Ok, but does your audio gear have rotons (metamaterials)?

Not yet. But get ready for the LS50 Meta Meta.

"A group of researchers is working on metamaterials that "grow" rotons. Metamaterials exhibit optical, acoustic, electrical, or magnetic properties that are not found in nature.…Thus, it might be possible in the future to better manipulate sound waves in air or in materials, for example, to bounce them back, redirect them, or create echoes. These materials have not been demonstrated experimentally yet; however, it should be possible to produce them by using technologies such as ultra-precise 3D laser printing." https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/06/210610135559.htm
Nobody marketing to men, with possible exception of Lyle Lovett use the term “ Large “…

I rest my mega meta case
I also believe my point about “ large “ was also made in Animal House. Veggie aisle, … say no more….
@asvjerry ,
Not meaning to pry, but do you ever get the overwhelming desire to roll around in the mud?
Like I've said before, that scene in Animal House is riffing on Voltaire's Micromegas.
Micromegas! Love that. Surely a riff on something more ancient. The monads of Leibniz? The dead atoms of Lucretius? 

Ok, that's enough of that. Back to the main discussion...about...the RETURN key. [Anyone up for a debate on the Oxford comma, instead?]
carpathian, well, no....Not to any great desire or driven nature....

Bad enough when spouse does facial clay...interesting gray~green color, tho'....

Done bow to keel, I'd look like an undernourished Groot with a bark mold.

Pry all you want, but hand me the crowbar after....;)
Interesting tidbit, when you finish a sentence with three periods instead of the standard single period, that triple period is known as an ellipsis...
..also referenced as a 'suspension point', an inference that there's a previous line of thought....
Typically 'derailed' (sometimes deranged, depending of POV....) or drifted on from....

I've stood accused of many things; OCD, ADHD, DWI, DWJust Fine, Thx, others...

I'll abstain from '... - - - ...', but Morsely it draws attention not required. :)

Very interesting. I'd never heard of a roton. It'll be interesting to see what can be done with these through engineering.  When I was in high school the hope was for room temperature superconductors to change everything. Didn't happen but superconductors do have their uses. The other big hope was cheap, abundant titanium to replace much of the items that are now made out of steel. Titanium bikes are here. They're very nice but expensive. Not too many car chassis made out of titanium that I know of. Ti is abundant in the earth's crust but remains hard to work with. 
@asctim....HO, I think it'll be while before Active Roton Dispersion Arrays for audiophile purposes may be available.  And I'd wager that speaker tech might have to respond in some fashion to make it a real thing...

...an acoustic hologram of sorts, without bathing in lasers....  "Nice, but gives me a sunburn of sorts....OMFG, my ears have burnt off ! ? !"

Ti is nice, but yes, pricey.  There may be a lot of it, but its' nature makes it hard to process anything out of it for use on or in anything.  I have 2mm sheet that one can cut with scissors, but has an edge like a razor blade....  Folds crisp, but one shot is all you get at it.
@avsjerry-     "...happy you're happy with 'Enter'...;)  But many problems stem from PEBKAC....*G*."
            In my case: it's NLBK (Nut Loose Behind Keyboard)!
@tomic601 -    "I also believe my point about “ large “ was also made in Animal House. Veggie aisle, … say no more…."  

     My favorite place for cucumber, is in a Middle Eastern restaurant.   NO: not in the Belly Dancer (you sick puppy).   The tzatziki!
     Sadly: mine is the only part of my body, I haven't (yet) outlived, but now: have no where to put!  


@asctim-    Ti is also very difficult to machine, must be machined slowly, requires special/expensive tooling and wears that tooling, very quickly.  
                   Great stuff, when you can use it!
Ah, that variation of the NBW; Nut Behind Wheel.....

Well, all that can happen here is to crash the 'puter....on a physical level of sorts, anyway.  Software, reboot.....

MetaMentalMisfortune, rubber mallet....;)
Try squeeze casting Ti and then electron beam welding it into ….. important bits for the F-22.

maybe we should’ve used rotors….
Soviets used to make submarine hulls out of titanium.
Must have been quite challenging...(note the fancy ellipsis for dramatic effect)
Thanks, tomic60.  I've been looking for a way to 'weld' my Ti cones instead of VHB dbl face film xfer tape.

Now all I have to either procure or DIY a electron beam welder about the size of a soldering gun...('Dramady effect' *L*)

Alternate application:  On the Highway Of Others' Hell.

("I wonder what his car would look like as a convertible...@ 85...?...Suddenly...")

"Rotten Rotons:  The Reverse Curse of 'Mid-Fi' "

I can't wait for the reviewers' takes on the tech. .. ... (*delayed, w/echo*) *g*
If a speaker falls in a forest with no one in the forest, does it make a sound?
If it’s anything like light, only half of the time. 
Sound is an experience, like color. If a speaker falls it will vibrate the air, but with no one there to hear it there will be no sound. Just as there is no color without an eye to see it there is no sound without an ear to hear it.
@thecarpathian- "Interesting tidbit, when you finish a sentence with three periods instead of the standard single period, that triple period is known as an ellipsis..."

