) were suspended from eye hooks on the ceiling with thread. The whole wild and crazy look of the Mapleshade/Machina Dynamica/Gallo room prompted someone  was it Shannon Dickson?  at Stereophile magazine to write that it look like something out of Plan 9 from Outer Space.

E pluribus unum.

geoff kait
machina dynamica


Thanks for the post full of sanity. The road so far has been a little different.

Per aspera ad astra.

It is hard to beat Blaupunkt car radio. Maybe Becker Mexico, but even that is a big "maybe".
I gotta step in here (do I dare??).  It just occurred to me that Mapleshade swears by thin wire with minimal  insulation.  They are supposed to know a lot about why this is so good for the sound.  Walker audio also uses skinny wires with little or no covering for their turntable.  Then there are ribbon style cables, with the majority being round thick conductors with lots of insulation.  And it's quite true that in a recording studio reliable sturdy wire with durable connectors are used 'cause they get stepped on and wound up and tangled and thrown into a corner to gather dust until the next time they're needed.  My conclusion to all of this is- if you have usable cable that's obviously well made, it should be a long time before you need to spend significant money on something "better" unless you really can get to audition it first. Some of us (I include myself who owns Transparent cables) take it on faith that I will obtain better performance from audiophile-grade wire, and I do NOT claim that I have gotten my money's worth from doing this. But I do get, after 30 years of upgrading speakers and things like that, somewhat better results than if I still used my Radio Shack "professional-grade" wires.  But I profess that it's a hobby, I enjoy it like the village idiot that I am, and I like good stuff like Beethoven and Brubeck and Steely Dan. Could I go back tomorrow (if I had to) and listen to my Dad's Blaupunkt "hi-fi" radio?  -Absolutely. Of course, back then they had concerts on FM stations and I loved listening to them. Who's to say if I had less fun then than I do now if I can't?
Dlcockrum. Lol. You are so right. Round and around wit the Marvin the martian space language 
This reminds me of the conversation in Latin between Doc Holiday and Johnny Ringo at the Oriental, but here one participant could be Ike Clanton with 25 posts. maritime, can you do twirling tricks with your pistol, too? My money is on Doc btw.

similior se fecit

The ironic thing is thinking you're going to fit in here.
Ex turpi causa non oritur actio.🚽

Yes, ectoplasmic signals can be detected by magic cables, Virginia. 

Quick, Henry, the Flit. 💸
"No one is the heir of a living person." Or is it something like, "No one is adhering to your lifestyle (beliefs?)" Parakeets indeed. I've heard of the lizard brain but from the bird brain comes this?

Thanks, Prof, then I must be in good company. 😄

All the best,

Ok nonoise, I can see we can't go any further.  I think you would probably have a more meeting-of-the-minds with Teo, as you seem operating on the same wavelength.    ;-)

I never said it transmits more info, but that a better made cable doesn't mess as much with the info. There seems to be more breeds of parakeets than meets the eye.

I have no measurement nor do I care in the least to procure them. I rely on my ears. 

But you seem to mistakenly infer I have agreed that people actually ARE hearing the BIG improvements they claim, rather than it being from bias/imagination etc.
No, I never said, nor inferred that. As for beggars, they come in all sizes and shapes, don't they?

As for the rest of what you ask, I replied to that earlier before your last post. As for your inability to appreciate my point of view or even to entertain it, it could be that when something begins to make sense, it conflicts with a pre conceived notion or idea.

All the best,

Golly gee. 

The symbol is NOT the thing symbolized; the word is NOT the thing; the map is NOT the territory it stands for. 

What is being measured is not the sound:. it's the electrical properties of the signal.

All the best,

Sorry nonoise, I still can’t make heads or tails of what you are saying, and I see nothing addressing the point I had repeated to you. (I think maritime51 is right about this, but I’ll try pressing on for a moment).

There are better made cables that allow more info to come forth.

That’s the very claim that is being questioned here. What is your evidence for this? Take a standard Belden 10-gauge 5T00UP for, say, a 6 foot speaker cable run. I choose this because Belden has been making professional industry standard cables for decades upon decades, know what they are doing, and because one can find test measurements for this cable, e.g:

Can you point to independent measurements of a high end audiophile cable showing it transmits "more info?"

You’ve said as much earlier when you admitted that a minute amount improvement can’t account for the big increases that some say they hear and appreciate.

Essentially, yes. But you seem to mistakenly infer I have agreed that people actually ARE hearing the BIG improvements they claim, rather than it being from bias/imagination etc. Maybe some people are hearing real differences; but it's hard to discern in which cases that may be,  when it's all anecdote with no controlling for imagination and bias.

I say they do.

Well....anyone can say anything. But that’s called "begging the question" given what is under debate.

The signal measured shows everything to be okay but it doesn’t take into account what is smeared or messed with by a lesser cable.

Wait, so you are saying a standard cable can measure just fine, but the measurements don’t take in to account "smearing and messing up" of the signal? That’s not making sense; can you explain better? How do you know a cable is smearing/messing things up....if measurements show it’s passing the signal fine?

