Etheregen - doesn't seem right that it gets so hot, dangerous? Unpredictable?

This network device as glorious as it may be gets extremely hot, almost burning to the touch. Something doesn't seem right about that.

Is there a good alternative to using this thing, it was about $600 which isn't cheap. Optical connectivity which I like seems to be a good thing.

Frankly I'm not sure what the value is it with it vs something else that may be operationally more healthy to use.  So I disconnected it because the heat level seems kind of dangerous.  I have no confidence that it will Control itself and get absolutely and dangerously too hot in the future.


Yup it runs hot. But if you want here’s a custom cooling fin. There’s a picture of one in wild on my system profile. 



I have also found that taking a good component away can be often be more revealing than adding it. Particularly, I like leaving something in for weeks, then removing it. Getting past the quick A - B and on to a more long termed (subconscious access meant).  

Last night I further experimented with my EtherRegen and Muon Streaming System going into my Tambaqui DAC.

I first removed both and went direct ethernet (from my Silent Angel switch). The sound definitely became smaller and harsher.  Then I put in only the Muon system and I was rewarded with more spacious and smoother sound. Then (hoping I no longer needed the EtherRegen), I placed the ER in between the line in and the Muon, using the A side to B side moat.  Another definite but less intense improvement.  Sounds became smoother again and more open and enjoyable.

Also to note using the Network Acoustics other ethernet cable (the System includes it) makes a difference as well.

So to me and my ears, both add quite a bit!  I can more easily hear differences when I take away something vs adding something.  I think the ear can tell what it is missing more than what it wants!


I like the song Liberty to try these tests.  Using a fairly high volume, there is so much opportunity for air, space, tone, female voice and especially the piano.  At around 3 minutes, her voice and the high piano notes can be amazing or a little harsh.  Sublime with the filter and ER into my Tambaqui DAC;  the piano notes float in the air.

Maybe not in mass quantities nor from the website….he hand builds them five at a time. Parts supplies are very limited.

The Ether Regen is a superb switch with a single, really clean 100mbps ethernet port. It does a fine job. Think of doing nothing as being in neutral for your car’s transmission. The Ether Regen is first gear. Adding a Network Acoustics Eno filter in series with the Ether Regen is second gear. (So I’ve been told, I havent heard the Eno). Hanging the Muon off the Ether Regen is another fullgear to gear and a half better than the Eno in this configuration (I have loaned my Ether Regen to a friend). Now, here’s where it gets interesting.


The Muon, the Muon ethernet cable and the Network Acoustics Rubicon switch being powered by the iFi Elite 12v power supply combine to create as flawless an ethernet stream as might be possible at the consumer level. Its mind blowing. Grannyring shared the info on the combo with me, I trust him and I tried it. It’s next level stuff squared. He’s been pretty quiet and I’m trying very hard not to come off as a fanboy. Heck, Jumia might even ask how hot it gets.


If you have an Ether Regen, enjoy it. If you want to upgrade it, get and Eno or maybe even stretch to the Muon. The Rubicon is stunning…with the Muon streaming system? End game.

I take a $5 heat sink from Mundorf on it whic cools it ,, the heat is from the regulators , the heat sink will add to its longevity you but a tube of artic silver 

paste they use to put on computer processors to fans  for under $20 cheap insurance , I take a zip tie to secure the heat sink , parts connecxion 

look for Mundorf ultra resistors , and then heat sinks buy 2 put paste on surface 

everything sits in the heat sinks 

@ozzy watch the video. I think he even addresses using the Muon filter with the Ether Regen but not sure about the optical feature.

Oh the Muon Filter is Audio Network's (England) new ethernet filter, made to surpass the previous Eno Filter.  If you get their matching ethernet cable, it is the 'Mupn System'

I made a nice improvement in my ethernet, and they are very nice to email with questions about your system.  Not sure if you need it for fibre...


I never heard of the Muon Filter I needed to look it up. Once I did it does seem promising, I’m not sure if it is available in the US or what it would cost.

Also, I am using the Ether Regen to convert the ethernet to fiber optical to run direct to my Lumin X1 so I’m not sure if it would have a use for the Muon Filter with this application. But I guess it could go before the Ether Regen.


Antipodes EX, do you use this as a substitute for the ether regen.

Interesting putting heat sinks on the etherregen.  Frankly there has to be a better Ethernet switch that also accommodates an optical port.  Although maybe you have to get an optical converter.

Don't think the eitherRegen is worth the trouble to deal with heat sinks.  Still no answer on why it gets so hot.

Thanks Ozzy for the easy and effective tip on heat sinks from Amazon.

I bought a four pack of 40mm x 40mm x 11mm Aluminum Heatsink Kit with 'Pre-applied Thermal Conducting Adhesive Tape'!  All for about $10.  My EtherRegen definitely runs quite warm, agree not hot.  I was more concerned about cables lying on top of it over time.  I placed three of the heatsinks on top (four would fit).  It has noticeably cooled the unit, and now if a cable rests on top it rests on the heatsink fins which are cooler.  The EtherRegen made an improvement in my system.  I have now added the Muon Filter, so need to try removing the EtherRegen and see if I miss it!  Network Acoustics recommends leaving the EtherRegen in front of the Muon filter.

