Two of the best sounding set ups I've had were using Pass (an XP 10 pre and a 250.8 amp) with Harbeth. I had the 30.2 which were great - very detailed and neutral and uncannily good with voices- and then upgraded to the HLS5 Super which were amazing- really really musical and more involving, loved them.
IMHO ATC. Harbeth and Spendor sound colored by comparison.
For the OP, ATC probably won't work if a syrupy coloration is what one is looking for.
Celestion sl6si if you can find a pair in good shape. Otherwise Wharfedale Linton or Harbeth ps3
I thought Vandersteen midrange was the best until I heard Tektons. Tekton are the best I've heard. Get the Moabs for 5k.
Listening to a pair of Harbeth 30.2xd’s with my INT 25 right now. SVS Micro 3000 sub. I upgraded from 30.1’s earlier this year. SL1200GR table, EAR 834p Phono pre. Dynavector 20x2L cartridge.
The Harbeth’s drop off pretty quickly below 54 hz, which is where the sub kicks in.
it’s a really nice “apartment “ system, and I mean that in a most positive way. I wouldn’t know where to go from here, in my listening area, with the music that I like. My room is approximately 13.5 x 18 feet, speakers 24” from the wall on the long side. Jazz, acoustic music, guitar, piano, VOCALS, etc.
that is exactly how mon 30’s should be used... well done, enjoy!
The ATC dome midrange driver is well known to be SOTA for midrange.
Unfortunately here in the UK it's next to impossible to get to hear ATC and Harbeth side by side.
When it comes to midrange what's the consensus around the single driver Pearl Acoustics Sybelius?
It's designer, Harley Lovegrove, certainly seems to be a man of conviction.
Yep, another one to go on the wish to hear list.
Sure, get a set of Quads.
Usher audio unseated the salon 2's in my room. Focal has a nice presentation if you're looking for more inner detail, dynaudio if you like the edges rounded off a little, Kef is also very good but a bit fussy regarding toe in to get upper bass to blend in just right. The new Perlisten at Axpona would be promising bookshelves for detail junkies also. I have no idea what meridian is doing anymore but they used to make some really good sounding stuff also.
tbh lots lots of speakers get the midrange is more about how the midrange is portrayed in relation to the rest of the music
from quads to spendors to ls3/5a's to dahlquists to vandersteens to harbeths to joseph audio to fritz to proac to atc to audio note to maggies to veritys .... you get the point...
Best mid-range I ever heard was the old model Alon Phalanx
The Alón Phalanx/Poseidon Loudspeaker System is to this day the best mid-range sound I ever heard. I also jut heard them recently, why I didn't buy them I don't know.
Happy Listening/
I personally own INT-25 paired with Sonus Faber Olympica 2. I'm very pleased with the music filling my room. I would characterize the sound as lush, inviting, engaging, very transparent, relaxed, airy. I prefer the original Olympica series as the new one I wont say sound brighter but colder to my ears.
Arguably one of the best mid-ranges is found in the Vandersteen KENTO and Model 7. Unfortunately, these are floor-standing speakers so the monitor requirement does not apply. If it were ins a monitor it would be expensive.
I’m thinking about going with the CSS Audio 1TDX prebuilt stand mounts. I haven’t seen a bad review of these yet. Or I might spring for the 2TDX towers.
Check out Wavetouch V2 speaker's midrange.
Alex/Wavetouch audio
Also the Philharmonic BMR Monitors. Thoughts?
Ok, so I bought the BMR monitors.
Fill us in on how you like them!
“Fill us in on how you like them!”
Will do.
A bit late to the party, but the best mid-range I've heard from a pair of bookshelves is from Q Acoustic Model 300. Extremely silky and smooth. It's just too bad the speakers are lacking in other aspects like dynamics. The rolled-off highs and bass are also too big of a compromise for me.
I am perfectly happy with my current pair of speakers Cabasse Riga. I've upgraded from Triangle Comete 40th which is very well-known for their fantastic mid-range as well. I guess you do need to audition the speakers because each person might have different definition of what sounds good for mid-range. I prefer my mid-range to sound more natural rather than colored.
With this budget hunt for
Acapella Monostatos or
one level better the Harlekins.
MK1 Version of both completely
enough. 91dB/1W/1m each.
I use them for years now in my two systems, home cinema and music.
Difficult to find.
Good luck.