     HEY: I made one of my favorite skydives (perhaps: THE favorite), during the 2017 solar ellipsis...!

     Flew between two huge clouds, for 5000’ and set the record for off-DZ landings, too (9.5 Miles).   GoPro video available, on request.

                                          (while we’re being punny and off topic)
That’s nothing!
You should try a night dive during a full lunar cyclops....
(must be done with one eye shut)
@thecarpathian-   That was hilarious!

       But: Blood Moons scare me, even with BOTH eyes wide shut!

                                Do you really jump?
I personally have not jumped, but it is indeed something I am quite interested in doing.
Have several friends who have jumped.
And miller, I am on occasion certainly guilty of that!
I use natural rotons that spin in a positive direction and filter out all those unnatural rotons that spin in the left direction.  The left-spinning rotons are almost in the same category as bad electrons.  All it takes is a special cryogenically treated power cable and a pair of frumeral steam regulators with dark energy suppression. 

If the frumeral steam regulators start to get jammed on peak musical output, they can be cleaned using dark energy that repels rotons.  It's just that dark energy is repulsive and must not be allowed in the audio signal path.  So it must be suppressed.  

I actually have three brand new power cables with frumeral steam regulators.  They were $26,000 each new, but I'll part with them for a measly $18,000.  Dark energy suppression can be added for only $7,000 per power cable.  Cash sales only. 

Dark energy is available from the Quantum Physics Department at the accelerator in Cern, Switzerland. I got free samples but it lasts a really long time.   
Post removed 
...."Rainbow whale (of a tale) & a Ti sub"...                   *?!?*

(...this better be good, or I'll block yer butt for whatever I feel is Eternity....)

Pulease carry on.....*pinches lips, eyes...anything that can, is....*
Post removed 
@avsjerrry- "Well, all that can happen here is to crash the ’puter....on a physical level of sorts, anyway."

I meant to mention, having tossed one of my laptops at the wall and putting my fist through another’s screen, when trying to get acquainted with a keyboard (again) and so forth, very early on, in the technology.

Would either of those count as a, "crash"?

                                           "MetaMentalMisfortune, rubber mallet....;)"

Been waiting for an efficacious, Mental-Metamucil product, with which to clear my head.

Tried working things out with a pencil, in the ear, up the nose, etc, but, thus far: no movements of merit, worth mentioning!
@thecarpathian- "I personally have not jumped, but it is indeed something I am quite interested in doing."

     DONT pass up the opportunity!   It’ll be the most fun you’ve ever had, with your clothes on (even if you only do a Tandem).
     I have culturally cancelled my own capriciously callous (Whale of a fail) attempt at comedy, having clearly offended the congregation.

      Probably having removed any doubt, as to whether needing Mental-Metamucil was a joke, in the process!
I haven't been about of recent, so am in no fashion offended by anything proffered.....

...but, being comfortably numb for the interval, have at it.

It may not be 'audiophila' per se, but harms none and Good Clean Mindless Fun.  Important in our era of stresstests, psychonews, popstarz, and other distorted distractions....


...still too true.... ;)

I had the Kef Ls 50’s Metas on loan from a friend and my 50th anniversaries and i would never spend 1300 to 1500 to replace 50th anniversary now with Dirac in the picture. Using an Arcam sa30 is a game changer and you can set different filters you can also do a sweet spot mode a focused mode or a wide mode or turn it off for all analog as my room was designed using Cardas ratio. To me they are both great values in audio probably one of the best besides my Hales T-8’s or my Sonus Faber Extremas. The most beautiful part about the metas is I just purchased a brand new pair of LS 50 black edition for 600 bucks brand new in the box. Going to use them downstairs using my old Rotel 1067 that’s had a recap it’s a monster which has a linear power supply big toroidal transformer. The beautiful thing about this whole situation is now a lot of people can afford a super class A speaker for less than half of what it cost originally. The black edition pair that I got I open the box myself and I paid the guy 600 bucks. It’s a win win. I will say the navy blue LS 50 meta with the champagne driver was so cool looking stunning but it was not worth $1000 more with dirac in the picture and even my schciitt audio Loki+ can help improve it but to me the old ones they don’t need anything with Dirac. And for 600 for a pair the brand new blacks editions with the flat black driver and metallic cabinet looks cool as hell. If you have the original LS 50’s no need to upgrade. Not enough their. Just my humble opinion. Spend 1500 on records/cd,s or Audirvana or a Schiit Frey+/ Vidar or a Gungnir dac or even a new Schiit biforst 2 for a killer bedroom system. Goood job kef good job
PS also if you notice most companies say we reserve the right to improve our product without any notice after listening to my blacks they sound a little bit tighter in the bass than my original 50th anniversary which makes them play lower and louder and clearer. Yes I heard this  difference. Also from an audio designer friend of mine who said Kef made changes in later productions of the LS 50’s and I hear it. It shows also name with held to protect the innocent. Enjoy both speakers they are fabulous transducers and a bargain in audio. If you would had said 20 years ago I would be would be able to buy a speaker with this kind of sound quality for this kind of money I would have laughed you out of the room. 🤘🤘🤘