World's Best Speakers For 2021 ?

Gershman Acoustics Grand Avant Gardes one of the world's best speakers ?


@tomstruck I bet that was something at Rutans' place the other day...

I will hear them soon enough, then have to decide IF i send my 7 mk2 pair back to Hanford for the upgrade.

Nice to know that is an option ;-)

I tried the little stand mount Gershman. Really interesting speaker that was never fatiguing but lacked detail. It was a two way with a woofer that went down to 25hz. This was a lesson in compromises to have a subwoofer and tweeter try to do midrange. I’d guess this model sounds really nice especially with bear 6 digits in amps and cables. Works best is a pipe dream.

There's no such thing as world best speakers because everybody's hearing is different what's best for you may be bad for someone else


There's no such thing as world best speakers because everybody's hearing is different what's best for you may be bad for someone else

Yes, and I also think its possible that the dudes who engineered the loudness wars may in fact have some quite serious hearing impediment issues.  They are just doing what they think is best.

Just got the latest Stereophile. Guess what's on the cover - Wilson! I haven't looked inside to see the price. Bet it's way beyond what us lowly peons can afford!

I’d nominate the latest iteration of the GR-Research NX-Oticas along with the matching open baffle sub.

This is a kit speaker with cost-no object components. My brother-in-law (who reads schematics) helped me build it and it’s a screaming success. Best SQ I’ve ever heard in any audio store or any CES Hi-End demo room.

I find they sound best painted Ferrari Red.

See the pic in Virtual System section.  Sorry I couldn't figure out how to include the link.

Audition Fyne 700 or F1 series loudspeakers. A great, relatively new line of speakers. Certainly not the world's best but excellent in their respective price ranges.

tomic601 it sounded great best I ever heard the 7XTRM and the SUB9s 

dont think they will ever be surpassed 

The only speaker I truly lust after and would consider worth owning is MBL 101 and the Extremes. You would need $750K to a bit over a Million in electronics and cables to power them though.😥

Depending on budget, the MBL 101 is a classic ,their ultimate better still 

World Class .if you have the room and the $$ it is Great by any standard 

we are speaking in the $100k+  range  

the Vandersteen gershman are good speakers but Waay lower standard 

there are many great speakers ,YG acoustics Wilson , Magico !Marten 

everyone has a specific budget, as well as taste.

havocman109 posts 11-14-2021 12:22am There’s no such thing as world best speakers because everybody’s hearing is different what’s best for you may be bad for someone else




This line is so old as the hills, so cliche,,, has some truth but also is a broad , vague generalization. There is no way you and others who hold onto this old standard philosophy really believe what you say, or understand what you are implying???

I agree everyone here has dif ears, I’ve read one post here the other day,, Member lists about 5 major brand speakers,, says he loves them all and has no intention of getting rid of any None on his list hold even the slightest interest for me. Its my firm conviction higher end FR is the hifi speaker.


I don’t believe in **its all pure subjective opinion/personal preferences**.Nope, can’t abide by that old standard maxim. His subjective taste might be biased. Ever think of that. The fault lies with the listener.

IOW he is being a bit dishonest as to what the speaker is doing. I think what I am saying is fair and balanced.

Having heard the grand avant- guard a nice speaker but ,a very similar 

but much better build and more resolving speaker at $20k 

the Wilson Sabrina-2 is a more refined Loudspeaker with a large variety

of Music ,the Wilson  is worth the extra $5k and using much better quality components throughout , as well as far better resale if you ever wanted to sell Everyone has opinions and choices, it's your $$ you decide.

The one I can afford and that makes me happy. That's the worlds best.  Seriously.

As already stated, there is no best.  Most of the speakers mentioned have many positives and a few negatives.  I will say that hearing the Horning speakers with the one watt 45 tube amp we built was an eye opening experience.  I have heard them before with other amplification, but they never sounded like this.  One pure watt of power made those speakers sing.  Mid-range magic and so natural.

But overall I would say that field coil speakers will outperform most of what is mentioned here.

Happy Listening. 

I have heard many of his other designs with Raidho, and his smaller Borresen B designs, but I haven't yet heard Michel Borresen's new B05.  I would fully expect it to compete with the very best in the world today.

New Grandinote Mach speakers are one of the world's best too

 If I had the money I would get some Grandinote Mach 18R's and never look back

Speaking of Beacon I found myself getting hungry .  you Beacon and eggs sound pretty good about now 

Morning humor - Whatever is the most expensive/exclusive/extreme & not to forget, difficult to drive.

Sorry had to do it 😈

Best speaker? Doesn't that sort of depend on the room? The best speaker can sound like s--t in the wrong room. If you do not have a good room for audio it does not matter what speaker you buy. 

Best Three:

Goldenear Triton Reference, 12hz-35khz, around $10k (class A in Sterophile)

Wilson SabrinaX, 31hz-23khz, around $20k.

Focal Sopra 3, 33hz-40khz, around $20k.

Hi I'm now on search speaks , and need help  . My opinions are. Because we can claim them best in the world . Thank you....

sasha daw

avalon time 

focal scala 




Nola Metro Grand Gold3. The best I've heard after serching very hard for years. They just sound right. Not cheap. The only speaker I've heard place you in Trinity Church  on the Cowboy Junkies Trinity Sessons. Often listed as one of the best recordings. Now I get it. 

Nola Metro Grand Gold3. The best I've heard after serching very hard for years. They just sound right. Not cheap. The only speaker I've heard place you in Trinity Church  on the Cowboy Junkies Trinity Sessons. Often listed as one of the best recordings. Now I get it. 

I had Apogee Diva. That was the best speakers I’ve heard, but it suffered a bit of buzzing and my room size is a bit small for the speakers, so I sold it.

Then I got Gershman Grande Avant Garde. Wilson Puppy was under consideration, but I chose Gershman due to its size and mobility. Its overall sound quality is pretty close to Diva, which means it is really good. It is amazing how this small speakers produce such large sound stage and deep and punch bass.

I bet the upcoming Aequo Audio Adamantis will be one of the world's very best speakers for many many years to come😃🤫At an down to earth price too🤫