Well, I, too live west of Houston in Katy. I did receive some damage (all electronics are OK) but nothing that I can't deal with. I did not board up - I could feel the storm wanting to suck out my windows. I lost power 9:30 Friday night and was not able to follow the storm. At that time it had not made its northerly turn and we were expecting the worse. I kept in touch with friends in Dallas hourly on the track of the storm. This storm could not have taken a worse to harm Houston - right up the ship channel. A Cat 2 (high)/3 (low) with a Cat 4 surge. I was without power for only 21 hrs.
Rhyno - would just love to audition you sytem sometime. A fellow co-worker of mine just sold one of Bob Crump's designed preamps. A very nice piece of equipment but out of my range of affordability. Glad you are OK. |
Cajunpepe if you are ever passing through the New Orleans area get in touch and give a listen to what replaced my Katrina lossed system.
We are riding out the storms with some great classic rock and roll.
Ahhheee |
You've had more than your share of misfortune. My heart goes out to you. Those are terrible losses, both financially and emotionally. |
I would listen to Dear Prudence from the White Album. If that was the last song that I ever heard then I would die happy. If I got scared then I would listen to Silent Night. |
I lost $45,000 in gear to Katrina---ever see a pair of JM Lab Alto Utopias with toxic water above the Beryllium tweeter? MC 501s with 5 ft. of water covering them?
Glad to hear you had no damage. I had about $30,000 in damage from Hurricane Gustav a few weeks ago. i guess there goes the new MC 2301s I've been eyeing. Allstate only covers so much.
Pepe |
Les Brers in A Minor - The Allman Brothers Band |
Take me to the river,dip me in the water... |
Well, don't know about everyone else here, but my system gets unplugged when there's a storm..... |
You might get a shockingly liquid sound !!! |
Yikes! Turn your system OFF during a storm!!! |
Jackson Browne- " Before the deluge" |
Creedence Clearwater Revival, "Who'll stop the rain?" |
Yeah, well "Riders On the Storm" would seem to be the answer.
Try "Fear Of a Blank Planet" by Porcupine Tree maybe. The hurricane may not seem so bad in comparison.
By the way, I really do like that album....but the subject matter is very dark and depressing in nature. |
Townes Van Zandt - Live at the Old Quarter, Houston, Texas |
This is one the unfortunately came true for us. Pot Liquor Levee Blues. This lp is recorded very well, Louisiana group from the early 70s. |
The Tide is high- Blondie |
Hopping and praying all will be ok in the Houston area. Savoy Brown Hell Bound Train Stevie Ray Vaughan Texas Flood |
thinking about this topic again...
local record store (the vinal edge) sent an email & rec'd 'hunky dory' by david bowie
i'm going for live dead, one from the vault.
anything else? sure hope i keep power, else its onto the guitar by candlelight (sure wish i had an acoustic right now).
(pray for those on the coast who stayed. they're goners) |
Loving a Hurricane by John Hiatt is another storm related song. |
Hey Rhyno, glad to see the worst avoided you.
In celebration, how about Peter Gabriel's "Here Comes The Flood"?
My critters are family members. When I took them into my family, I also took on the obligation for their well-being. Period. |
totally w/ you on the pet issue. my wife & i have 2 cats, and it was never a consideration---we share the same fate, no matter what. does it color our actions? sure! we lectured a neighbor before she (unnecessarily) evacuated that she better have water available for her dog and she was welcome to some of our bottled H2O if needed for the pup.
any person who'd leave a pet in a disaster is an animal themselves.
rhyno |
west side of houston is just fine. i unplugged everything last night as it was rolling in, but we never lost power (!), and i don't think i got even 1" of rain. wind gusts can be heard, but slept like a baby. as did my brother (10mi east) and parents (20mi north). took a look around this AM outside; not even 1 tree branch down on my block.
these houstonians should be ashamed of themselves: first they rush to evacuate unnecessarily, and now the news is showing cars backing up on INBOUND traffic (i.e. returning home), when the mayor is on every local TV / Radio station begging people to stay away a few days so as to give EMT room / resources to work unobstructed (there's still winds up to 75mph in select areas of town, with obvious attendant risk to motorists). but no, houstonians got to rush back now that their own personal asses are not in danger, to hell w/ those poor folks on the LA/TX border who need the real help.
raquel, you really should get a grip. not all people share the same risk in a hurricane. for those with a marginal risk, such as myself, i and my fellow low-risk citizens are a menace to those who are at risk. i'm not making light of a hurricane; i am trying to clarify that there is a stratification of risk that people face with natural disasters, and for most in houston, ESPECIALLY those on the NW / W side, it was marginal. coastal residents anywhere in LA/TX suffer a much greater risk than i, and rightly should evacuate, and not be interrupted or obstructed by pansy-assed sheeple that evacuate unnecessarily. once you grasp that point, you'll understand my position, and why my wife & i had every intention to ride the storm out, and make the best of it (steaks on the grille tonight, windows unboarded tomorrow).
(fwiw, we had planned to evacuate at 3am Fri if the storm turned towards us, but with the day's data under analysis, it became a 3 sigma event)
live led zeppelin (how the west was won) up soon. great live set. once my wife gets up (she barely slept, but that's routine) i may put on Sgt Peppers & see how she takes "lovely rita" & SRV "texas flood"----almost a palpable sense of relief on the block / local TV at this point. the bitch rita finally came in, but really, she sputtered out quite a bit and did everyone in her path a great favor by losing a LOT of steam over the gulf coastal area and turning east (though i have a hard time in taking comfort in her turn, as my benefit is someone else's loss).
this could've been a lot worse; what i fear most now is not for rita fallout, but for rita to deflect attention from those poor people in NO who lost everything, and still have nothing---not even time on the evening news any longer.
rhyno |
Stan to the rescue as usual |
Rhyno, If you are reading these posts, that means you have power, give us a status report....
