Speakers in 10-15K price range for Classical music

Well I am in the market for speakers. My music choice is primarily classical and then a little bit of everything else such as jazz and soft/alternate rock. I started with a budget of 5-7K and auditioned Maggie 3.6, Quad 989, Spendor S8e and so on, but quickly realized I couldn’t get what I was looking for in these speakers. They all did pretty well on solo or few instruments but could not nearly reproduce a symphony (Mahler’s fifth, or Tchaikovsky’s sixth or Schubert’s ninth) with any authenticity. This was about a year ago. Since then I had stretched my budget and am now looking for speakers in the 10-15K price range.

Now here’s the challenge. I didn’t like the Thiel, B&W or Wilson sound. I had liked Maggie 20.1 in the past, but can’t find any dealer nearby that carries them for an audition. Heard the Vandersteen 5a for about 10 mins and they are pretty convincing, but I need a proper audition and then it’s still beyond my price range. Now my question is what other speakers I can look at for the kind of music I like?

Thanks much in advance, for your help.

Oh, my system is Krell SACD and 400xi Integrated Amp. Will upgrade the amp eventually, but will need to wait for another year at least :)
Sanders 10b if you like electrostats. Right in the middle of your price range new. They go down to the low twenties in Hz. Harry Pearson just gave them a Golden Ear award in the latest issue of TAS.
Second-hand Avalon, period, if you want the huge soundstage and transparency that will make you feel you are in a live concert. But make sure you also have similar quality front end source, amp, and interconnect and speaker cables. Otherwise, you won't get enough resolution in your system or have enough power to drive them.
Hi Knownothing, I have heard them at RMAF the last 2 years. I also own the predecessor Innersound Kaya's. The Sanders 10b sound very similar to my Kaya's. The electrostatic panel is the same only a little shorter and the woofers are newer improved units according to Roger Sanders.

These are great speakers. You can play them very loud without worry of damage and the bass is very deep as well. Also they are about as transparent a speaker as you will find.

What some people don't like about these speakers is their small sweet spot. The flat electrostatic panel cause the high frequencies to beam. Other companies such as Martin Logan and Soundlab curve their panels to compensate for that. Roger Sanders feels that is a compromise because curving the panels causes some distortion. Another advantage is less need for room treatments to control the reflections of the mid to high frequencies.

Now I know your going to ask how small is the sweet spot? It's not head in a vise small but two people can be in it if they are right next to each other.

Stereomojo reviewed the Sanders 10b awhile ago and Stereophile reviewed the Innersound Kaya as well if you want to read some reviews.
I really love my Montana EPS2's for all types of classical music. The cello is rendered so well by the midranges..

I listen to Classical and Gospel only and what Avguy mentioned about the Avalons' are spot-on. I have the Ascendants and my listening position is 9' away and you get the feeling that you are part of the performance. I thought my Thiels and Vandersteens disappeared but the Avalons are truly magician.
How about some Salk Soundscape 10 custom made for $10K. I have their previous flagship speaker the HT3 and they just make beautiful music. It is worth a look and you can pick the finish. Salk Sound dot com is their website and Jim Salk make some of the best speakers in the world, IMHO.

Good luck and take your time.
Spendor SP100 2's. Don't take up a ton of room, can reproduce an orchestra no problem, sound like music, easy to drive....and wonderfully easy to listen to for hours on end.

The 20.1's are simply gorgeous and glorious also and I can not recommend them highly enough if you have the space and the horsepower required for them. They are amazing and an incredible bargain at their price.

I don't know if you still have you 400xi, but if yes I would suggest a change. I used to own it and I found it analytical, neutral, but not very musical. Instruments lacked body, and the dynamic was poor. It was quite annoying.
I upgraded to a Plinius 9200 which is as transparent and neutral, but will give you back the life you may miss with the 400xi.
Hope this help.
Save some money and get either an Harbeth SHL5s or Monitor 40.1
These speakers are really really natural sounding for Classical music.
I have a friend who had Wilsons, Thiel, Rockport, Avalon speakers. But he said the other night that none of them can do classical music as naturally as the Harbeths speakers. He owns over 10,000 LPs and over 5000 CDs.
Spendors would be on that short list as well.
I agree with Nolitan... my Harbeth 40.1's are exceptional with classical music. Full bodied, dynamic and natural sounding with no listener fatigue.
The Harbeth 40.1 is a pretty poorly designed speaker IMO and for 12K I would run not walk .....