To be clear, I am using only ethernet connection throughout the digital path.

The EX runs very cool.


An alternative to the etherregen is an Antipodes EX which you can find pre-owned for around £2,000.

The EX has more functionality than than the EtherRegen given that it can also work as a Roon End point and server, but i use it only as a renderer (which is the manufacturers recommendation) between the network switch and DAC and find it to be highly effective.

As I previously stated,

"I'm using the After Dark power supply that also powers the After Dark clock, and though I can say my Ether Regen is warm I would not classify it as hot. I can keep my hand on top of it without any discomfort."

So perhaps the power supply that is used has something to do with the excess heat?

BTW, there are heat sinks that can be added easily and available on Amazon.



Yes, the ether regen works very well. The question is, do you have the kinds of problems that the ether regen addresses? So many of us look to certain products with the expectation that it will "make things better". What if you have a very clean ethernet signal? What "improvement" can be made to a signal that is already very good? All too often, we expect an incremental gain from everything but if you don’t have a problem, how could a given product solve a non-existent problem. Everything isn’t cumulative. For instance, if you have 3 "units" of noise on your incoming ethernet feed and the ether regen will lower "any" ethernet signal to 5 "units" of noise, then we could agree that the ether regen isn’t applicable to your system. It doesn’t make it ineffective, in fact, it is very effective you just might not need the help. I loaned mine to a friend who has a questionable ethernet signal and he is blown away by the positive impact; lower noise floor, soundstage, dynamics, etc all improved and he (like I) WAS kindof a non-believer.


Is Etherregen the best I can do?

Well, that depends on the problem you are trying to solve and your budget. There are better solution but they are more $$$. Again, what is it you are trying to solve?

Yes it runs really hot, and company is unable to explain why. Is anyone seeing any benefit to this product?

Maybe I’ll try hooking it to a better quality plug. Is the one they provide any good?


Is Etherregen the best I can do?

thanks @sns

i looked, my uptone power supply sent with the etherregen is 7.5v 4.8 amp dc output (seems pretty healthy)

also i read 97* temp on the top of the e-r unit checked with my infrared thermometer, by touch it feels hot but can leave my hand on it for a good while before being uncomfortable, so it is hot but not searingly so

i guess this is all well within design spec... i do hope the things lasts a long time running like that... it makes a real difference in my system

Post removed 

Many years ago I discovered over at audiophilestyle forum,  devices that run at various voltages will take the higher voltage and throw excess off as heat, lower voltages will consume more of supplied voltage, thus, less waste and heat. On the other hand, some claim better sound quality with higher voltage lps on these devices. I've never heard a noticeable change in sound quality.


As for current draw, I've learned many years ago to over spec my lps, therefore, lps  can supply more current than device it powers requires. Lps runs cooler not working to supply max amp it's capable of. Recent thread here on premature failures of Uptone Lps 1, I suspect due to it's very limited amperage output, its straining to supply needed amps to devices its powering, this mean greater heat, heat is enemy of reliability, durability. I've been powering my router for many years with way over spec lps, this on 24/7 high amp draw device, lps and router runs cool, no issues. Same with every single lps and device I'm powering, all run relatively cool with proper lps voltage and amperage match to device it's powering.


On spec page at Uptone states runs at 118-126F, so seems normal for the device. I suspect it would run lower temp with 7v vs 12v.


can you pls elaborate... runs cooler which way -- @ 7 or 12v dc in? i will need to check the swps that came with it, see its voltage output

i suppose the idea is current draw (and thus heat) is higher at the lower end voltage feeding the total power needed by the device, so it may a smidge cooler if fed 12v to lower current draw?

The excessive heat given off by the Uptone EtherREGEN was one of the main reasons that I didn’t want to implement it into my system. I use a passive Network Acoustics ENO Streaming System that is a dedicated RFI filter that helps to feed my music server a cleaner signal that comes from my router through two network switches. RFI/EMI and heat can really affect your music enjoyment experience if not properly addressed in your listening chain. 



Retired this thing after about a year and quite frankly I have a very revealing system and I don't notice any difference whatsoever. 

Please share

Comparing the switch to an amplifier or tube it's not really a good comparison.

Retired this thing after about a year and quite frankly I have a very revealing system and I don't notice any difference whatsoever. 

So I'll probably get an optical converter and a nicer switch.

Yes they do say it will run hot, they don't explain why, it's circuitry. No reason for it to be so hot. I discovered the thing flipped over on top of my hardwood floor and left a mark, how stupid was that to do.

You think etherregen hot, try 845 SET amp, damn thing is wonderful space heater in winter, summer forgetaboutit.