Jim |
Raquel,I dont think anyone here is trying to make any less of what can be a bad situation;Ive lived on the east and west coast of Fl most of my life,and understand very well how destructive mother nature can be,,,,and believe me ,sometimes a little humor or a little enjoyable distraction can make a bad situation a lot easier to get thru,Santana"Singing Winds,Crying Beast" Red Hot Chilli Peppers "If You Have to Ask" Jimi Hendrix "In From the Storm" ,,,,,,,,,,,,Make love not war,,Peace |
I'm sorry that you see us that way.
You do however have that right,and we in the hi-fi community still love you for your input .
Stay strong
Raquel maybe you should get your butt down to your parents' place or your friend's house and dig in instead of bumping your gums here. Your hot air would be quite at home down there. |
Raquel writes: and is disrespectful of the people who are trying their best to survive I understand some aspects of your post (although I struggle to agree with you) but you go too far with this comment. Regards, |
I am going to try to explain this as best I can: posting a thread about what songs to listen to while riding out a hurricane expresses a childish, flippant attitude about a subject that could not be more serious, and is disrespectful of the people who are trying their best to survive, and to help others survive, a very dangerous event.
My elderly, ailing parents live a mile from the beach on the east coast of central Florida, and had to evacuate three times last fall due to powerful hurricanes. One of my closest friends from high school lives in Tupelo, and just spent two weeks on the Mississippi coast with a chainsaw, trying to help friends stand up after Katrina. Another close friend of mine living in Miami Beach in 1992 went to Kendell, south of Miami, because Andrew was predicted to hit near Ft. Lauderdale. He spent six hours in a bathroom at the center of the house, and at the end, only he and the bathroom remained. There are close to a million people displaced by Katrina and 1,000+ dead. People have been and will be killed by Rita.
In short, I find your thread to be an example of yahoo-ism at best, but mostly, just plain offensive (although your flailing self-justifications do not lack for comedy). |
Peter Gabriels "here comes the flood" |
Jackson Browne- After the Delute. |
CCR, "Bad Moon Rising" "Who'll Stop Rain" |
Raquel's questionable comments aside, just listen to what you WANT to! Listening to flood-themed songs is a little morbid, but that's just my opinion. Listen to whatever takes your mind off the impending situation. Music is one of the better solutions to stress, and it doesn't have to be situation-themed to be effective. |
how about Jackson Browne's Before The Deluge |
How about "It's Alright Now" by Free and "30 Days in the Hole" by Humble Pie. "In My Room" by the Beach Boys? |
Raquel,,,,why are you so mean? |
Stevie Ray ,,The Sky is Crying,,,,,,,,,,ive been thru a few bad storms living in S. Fla for 43 yrs,,,,hope you all make it thru the storm safe!!! |
Another one i had to pull out:
Led Zeppelin: When the Levee Breaks.
Rhyno |
Definitely "Riders on the Storm" the Doors. Something about that song is adventurous and ominous at the same time. I'll say an extra prayer for you and your fellow East Texans tonight. |
Rhyno, Just goes to show that conventional wisdom rarely is, and that the uninformed populace here is living up to the state's rank as one of the least educated states in the US...at least these people got good hearts, with the way they welcomed the Katrina evacuees... Gee Rhyno, does that apply to your friends in Dallas too ? Just when I was thinking my college degree had some value :^). |
Another one just popped in my brain-- Weather Report "Heavy Weather. BTW, of course a hurricane is no joke, but keeping your brain occupied during difficult times can get you thru. I should know, I live in Miami. |
King Crimson's "In the Wake of Poseiden". |
How abut Derek and the Dominoes Let it Rain? Allman Bros Stormy Monday? My favorite would be The Grateful Dead's Weather Report Suite from their Wake of the Flood album. "Listen to the thunder shout "I AM" |
the johnny cash rec is actually "5 feet high & rising". great song too. local college radio played it yesterday, along w/ lots of other flood oriented songs, such as SRV's "weather" (FM is out, as i'm not interested in keeping a lightning rod antenna plugged in at the moment)---but no matter how relevant, college radio still wouldn't bring themselves to play REO Speedwagon...gotta love those college kids.
already listened to GD's "wake of the flood" (optmistic?) CD and live "row jimmmy". think i might have a lil lyle lovett "if i had a boat". derek & dominoes live from fillmore, w/ greatest ever "let it rain" (20min, with great drum solo and with incredible venue ambiance) is up next.
don't worry bout me, worry bout those truly in trouble (coastal folks, esp those poor dumb bastards that didn't leave!). seems likely i'm in for a big nasty rain / wind, but that's pretty common in texas anyways... |
What is your problem Raquel??? My mother used to say, "If you don't have anything nice to say, then shut the hell up!"
Robin Trowers' Whisper Up a Storm from 20th Century Blues. Good luck Rhyno... |
>>I don't know what's worse, that someone would post such a thread or that the moderator would let something this idiotic through.<<
Neither. Dumb and stupid comments like this are the worst. How about considering a Dale Carnegie course? |
Jea48: I was outraged at first, but am now quite amused by this thread. Keep it coming. |