The smeared or compromised sound is not what’s getting through in the final recording. It’s what being heard while it happens. And it’s repeatable until a better cable is used. Then, one can hear and appreciate the difference.

Try as I might, I can make no sense of that paragraph. (Can anyone else parse what nonoise is trying to say?)

I still don’t see how you have addressed the issue I raised: IF you are hearing wonderful sonics from a recording that was created using regular cables, THEN that tells you what type of sonic information those regular cables are capable of transmitting.

A non sequitur can’t be “clarified.”

One construction is that latent data is passed on by crap cables that is somehow made manifest by superior cable. 

I am the parackete of Caborka....


I already addressed your concerns it in my statement and it wasn't confusing unless it's another game afoot. 

There are better made cables that allow more info to come forth. You've said as much earlier when you admitted that a minute amount improvement can't account for the big increases that some say they hear and appreciate. I say they do.

The signal measured shows everything to be okay but it doesn't take into account what is smeared or messed with by a lesser cable. They are tone controls after all but some do less damage than others. They may measure similar but can sound quite different. 

The smeared or compromised sound is not what's getting through in the final recording. It's what being heard while it happens. And it's repeatable until a better cable is used. Then, one can hear and appreciate the difference.

All the best,

Thanks, but I found your post fairly confusing, not sure exactly what you wanted to argue. Because it seemed at some points you acknowledged that standard cable used for the recording transmitted 100% of the signal...and then at another point seemingly leaped to the idea you want a "better cable" to transmit that same information in your stereo system.

The way you got there didn’t make sense.

So, as you said:

The music residing in that recording is there even if it came across on some run of the mill Belden cable.

Right. The incredible sound of many recordings that blow audiophiles away was easily transmitted via run of the mill cables.

The better cable will reveal more of it. can using a "better cable" in your stereo system "reveal more" than what is on the source (which was captured by, for sake of argument, standard Belden cables)?  That seems impossible.  You can't reveal "more" of what wasn't there; the only thing there to "reveal" is what was transmitted by the original, basic recording/mastering cables.

Can you clarify your argument for me?


Cables do matter. Don't fall for the pickled red herring of red herrings that once some old, run of the mill cable is used to record something that a better made cable can't be any better at retrieving more info. That you can't get any more out of it with a better cable presupposes that something happened to the info when recorded, using the older cable.

About 100% of the signal is/was passed by the older cable (unless you're running 50' of speaker cable or 150' of interconnects)) only to be masked by it's inferior design during recording and playback using the same cable. It didn't eat it, or absorb it, so where did the signal go? Does the older cable look like a boa digesting a goat?

The music residing in that recording is there even if it came across on some run of the mill Belden cable. The better cable will reveal more of it. And it doesn't need to be expensive. Just take a look at what one ex Belden engineer designed over at Cabledyne (their entry level speaker cable). I, myself, use Tempo Electric speaker cables and the only real cost is in the silver used and the gauge necessary to get what I like out of it, and it's as simple a cable as one can get.

And, if you get that lower noise floor, freeing up more info to make it more enjoyable and realistic, that minute amount is across the board in any and all ways you chose to look at it adding up to a bigger and more satisfying amount of appreciation in what you hear.

You guys who say otherwise need a better argument.

All the best,
You forgot to add, “But I have nothing cogent or thoughtful to say, myself.”
Good points. Unfortunately they only reinforce my position that demos, tests, shoot-outs, blind tests, etc. are unreliable especially if the results are NEGATIVE. And it doesn’t matter if the tests/demos/shoot-outs are fast, slow, over the course of hours or days, or whatever. They are still unreliable. Otherwise any group of all thumbs hearing challenged pseudo skeptics would be the arbiters of sound, which they actually aren’t. And while it’s a shame you personally aren’t able to distinguish certain differences in wire, direction, etc. those results should not be extrapolated to generalize about anyone else.
Oxygen free copper cable is very difficult to better. In fact any copper cable is difficult to beat.

Solid core, silver plated, directionality all seem to make no difference to me. In fact I recall a demonstration by QED at a Hi-Fi show in London where they attempted to reveal the differences between < £1, £5 and £25 per metre cable through a well respected Arcam system. Almost everyone agreed that the only sonic difference heard was between the bell wire and the £5 (Silver Anniversary) cable.

It was difficult to be sure that the £25 cable wasn't making things worse as it certainly didn't make them better. 

It's worth bearing in mind that a good hypnotist could have easily had most of us believing that the bell wire was superior to the £25 cable AND vice versa.

Audiophiles are not particularly known for their resistance to suggestibility. That usually only comes, if it ever comes, from bitter experiences after many years. 

It's also a good rule of thumb that if something isn't immediately and obviously better, it ain't. You should never ever have to strain to hear improvements. Its a crime against nature.
prof wrote,

“The first is that, whatever amazing detail you EVER get through the most expensive, best audiophile cables you can buy - all that will ever tell you is about the sound quality that was passed along a large number of non-audiophile cabling to make that source (in the vast majority of recordings).”

