Neil Young calls out Tidal

TIDAL is calling their files of my songs Masters. But TIDAL’s MQA files are not my masters. I make my masters - not TIDAL. I made my masters the way I wanted them to sound. If TIDAL referred to their titles as TIDAL MASTERS, I would have no problem, but they don’t. They call them Masters. I had my music removed from that platform. They are not my masters.”.


Rasmussen poll  


59% of Democrats support government forcing Americans to remain confined in their homes if they refuse the COVID vaccine

78% of Democrats support President Biden’s vaccine mandate for businesses with more than 100 employees

55% of Democrats support fining Americans who don’t get the jab

48% of Democrats say the government should fine or imprison Americans who publicly question the efficacy of COVID vaccines

47% of Democrats support the government tracking the unvaccinated to ensure they are quarantined or socially distant

More than one-quarter of Democrats say parents should lose custody of their children if they refuse the COVID vaccine


At what point do they start loading the unvaccinated onto trains?



At what point do they start loading the unvaccinated onto trains?


For a while there, the vaccinated and unvaccinated alike were unfortunately being placed into temporary morgues, however, as a member of the tribe, your "trains" example is a dog whistle and offensive.

Post removed 

First point : it is easy to know if you have risks or not because of your medical history then deciding to vaccinate all because you say we dont know our own risk is ridiculous...


Second point: there exist many low cost treatment that where CRIMINALLY banned for those who dont need to be vaccinated..


Third point: the mortality rate is slightly around one %...


Four point: The sane epidemiological politic is evident even for someone with a brain and without medical experience... Instead of shutting down economies and killing people, and erasing freedom, the sane politic was treatment with very efficient low cost drug that already exist but were criminally BANNED... And vaccination of at risk people ONLY...
If they are unvaccinated patient in the hospitals it is also because all preventive treatment again severe consequences of the virus were BANNED... Think about that...
For example it is SCIETIFICALLY proved that all people gravely ill are vitamin D deficient...And anyway ask israely hospitals about vaccines efficiency...the vaccines dont make a great difference at all...


Five point : The risk of "negatives outcome from covid exceed the risk of the vaccines" is completely false... NOBODY knows the long term effect of the vaccine on all the population in the long term... And autopsies of people dead with vaccines are VERY ALARMING... But nothing of this is in the TV set ... Close you TV... And dont forgot the deaths associated with the insane shutdown of economies...It is proven that is it equal to covid deaths worlwide guess why? 


Six point : I dont listen Joe Rogan but his guests... i listened his 2 guests for 6 hours which are top scientist who spoke for Thousand of other doctors, the quack doctor here is Dr Fauci my friend...and i dont know but calling quack doctors these one :
Calling Nobel Prize winer of medecine Luc Montagnier a quack?
Calling Michael Yeadon Vice president of Pfizer top research scientist a quack ?
Calling Robert Malone the only one who own first patent on mRna vaccines a quack?
Calling Dr McCullough one of the greated specialist of covid tretment and one of the greatest cardiologistby citationsin the world a quack?
Calling Gert Van den Bossche who worked for Bill Gates one of his top scientist on vaccines a quack?

Before calling someone a quack INFORM YOURSELF...
The list of serious experts on my side is too long to be put here... Wo is the quack Fauci the liar or them ?


Seven point: how hypocrital and egoistical  to say that vaccines are not enforced but mandate and we are free...How about loosing his job and salary if you are in institution who mandate them ?

 Point Eight : This insane mass vaccination of all people also exert on the virus population a force that make it mutate more rapidly and with more risk to create very bad mutations... But this matter is too complex for people who do not understand even simple fact...


last point in the fever of a discussion we exhange hot words but i want to say that i do no think ill about you and i tank you for your wishes... I am passionate but i love everybody...

@mahgister - glad you are feeling OK. The problem with your logic is that many people are not aware they have comorbidity. Also, this affects overweight people disproportionately, something the media should be emphasizing (and living a healthier lifestyle), but somehow that is politically incorrect and I am sure some of these people do not think of themselves as overweight.

I wouldn’t say the number of people badly affected is very small. It is in the millions. Very few of those are vaccinated, almost all of them have comorbidity. The hospitals (I spoke with a doctor the other day) are overwhelmed by unvaccinated patients because of omicron. Even though it is less virulent, the sheer number of people that caught it make even a very small number of those people needing significant medical attention too high for hospitals to handle their normal business.

I am not saying not to treat the unvaccinated, but to give other patients that were vaccinated or in there for other urgent problems priority.