Recently undergoing a lounge renovation, the audio system was dismantled including the EtherRegen.  I found with great difficulty to unplug the Ethernet cable, the jack had a distorted plastic case and wouldn't disconnect.  Spent several minutes trying to dislodge, but eventually came out. The rj45 case felt brittle, most likely due to the heat. 

The next rj45 goes in will have to cope with an ambient of 80C to avoid the same drama. I just wonder how the tiny connections hold up...

i only listen with the ether regen in the signal path... but i have gotten used to wearing my nomex race suit and have fire extinguisher mounted under my listening seat 😂

@pokey77. so when you were running an ER you got a lot of patients that had sustained burns from EtherRegen?



The EtherRegen runs hot. The designer said it would and it does. The designer also said it would improve the ethernet feed and it does. I've had mine several years, works flawlessly. You are certainly justified to not get one if you believe the heat is too much. Worrying about operability or danger? I think not. I fear touching the ether regen just a little less than I fear touching an operating 211 vacuum tube.

Get a 5 port netgear, tplink or linksys and forget it. I've been using a netgear for years inside a cabinet and can handle it whenever I want. Worrying about switches in home networking is straining at a gnat.  

I have noticed my Etheregen was running a little too warm for my comfort as well. A simple heatsink applied to the top of the unit with thermal tape worked out better than I would have originally thought. A nice bonus-my unit is now heavier and lays still, thus making it less inclined to spring forth off my table due to those unbending Supra ethernet "Launchers"(CAT-6 cables).

The topic of the ER running hot has been addressed over and over on the internet and the website, audiophilestyle, by users and the designer John Swenson. I'd recommend that you take a look at the website.

I have had an ER for nearing three years and wouldn't want to be without it. It sits under a desk and I use a fan same as @vinylvalet uses. It does the trick.

I appreciate folks bringing this up. I had forgotten how warm it was and noticed my unit had fallen onto the carpet. So, I retired it to stay on the shelf.


I was quite surprised to see how low a temperature can cause skin burns. Having lived in Tucson a dealt with seat belt buckles and steering wheels. But on a note, one source points out to sustain a real burn a couple minutes of contact is required at 125. Thirty seconds at 130. But still much lower than I would have guessed. 

I'm using the After Dark power supply that also powers the After Dark clock, and though I can say my Ether Regen is warm I would not classify it as hot. I can keep my hand on top of it without any discomfort.


So it runs very hot and we accept it as being OK because the specs say this.  Why does it run so hot and it's continuous. There must be a reason for this.

A person achieves a first-degree burn at 120° and a second-degree burn at 130° and somehow seeing spec detail showing 125° is somehow going to make it all better. This thing uses a ton of energy as an aside, grossly wasteful.

So I'm looking for a worthwhile optical conversion and a decent network switch that's unmanaged, and then I can move on.  Quoting “pretty girl“ - huge disappointment.

After listening to the System without this etheregen not hearing much of a problem and with a better network switch and optical conversion I'm sure it'll be just wonderful.  


Same with the Sonore opticalRendu (discontinued) that I own. Burning hot stock 7V supply (cheap Chinese power supply available on aliexpress for about 1/4 of what Sonore charges). I added big heat sinks that hardly helped. Finally added the linked fans; still hot but no longer dangerous.

Quiet Fans


On spec page at Uptone states runs at 118-126F, so seems normal for the device. I suspect it would run lower temp with 7v vs 12v.

The EtherRegen does get very hot. It actually was extremely disappointing with my Krell K-300i integrated when used with the built-in RJ45 streaming. The KRELL has the very best ROON READY implementation I have ever used.

I was about to ditch the EtherRegen when I came across John Swenson’s posts or white paper on the best way to do streaming. I was under the impression fibre optical directly out of a network switch into my Sonore OpticalRendu was the best way. However, Swenson, who designed the EtherRegen and OpticalRendu recommended using a fibre conversion just before the OpticalRendu.

There are many devices that can do this such as the Sonore OpticalModule. However, since I had the EtherRegen handy I tried that, in reverse order B > A, and I noticed a slight improvement in sound, as predicted in Swensons writings. So, the EtherRegen has stuck around running hot. There are other cheaper ways to do this conversion.

I have heat issues with another LPS I bought used with my 3rd OpticalRendu. That thing runs like fire, and I no longer use it due to concerns about fire. The EtherRegen in comparison is like air conditioning.





I was using fiber into the EtherRegen with an LPS 1.2 and was very happy with the results and I didn't have any issues with it,  but I ended up selling it for a much cheaper StarTech MCM1110MMLC Gigabit Ethernet Fiber converter along with a iFi Power supply.   The StarTech doesn't run hot and I didn't really notice a drop off in performance.

Are you using the stock power supply or an aftermarket linear power supply? When I owned one I ended up using a 7V Farad Super3 power supply, which actually improved the sound at an even greater margin vs the EtherRegen by itself. It also stabilized the heat, I found, though it was still warm to the touch. I sold both for the Synergistic Research UEF Switch which is not hot at all and sounds much more organic, but of course at a much higher price.