you're the only person in the audience that thinks the cinema's THX system is grating on the ears
you not only have a dac and know what one is, you insist on several digital output formats
your friends own boats, you actually use your hobby on a nightly basis
you cringe at the word digital
you spend hours on speaker placement and can actually hear
great width and depth after all your toils
you know the sonice coloractions of various cables, amps, etc more distinctly that a vineyard owner knows his wines
you'll sleep in the wet spot to have first dibs on the sweet spot (sorry - couldn't resist)
you not only have a dac and know what one is, you insist on several digital output formats
your friends own boats, you actually use your hobby on a nightly basis
you cringe at the word digital
you spend hours on speaker placement and can actually hear
great width and depth after all your toils
you know the sonice coloractions of various cables, amps, etc more distinctly that a vineyard owner knows his wines
you'll sleep in the wet spot to have first dibs on the sweet spot (sorry - couldn't resist)