The risk of negative outcomes for covid dwarfs the risk of the vaccine. It should be discussed with the patient’s personal doctor. They will not mandate (at least mine wouldn’t ever), they will recommend a course of action (I take my doctor’s advice and many times he asks me what I think and we decide together). If they think you will have no adverse reaction, I don’t envision any doctor except for quacks and complete outliers from the medical profession not recommending the vaccine. I am not talking about listening to corrupt politicians, government agencies or Joe Rogan or one of his guests (like Aaron Rogers did and then lied about it), YOUR DOCTOR.

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The democrat in US and the republican half of them are complete idiots....Trump or Biden supporters are quacks and nuts at best...

In canada our number of idiots and sleepwalkers seems to be around 30 % who are with Trudeau at best...We dont own guns but we own trucks...

The least intelligent 50% are never the brightest.  You can bank on that!

@ghasley your people don't have a monopoly on human suffering or extermination camps. So please miss me with your concern trolling

Yes @kitechaser is totally absorbed and worried about himself. Stop changing the subject!  Let the martyr speak. 

@mahgister - 1) some people do not go to doctors - they obviously don't care about their health, but their carelessness can hurt others by causing health care shortages 2) You don't need a treatment if you are not sick 3)1% is a huge amount of people 4) Did I say anything about shutting down economies, and who says the people who didn't want to get vaxxed would have sought out your preventive treatments or taken vitamin c 5) I was referring to individual personal physicians telling their patients who are not at risk of an adverse reaction to not get vaccinated quacks, not these others you list as scientists. There is a difference between talking heads and scientists and personal physicians who know someone's personal history and have a vested interest in their health 7) they are not mandated - you can go work somewhere else - you can't do that in places like China.

Lastly - mutations seem to be less and less virulent - by not causing as many symptoms, carriers don't isolate and spread it more easily. If they were isolating, it wouldn't spread as fast. That is the theory, and hopefully it will play out by just being a component of the annual flu vaccine, which is not a mandate. The current vaccine is not mandated, there is no punishment for not taking it, just a potential loss of privileges.

The medical professionals I have asked are of the opinion that over time this is most likely to play out like the flu. Periodic vaccinations to address. I get flu shot every year. One year I did not. Got the flu and was laid up for days. Very healthy otherwise, knock on wood. But I am 62 and none of us are getting younger.  Live and learn and keep an open mind.  Nothing stays the same indefinitely.  That’s the best you can do. 

Taking vitamin D vitamin c and zinc etc is not a great hard task... Almost all people know their medical history in rich country anyway... By the way when on TV Fauci did ever recommend people to take simple preventive measure like the one i just listed ? asked yourself why?

1) some people do not go to doctors - they obviously don’t care about their health, but their carelessness can hurt others by causing health care shortages 2) You don’t need a treatment if you are not sick

Yes it is a huge amount but not unlike some flu of the past, this does not justify the shutdown of economy by the measure taken worlwide in rich countries especially ..

.3)1% is a huge amount of people

You are right, you NEVER say that and this indicate some ignorance level because a majority of the deaths of covid from people who are not too old and with no  co morbidities were caused by the ABSENCE of preventive treatment, i dont mean a treatment who will prevent the virus here but a treatment which will prevent the worst outcome of effects and because it is SCIENTIFICALLY established i dont even need to give a link if you dont know that  already, you know nothing...

4) Did I say anything about shutting down economies, and who says the people who didn’t want to get vaxxed would have sought out your preventive treatments or taken vitamin c

All the sientists i spoke about in this post of mine are AGAINST mass vaccination enforced on all people... They recommend ONLY target vaccinations for reason too numerous to list here...The only talking heads are disciple of Fauci on TV set...If you dont know the name of those scientists i spoke about it is because the like of Neil Young and thanks to corporation they are CENSORED and banned from ANY official media outlet... You dont live in a democracy in America, if you dont know that you are in a pre-china oligarchy dictatorship you are naive...

5) I was referring to individual personal physicians telling their patients who are not at risk of an adverse reaction to not get vaccinated quacks, not these others you list as scientists. There is a difference between talking heads and scientists and personal physicians who know someone’s personal history and have a vested interest in their health

Saying that to justify an insane politic consequence where you may loose your job and go on the street because of the big losses of jobs in the last 2 years is to say the least egoistical view...

7) they are not mandated - you can go work somewhere else - you can’t do that in places like China.