Well, that argument actually misses the point. On several levels. Nobody says you can’t also improve upon whatever other wiring and cabling is in the system. Obviously you can’t improve whatever damage has already been done in the studio. Although most good studios probably take much care with everything including cables. Let’s call that a constant. You can only do what you can do. No reason to go crazy. It’s important to keep in mind there’s no Absolute of sound, everything is relative. But there is much that can be done on the home front. You’re either on the bus 🚌 or off the bus. That’s why some, perhaps many, audiophiles go to the trouble to upgrade internal speaker wiring including crossover network wiring, internal amplifier wiring, etc. It is also worth ensuring ALL wires and cables are in the correct direction, you, know, if one wants to go all the way. Interconnects, speaker cables, power cord wires, fuses. After all, we’re 99% sure directionality is real. Aren’t we? 😳

prof also wrote,

“Every time someone puts $10,000 of new Nordost cable or whatever in to their system and gasps at the soundstage information, glorious amounts of subtle, organic detail, realism of the highs etc, they are gasping at the sound quality sent through numerous run-of-the-mill cables that were likely used in making that recording.”

>>>>>Obviously, as one upgrades various links in the system certain improvements should be heard. But there’s no guarantee. And not everyone thinks Nordost cables are AMAZING sounding. It all depends quite a bit depending on a number of factors. I suspect you’re using this somewhat outrageous example, off the top of your head, not experience, you’re just guessing, for effect mostly as folks have rather differing opinions of Nordost cables. Nice try though. Every time a bell rings an angel gets his wings.

"You are...." Sorry. Didn't get any further.

>>>>Allow me to finish the sentence for you. Didn’t get any further than high school. 

Yes essentially Calvinj has shown that in his system he hears a difference between cables. He has also shown that it’s very simple to come to the conclusion. Do you like the sound better in your system based on the cables you use? Yes. If you do and it’s reasonable in cost then get them. Simple it’s not that hard. Doesn’t take a thesis!
cd318: yes, and so perhaps begs the question, what is the critical area of coverage required by cameras everywhere to lay this one to rest, permanently?

Kinda like cables really make a difference...guess we should use microphones everywhere too..exactly what sounds do UFOs make again?


I don’t think you quite got the point I had made.

The first is that, whatever amazing detail you EVER get through the most expensive, best audiophile cables you can buy - all that will ever tell you is about the sound quality that was passed along a large number of non-audiophile cabling to make that source (in the vast majority of recordings).

Every time someone puts $10,000 of new Nordost cable or whatever in to their system and gasps at the soundstage information, glorious amounts of subtle, organic detail, realism of the highs etc, they are gasping at the sound quality sent through numerous run-of-the-mill cables that were likely used in making that recording.

What you seemed to miss in my analogy to cameras, is that EVEN IF it were the case an audiophile cable were able to transmit more sonic information than the cables used to make the recording, if you are using that cable on the other side of the recording process - in your sound system - for the most part you are still limited to "viewing" the information at the level it was "sampled" by the original cables used to make that source. Your new cables can’t create new information that never got to the source recording in the first place. Just like using an 4K display to view a 1080p source, if almost everything you ever watch was recorded with a 1080p camera, you are not seeing more than 1080p even on your 4K display.

Post removed 

So essentially calvinj has shown, repeatedly, that he really just created this thread to troll people who are more skeptical than he is about cables.

Elizabeth also was happy enough to enter this thread and "alienate another audiophile" and "drive the nail in."

And yet we see complaints ini this same thread that "cable skeptics" are the ones looking to agitate.

Someone is defensive about being called a naysayer. You are a Cable naysayer. I really feel sorry for you and your lack of hearing. I do
Prof-you are wrong in your analogy with cameras. Today’s cameras are so much better than just a couple of years ago. My iPhone camera is probably better than the 1 ansel Adams used. I had a Nikon d1 which was a $5000 camera 20 years ago and it had features than some of the newer cameras don’t have, except for 1, number of megapixels. The d1 had 3 megapixels, the new nikons have10x more megapixels. If you blow up a picture from a d1 past a 8x10, you get fuzziness and it looks like s---, blow up a 25 or more megapixels camera and you will see it as pristine. Same goes with cables, new technology has improved the sound quality and sometimes this requires paying more $$$.
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You are one sick puppy dog. 🐶 Besides, you obviously read my posts. Otherwise, your panties wouldn’t get all twisted up. Hel-loo! My advice - lay off the dope.
Post removed 
A set of 4 different DC cables just arrived from Shanghai. The Canare 4S6G speaker cable with Oyaide GX16-2 to USB C connectors just went in system from the LPS to Router. 
@stevecham It's also funny how no pictures of ghosts or other supernatural phenomena have appeared in recent times despite the number of cameras now in use worldwide going off the scale.

Kind of puts centuries of anecdotal evidence into context. Human beings sure are a suggestible lot as any stage hypnotist will readily confirm.