Sound Quality of red book CDs vs.streaming

I’ve found that the SQ of my red book CDs exceeds that of streaming using the identical recordings for comparison. (I’m not including hi res technology here.)
I would like to stop buying CDs, save money, and just stream, but I really find I enjoy the CDs more because of the better overall sonic performance.
 I stream with Chromecast Audio using  the same DAC (Schiit Gumby) as I play CDs through.
I’m wondering if others have had the same experience
Noticed one of your prior posts where you state..... Congrats on your purchase, looking forward to your feedback. I also own N10 and N20 seems to be next logical progression. May be someday I could afford W20SE :-)  

So you dont even own the W20SE and dont have the coin?  Doubt you have the MSB/Vivaldi/EMS Dacs either
I actually own a streaming system with EMM DA2 DAC 😊

You on the other hand admitted to ~ ”Ive ONLY heard streamers when going over to listen to other peoples systems for your info”.

So no personal experience, zero coin in Streaming and who knows what you’ve heard to make statements like,

“Streamers are great for experimentation but not for sound quality”.

If you had the chops to buy Taiko Extreme + MSB Select DAC, you will singing a different tune here.
Accuphase E-650, Tannoy Canterbury?? Clearly in the "kiddie pool".

So listening at showrooms or in others homes is not "Direct experience"?. So I guess auditioning gear anywhere is a futile and worthless endeavor.
LMK when you graduate from the minor leagues and get some real gear.

“So I guess auditioning gear anywhere is a futile and worthless endeavor.”

Never said does provide some reference but I am mature enough to not make silly statements like the one below 😂

“Streamers are great for experimentation but not for sound quality”.

You know what my system is....are you going to step up and show your $300k system or continue to be a troll?

"That riled me, but I held my temper as I asked, “What’s the matter with you?” He bellowed: “There’s nothing the matter with me. It’s you! You’re crazy if you think this fool contraption you’ve been wasting your time on will ever displace the horse.”

Post removed 
riaa, it’s a shame that there is no music on the the thousands of free online radio stations of every genre or the seemingly unlimited selections provided by the paid streaming services that you might find interesting.

Versus putting on that CD or record that’s been played how many times?

Regardless of the sound quality (which is fine) you are missing out on a whole universe of fun.

I hope I don't come off as a show off, but a few months ago I went to an audio dealer, wrote a check for $95000, got pissed at something the dealer said, and set fire to that $95000 right in front of the dealer. That's just how I roll.

In the last 11 years, I have spent almost 1.2 million on audio gear. No, I won't tell you the currency! And no, I won't show you the pictures of my equipment either, so quit asking!

Strictly a Classic Rock guy. If I need to hear something new I have many Thousands of unplayed CD's that Ive gotten from all my contacts in the music industry over the the past 30-35 years.  Pretty much anything Ive heard after 1990 or so is not to my liking at all for the most part and winds up being donated for charity. I can assure you I'm never bored with my collection and there are always plenty of new mixes/re-masters/quadraphonic titles coming out for music from that generation. I'm amazed how much stuff has been rotting away in the vaults all these years and is only now coming out.

@lalitk I very much enjoy looking at your system and how it evolves over time. I know how much thought goes into it and that your amp is $20k not $6K :).

You have helped me out getting my streaming SQ up significantly over the last year and helped me get my entire cable loom in order.

Thank you for all of that!

@jmarshak +1

Lalit has provided invaluable advice in my case as well, from choosing the amplifier, cables and acoustic treatments. 
The E-800 can be had BRAND NEW for 11K if you know where to shop. I had one. Where in the world do you come up with 20K for a 4 year old inferior model?
Go to AUDIO UNION in Japan...grab a E650 for about 5000 (MSRP 6100) Pay somebody here in the USA to switch the jumpers for $100 and your good to go OR you can buy one here BRAND NEW for probably 7-8K
@jmarshak & @arafiq 

Thank you both for your kind words. I am requesting you to ignore posts from riaa 😊

Streaming is to CD, like CD/digital is to vinyl. They are both equalizers and that is deeply offensive to some.  The thing is, today, you don't need to spend $50K, or $20K or even $10K to have near perfect digital to analog conversion. Benchmark, Qutest, fed by a reasonably low noise (electrically) USB source are near flawless.  Paying more does not get you "better", it gets you a different flavor.  Ditto for any number of non-OS DACs, ladder-DACs, etc.  Often less accurate, but if you like the flavor, then enjoy.  What is even more deeply offensive to some is just how good a $169 modern Topping DAC is again fed with good USB.

Now you have people who have curated huge (read expensive) CD libraries, 99% made obsolete for $14.99/Month, and available to any pleb at almost any level of income.  That is almost as offensive to some as a $169 Topping DAC from China in many cases offering superior sound to a $10K or $20K (or more) turntable at least to those with no special affinity for the flavor of vinyl.