Thiis is true generally but no more when we apply artificial pressure on the virus normal population dynamic by UNCESSARY MASS VACCINATIONS instead od targetted vaccination ... It is all explained by Gert Van Den Bossche read him...It is too complicated to be put here call that epidemiology 101 by an ex Bill gates top expert...

Lastly - mutations seem to be less and less virulent -

A point which is evident for me because i made an extensive research for 6 months is the degree of ignorance about the UNTESTED and potential very high risks of this mRNA vaccines not only at short term with negative adverse events but LONG term on the population...

Not one here speaking about vaccinated ALL people MASSIVELY even the young and the pregant women,  seems to know that at all and taking that into account ...

Astounding level of ignorance...

But No official news media spoke about that... I am retired and i have the time to do some research ...

People are easy to fool, they will believe anything which is believed by the majority of people around them... It is normal, but when this faith collide with delicate matter that does not work... What the majority believe in has nothing do do with science ...

And there is no consensus in science but DEBATES...but here about covid we have on the right experts PAID by corporations and experts FREE of any links who spoke freely... it is easy to see which are the truest...

If you censor debates like senile Neil Young did you destroy science and freedom...

Is it difficult to understand a thing so simple?



These people redefine all your Rights as  Privilege and then gaslight you when you speak up. The very definition of Orwellian 



50% of people are in fact smarter than the average bear and harder to fool.

50% not so much

Smart people tend to rule. Some are honest, some less so.

Blaming where we are on people being stupid is not a rational argument. Some of those people are probably even smarter than any of us. Plus some have access to ALL the data. We don’t.

Just saying. Rant on but would prefer you get some rest and get back to normal first.


@kitechaser nobody has the right to inflict harm or injury on another. Does not matter what you or I think. That’s a fact! We all have the right to make the rules as they regard to "our house" a figurative term. Can mean house, place of business, public place, municipality, you name it. Those in charge make the rules. You don’t like it, take it up with them.  If it doesn't happen maybe move elsewhere.   If you are asking for something reasonable someone out there will listen.  That's why diversity is good.     Just don't rail on and on an audio forum.  It's not just all about you or me or anyone.    Cheers!





At what point do they start loading the unvaccinated onto trains?


For a while there, the vaccinated and unvaccinated alike were unfortunately being placed into temporary morgues, however, as a member of the tribe, your "trains" example is a dog whistle and offensive.


@ghasley your people don't have a monopoly on human suffering or extermination camps. So please miss me with your concern trolling


You've got me mixed up with someone else....I'm not telling anyone to do anything....get a vax, don't get a vax, I'm ambivalent because understanding human behavior renders many conversations moot.


I'm not even sure what it means or why/if "concern trolling" is a thing. My very limited experience with some people who, when implying the potential (paranoid) loss of privilege or their worthiness/right to a particular behavior have to go "there" when they know full well what "trains" means to the many who lost relatives in the Holocaust. You don't think that cloud on the horizon that many see isn't real? When a church or a synagogue is attacked? You would be hard pressed to point to a time in human history where a larger group was murdered in such a short time solely because of how they worship. Certainly the indigenous peoples around the world could make a case....


If I somehow offended you for pointing out that you were (accidentally or otherwise)  saying offensive things then I'm not sure where we go from here. You either recognize it or you don't. Regarding your comment about ""your people" not having a monopoly on human suffering or extermination camps"...that's a circumstance that no one should wish on others.

i am glad to say that you are right blaming people to be stupid is itself a stupidity...

i am not perfect in the fire of a discussion...

But you are wrong about a point :those who TRULY are at the high level of power are psychopaths...being at the high level of power is their goal in life...

if you dont read and study about psychopaths you will not know why it is so...I cannot enter into this matter here...

Very intelligent people DONT RUN THE SHOW ever and dont wanted to generally ...

Geniuses create they dont give a dam about power...Autistic and asperger people and very talented people create and need their free time to create more ...Psychopath cannot create and dont want...Guess why if you know what a psychopath is ? It is because their goal is controlling everything around them it takes all their time... Their only LONG TERM goal is control and it is ALSO their first short term goal , control... And psychopath own a very low level of fear....They aremade to be leader willing it or not because they can eliminate any more competent but less psychpathic competition...They own no remorse...

By the way psychopath are not all also sociopaths... most psychopaths will never be direct murderers and are not all heavy violent...Corporate leaders a great % of them are psychopaths which seems to lead normal science book about psychopaths easy to verify...

 there is 3 % of psychopaths in the population... And probably 25 % of corporate leaders are psychopaths at least...Because there exist a direct link between leadership ambition and this pathology of the mind...