With all due respect to Pdreher and nolitan , I"m sure it will sounds good on classical to some as is the case with most speakers.

Regardless I still stand by my original statement of it being a poorly designed speaker for 12K and with an eff: rating of 84db/1w/1m you are going to need a sizable amplifier also.

regards ,
Weseixas - my 40.1's are easily driven with a moderately powered tube amp (McIntosh MC275). Rather than criticizing others suggestions on a speaker you don't have legitimate knowledge on, why don't you come up with some recommendations for the OP.

Hello Pdreher,

I would like to use this moment to apologize for my initial response but with no edit feature, alas...

What are you disputing, the sterophile article? I posted links to those who are so inclined and gave my opinion as asked by the OP.

The spendors are 84db/1w/m that is considered low efficiency, that in itself does not make it a bad speaker, but since the OP intends to drive the speaker with an Integrated Krell will he have enuff power for reasonable dynamics, seems that way if he does not exceed a nominal listening level of 84-86 db ...

Frankly and based on the OP's comments on the speakers he has already auditioned and discounted, tells me has already moved beyond the spendors.

Maggies 20.1/3.6 and the quad 989 are already ahead of the spendors, So i would suggest a re-listen to the quad's, try and do so with subs, a very different speaker with subs IMO, very formidable with subs...

With a krell integrated amp, the Harbeths would work well with them. Either the M40.1 and SHL5s.
I cannot really stress it enough as I had gone thru my shares of speakers.
These harbeths have that natural timbre and musicality especially for string instruments, piano and other acoustical instruments. You wont be sorry.
PS: not related to any harbeth dealer or company just a happy harbeth users for many years.
NO NO NO.Krell and Harbeths don't work together.I have Krell kav500i,connected several times to shl5.The sound was awful
Weseixas - While the 40.1's would not appear to be easy to drive by looking at the efficiency rating (spec'ed @ 86db/1w/1m), they have a flat impedance curve, rated at 6 ohm nominal / 5 ohm minimum. Furthermore, the beauty of the Harbeth sound is that you don't need to crank up the volume to ear splitting levels (like I had to do with my Dynaudio C4's) to get them to sound their best.

Also, even though some at Stereophile had some critical things to say about the Harbeth 40.1's, they still gave it a class A rating.... also TAS gave it their Golden Ear award, so I think there's strong consensus that it's a highly acclaimed speaker, albeit not for everyone.

Hello Pdreher,

Yes , it does appear that the Harbeth is well reviewed. In situations like this and from experience, the Harbeth will be very sensitive to ancillary equipment for best sound.

i have several friends & acquantance that i have met over the years that have owned the Harbeths and none of them uses the same amp.

To witt, here is a short list of amps that I know from different people and friends over the years that are being used with either the M30, SHL5 or C7es series:

1. mcintosh s/s amp
2. Cary 805s
3. Krell 400 int amp
4. classe int amp (even the older version)
5. plinius int & power amps
6. mccormack dna amps
7. Cayin tube int amps (el34s)
8. Accuphase Integrated amps (class A and Class a/b variants)
9. Bat VK 75
10. Luxman 505 int amp
11. Conrad Johnson MV60 & LPS70s
12. Naim Integrated amp
14. Bryston can work but a bit tricky
15. jeff rowland Capri S & 102 power amp
16. Bel Canto Digital amps
17. Peachtree Audio Nova 80w hybrid amp
19. Sun Audio 300bs
20. Pass XA series
21. Ayre V5 power amp

Krell and harbeths can work together if you use a warm sounding cable like cardas or purist audio design.
In other words, they seem to work with just anything out there. Its a matter of preference.
As for me, the absolute best is the one that fits your sound. I love the Luxman int with them, but does not mean to say that the Classe power amp wouldn't work well with them. So, anything goes!!
I would suggest you visit the Harbeth User group as these guys there have different choices of amps they have used with the different Harbeths.
These are easy to please speakers folks!!