Simple snake oil detection

Hi there were soooo many posts asking af any given device, toy, tweak or component is snake oil.
I’m not considered to be disbeliever or engineering guru at all. All I know and use is elementary math.

If an amp worth more than new Bmw, I can kinda take that with grain of salt, but if a wire is worth more than stainway grand, I am DEFINITELY sure snake oil is there without even questioning if this particular product makes sense 

So now any audio device can be plugged into the detection formula above to truthfully define snake oil. All you need to know is product name, description and asking price.

What is more "truthful" - "golden ears" or Pinnochio's nose? I'd trust the latter!
roberjerman"What is more "truthful" - "golden ears" or Pinnochio's nose? I'd trust the latter!"

Actually neither should be fully "trusted" without reservation instead why not conduct your own valid double-blinded listening tests and then post back here in this forum about how you conducted the tests and what they're results are otherwise your remarks here are starting to look like an effort to troll as others here have duly noted!
Pop quiz - How do you tell when a skeptix is lying? Answer: when his lips are moving.
Its very nice snake oil always has such a determined champion here.  Noble endeavor!
@roberjerman I for one am not included in the "others" clearthink makes mention of. Go on and continue your posts.

clearthink has unmitigated gall.

First he states the impossible.

Then he is presented with a genuine and no obligation challenge to demonstrate the impossible.

Then he tentatively accepts challenge.

Then he attempts to dictate the terms of the challenge.

Then he is asked to act privately, and with the inclusion of legal council.

Then he refuses.

Then he cry's fraud.

Then he repeats himself.
gdhal is a fraud, just like the Nigerean fraud operatives he tries to get your personal information! he says " Then he is asked to act privately, and with the inclusion of legal council" just like the Nigerean emails scams decide for yourself this is one dangerous guy!
gdhal is a fraud, just like the Nigerean fraud operatives he tries to get your personal information! he says " Then he is asked to act privately, and with the inclusion of legal council" just like the Nigerean emails scams decide for yourself this is one dangerous guy!

Appearances can be deceiving. Never judge a book by its cover. Nothing was promoted. You (clearthink) gladly accepted a genuine challenge that you’re unable and/or unwilling to participate in. And why? Because *YOU CANNOT* audibly hear a difference if ordinary speaker wire is reversed. So what we have here in fact isn’t about anything fraudulent on my part but the exposure of you as a liar.
clearthink179 posts03-21-2018 12:09pm gdhal"Appearances can be deceiving. Never judge a book by its cover. Nothing was promoted."

You promoted a phony $25,000 USD listening challenge that was revealed to be extortion and a fraud and you then sought my personal information like the famous Nigerean scam.

An advance-fee scam is a form of fraud and one of the most common types of confidence trick. The scam typically involves promising the victim a significant share of a large sum of money, in return for a small up-front payment, which the fraudster requires in order to obtain the large sum. If a victim makes the payment, the fraudster either invents a series of further fees for the victim or simply disappears. According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), "An advance fee scheme occurs when the victim pays money to someone in anticipation of receiving something of greater value—such as a loan, contract, investment, or gift—and then receives little or nothing in return." [1]

There are many variations of this type of scam, including the 419 scam, the Spanish Prisoner scam, the black money scam, Fifo's Fraud and the Detroit-Buffalo scam.[2] The scam has been used with fax and traditional mail, and is now prevalent in online communications like emails.

While Nigeria is most often the nation referred to in these scams, they originate in other nations as well. In 2006, 61% of internet criminals were traced to locations in the United States,

Snake oil peddlers (sorry ebm) often quote W.C. (from the movie) "Never give a sucker an even break"...
Post removed 
Very correctly noted 
build hookup wire, set asking price $25k, sell it to someone, possibly refund after return and borrow another 6...7 figures loan on just an asset traffic 
audiiphiles help these pitchers 
hopefully my unsophisticated tool will help to realize how foolish sometimes we are

geoffkait: gdhal, I hate to judge too hastily but it appears you give yourself waaay too much credit. 🤡

OK, I have to go out for a while. Talk amongst yourselves. And behave!

Don’t forget your battery powered Walkman.

>>>>Best investment I ever made. If you heard it you’d think you were tripping.

”an ordinary man has no means of deliverance.”
I really wish the bickering here would stop. But, because it endures:
Nothing was promoted. You (clearthink) gladly accepted a genuine challenge that you’re unable and/or unwilling to participate in. And why? Because *YOU CANNOT* audibly hear a difference if ordinary speaker wire is reversed. So what we have here in fact isn’t about anything fraudulent on my part but the exposure of you as a liar.
Actually, gdhal, you did promote a $25,000 challenge that was based on an unscientific protocol. This is from an earlier post of yours:

I’m using Belden 5T00UP speaker wire .. I have a business proposition ... a blind or double blind test where it is my position that you *cannot* reliably hear a difference, and it would be your position that you could reliably hear a difference.

If interested, and if the amount is worthwhile (low five figures?) we can have our attorney’s draw up the contracts, establish an escrow account and so on.
Later, you specified the $25,000 "reward," but that and a lot of other details about your "offer" were deleted by moderators.


I have the entire transcript myself. There is a difference between my "offering" a challenge and "promoting" it. Nevertheless, believe whatever you like.

Something else to keep in mind. Note my insistence on legal council. This ensures *your*, not just my own, best interests are upheld.

If I recall, you too state you can hear a difference when ordinary speaker wire is reversed. Yet you declined my offer. Why?

Additionally, you omitted the part of the communication where I asked for <redacted> to submit an alternative procedure.

I also mentioned/wrote I do not discriminate. So cleeds, I’ll re-extend my original offer to you, seeing that you too can do the impossible. You know how to contact me if you’re interested.
I really wish the bickering here would stop. But, because it endures:

That's because the bickering centres around "snake oil" that preys on the gullible, and only serves to make money for the "snake oil" manufactures and their shills that promote it here on Audiogon.

Cheers George 
Where would high end audio be without snake oil?   Who would pay those prices without at least a little lubricating first up front?
dang 50% posts removed! it also tickles audiogon as they remove (looks like in panic they purge and purge and purge lustly) whatever or not falls on to their guidelines that are so flexible that posts can be removed at any time for any reason.
i guess it brings them fun as to ones who posts here, the balance of pain and pleasures has always been and always will be.


I have the entire transcript myself. There is a difference between "offering" and "promoting". Nevertheless, believe whatever you like. Note my insistence on legal council ensures *your* interests are upheld.

Presumably this post is within forum guideline and wouldn’t be removed.
audiogon moderators only remove posts that have been flagged by members.

Perhaps if certain participants stopped invading other threads with their petty squabbles they would not have so many posts removed?

audiogon moderators only remove posts that have been flagged by members.

Huh? What? How do you know? That would be a shame since that means members can weild a lot of power in arguments. Too much power. I trust you’re wrong.
“On the walls of the cave only the shadows are the truth.” - Plato

Look, it takes an enormous amount of energy for an electron to ascend to a higher electron shell. That’s a basic law of atomic physics. Thus it is with folks who are either struggling away in Mid Fi Land or who have just plain given up. They rail against the notion of a higher energy shell or a brighter future for all mankind and believe the whole idea must have been fabricated by wicked money grubbing cable and tweak salesmen hoping to cash in on the tender vulnerabilities of weak and naive audiophiles. I don’t wish to paint an overly dramatic view of this predicament but I think there are glaring similarities between the angst and frivolity expressed by the tweak skeptics and the townsfolk in The Invasion of the Body Snatchers. 😩

A technology only has to be a little bit more advanced that current thought to be considered indistinguishable from magic or a hoax. - old audiophile axiom