50% of people are in fact smarter than the average bear and harder to fool.

50% not so much

Smart people tend to rule. Some are honest, some less so.

Blaming where we are on people being stupid is not a rational argument. Some of those people are probably even smarter than any of us. Plus some have access to ALL the data. We don’t.

Just saying. Rant on but would prefer you get some rest and get back to normal first.


@ghasley +1

For a while there, the vaccinated and unvaccinated alike were unfortunately being placed into temporary morgues, however, as a member of the tribe, your "trains" example is a dog whistle and offensive.

250 million people have been killed worldwide by communist regimes in this last century. Like I said, no one people have a monopoly on human suffering.

Or 🚂🚂🚂s


@mahgister true some up there maybe most are driven by power and money and all those things that many crave. But in USA they also have to get elected to attain that power. That is part of teh checks and balances. As long as those are in place, it will all work out in the end. Otherwise, if say a despot gains total control, then we are in trouble. It happens. We’ve all seen it attempt to play out in public view here in recent years. Don’t let it! Don’t let fear be the motivating force. They call it the Dark side for a reason. Cheers!

Excuse me but your argument is ridiculous here for many reasons...

Electing someone who work hard to be elected is not a proof that you are in a democracy...

There is no check or balance more powerful than corporate lobbies in US... NONE...Corporate lobby decide they own the information too and control it like in this Vaccines hysteria...

And Fauci is a despot and he never have total control save in medical research science for 40 years...this is PROVEN fact...

Things are not like your Disney World vision of the US... Sorry...


@mahgister true some up there maybe most are driven by power and money and all those things that many crave. But in USA they also have to get elected to attain that power. That is part of teh checks and balances. As long as those are in place, it will all work out in the end. Otherwise, if say a despot gains total control, then we are in trouble. It happens. We’ve all seen it attempt to play out in public view here in recent years. Don’t let it! Don’t let fear be the motivating force. They call it the Dark side for a reason. Cheers!



So, does that mean non-communists killed all the others?


No one claimed a monopoly on human are the one introducing it into a conversation where an artist of marginal importance took a stand against what he believed to be a wrong and another "artist" of marginal importance took it in stride and apologized. The marginally important streaming service then doused the fire with water it shouldn’t be a "thing" anymore.


Why are you so angry and quick to snark? About the "thing" itself or your right to hijack a very dark period for a particular purpose.

I didn’t say it was perfect!   Far from it.  Money rules always. But there is power in numbers and checks and balances. If one is not happy where they live, there are many other options. At least in the USA. Nobody has to live in NYC the most densely populated place in the country. THere is always Hooterville and everyplace in between. Some places way more popular than others though the pendulum is always swinging.

Post removed 

There is no democracy nor science fact ruling in canada for the last 2 years...

Fear rule and corporate dictum...

It is the same in the US...

NO DEMOCRACY at all....we will be like china in few years if we dont protest against corporations ruling OVER the laws and over science... Anyway medical science exist no more...They are bought....And the true unbought scientists are censored and some say it is a tempest in a glass of water...This is a PROVEN fact by the way not my opinion...If you dont know that you know nothing...I can prove it if someone is ignorant and back it by a former director of the greatest medical journal in the world is it enough?


If it is not wearing blinders or keeping his head in the sand i dont know what it is....

And what does any of this have to do with audio or music?  Aren't there more appropriate platforms for your "thoughts"?

They are plenty of threads here where nobody talk about these critical matters...

Why are you here complaining?

Neil Young = censorship appeal...

Is it not enough?

There is a worldwide crisis and you think about speaking  audio all the time and only about that?

Why not respecting the many people who are also concerned, and why the unconcerned dont go to an another thread about "important audio matter upgrade" ?

Why whining ?

Too ignorant to be concerned?

And what does any of this have to do with audio or music? Aren’t there more appropriate platforms for your "thoughts"?

In a nuclear war you will think about an upgrade?


@mahgister how are you my friend?

Why are you here complaining?

Neil Young = censorship appeal...

Is it not enough?

There is a worldwide crisis and you think about speaking abourt audio all the time and only about that?

In 20 years, the past couple of years will be but another data is not a crisis in the macro sense. Of course, if you've lost loved ones (I have) it can seem like one but a rational mind such as yours can see down the road.

Yes there has been a crisis. It’s called a pandemic with millions dead worldwide. Some cannot even agree on that probably.

People railing about the ramifications here is not a help. An audio forum is not a reliable source of health information.

Why are people so concerned about being fed misinformation so willing to perhaps serve it up as well? Misinformation + misinformation = more misinformation.

