As you all of stated, room treatment is critical. Probably the most important part of your system. You can do more harm than good however, if you don't know what you are doing, or just put some things in the room, thinking it will make an improvement. I had treated my room in a manner that I thought made sense, treating obvious reflection points, etc. However, the cheap products I used were far too thin to trap anything but high frequency and I didn't have near enough bass absorption. I also had too much absorption and not enough diffusion in spots.
I re-did things with professional advice from GIK and their free consulting/room design service. It is an excellent service and free of charge, but of course they hope you will end up using their products. I did, and the results were 100% better. GIK is excellent and there are many other great products on the market. Spend the money and do it the RIGHT way.