So go argue this point somewhere suitable if not afraid of confronting other experts. There are non of those here at least non so foolish as to waste time trying to convince a bunch of hifi guys that they are.






@mapman you are fanning the flames. 

Let’s all move on. 

Norway has the right idea….

Let’s all move on.

Agree.  That has been my point all along.  


So done finally ....I hope.

@kitechaser then go find some other experts for you to listen to.   More power to you!   Just please keep others out of it.  It's called minding your own business.

It is a worldwide crisis... There will be others crisis after this one...Yes but saying that is saying nothing at all...

Democacry versus corporate power is at stake here ...Nothing less..

@mahgister how are you my friend?

i am friend with everyone here if he want to also, why not?

I discuss with mapman for example and we dont have the same opinion but i consider it a friend... All friends are not roomates...All of my friends dont think the same as me...


And yes we cannot discuss with people interested only by audio upgrade in this crisis...

And yes i am completely foollish to do so mapman...

But stop calling others misinformed it is evident you dont have read anything about this crisis save Dr Fauci opinions...

i Prefer to be a fool than to be an ostrich...

@mapman please stop with the gaslighting, you want to mandate this vaccine on me..... not the other way around. 

you do you, leave me to make my own decisions about "MY" health.

Post removed 

@ghasley this is a historical document archived by a "JEWISH ORGANIZATION"

I am free to post it, or use it in any context that I see fit.

The Nazi treatment of the Jewish people by labeling them as diseased is very applicable here. History repeats itself...


and its pretty ironic that I know more about your people’s history than you do. If anything you should be against these mandates even more than I am.


and its pretty ironic that I know more about your people’s history than you do. If anything you should be against these mandates even more than I am.

That's unfair and untrue for you to say that. 

@mapman please stop with the gaslighting, you want to mandate this vaccine on me..... not the other way around.

No I don’t.

Move on now please.  Your paranoia is showing and it's not a good look.


@ghasley well agree to disagree.

History will not be kind to the people that are going along with the creation of this apartheid state, and you are right there in the middle of this arguing for it. 

The proof is in the pudding as they say 

Post removed 

@kitechaser you have misunderstood my position. I am not arguing for nor against Neil Young, Joe Rogan, Spotify nor am I advocating for or against vaccination nor mandates.


I am, however, emphatically stating that your continued hijacking of the Holocaust and the sacred symbols associated with it that you have used to attempt to make your points are in poor form, poor taste, they are insensitive at best and likely result in the inverse of your intended purpose. The occasional requirement to wear a mask while you are picking up a bag of chips does not equate to the Holocaust. Please, isn't the kind of historical moment where there are paralells to compare.

@ghasley again agree to disagree. 

I see the house as being on fire, from my point of view we as a people are at that precipice and the situation is that bleak. 

What if I told you the CDC has plans to forcibly abduct unvaccinated Americans from their homes to place them in internment camps, what would you say?

Too far fetched, crazy, in no way possible?


Well read to yourself


@ghasley and I am very glad that you not supporting this stuff, I mean no personal slight to you, any whatsoever, but my concern for this situation is not me conjuring up outrage. i really feel this way 🙏🙏🙏🙏



I also mean no ill are obviously intelligent and, as such, you would show a great deal of character choosing other ways than using the Holocaust and the plight of Jews to communicate your message.


The non vaccinated are not the jews...

The corporations who are the true non elected authorities behind all this with all bought politicians are not the nazis...

the differences between vaccinates and non vaccinated had little to do with distinction between "genuine" germans and jews for sure then speaking about the holocaust is meaningless...

Then dont speak about the holocaust here please....



But when it is said...

Fascism is defined to be the amalgamation of politic with corporate power , and we live in fascists countries in France , in Canada, And in the Us right now..

No proof needed at all... It is so evident they dont mask it....I will not even try to explaining that because if someone is so ill informed to contest that it is useless to speak with him...

You cannot argue with ostrichs politic stances...

Why do you think Puppet Trudeau bought 400 millions of dose for 40 millions of canadians?

Because he make personal profit about it and detain personal portfolio of actions in pharmaceuticals and they are other reason also....Guess which they are?



I'm whining because a few of you rant and rant and rant and rant and rant and then rant some more.  Do you not have the emotional intelligence to know what's appropriate and what's not?

Hey, maybe I'm wrong and anything important should be discussed here.  Alright, do you think Jalen Ramsey can cover JaMarr Chase?  Let's have 3,000 posts about that.  The Super Bowl is at stake!