Opinions of Lexicon RT-20 for Audio Only

Hello - I currently have a number of separates in my system that I'd like to consolidate. Currently, I use a Denon 3910 (stock) for MultiChannel SACD/DVD-A and a Music Hall Maverick (stock) for RBCD and 2-Channel SACD. I've got my eyes on a Lexicon RT-20 and the reviews that I read sound great, but they are few and far between. So, I'm reaching out to my fellow audiogoners for opinions on whether I'd be taking a step forward or backward if making this move. I realize everyone's ears are different, but I don't have the luxury of being able to trial the RT-20 before buying so I am forced to bank on popular opinion as my leading criteria. Also, I'm worried strictly about Audio performance, not video.

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

For Redbook Cd the Lexicon RT-20 is surprisingly good.
Dynamic, very musical and detailed. I have found it responds 'very' favorably to AC power conditioning confirming its basically very good design. I think it's a 'sleeper'--better than given credit for. I use a ref Spectral system with top line MIT PCs, conditioning, I/Cs and speaker cables and the RT-20, as I have it configured, sounds exceptionally good. For the used prices I see it is truly a "no-brainer" and Lexicon service is as good as you'll get near anywhere.
I've considered RT-20 for more than one occasion in the past, but I wasn't able to audition the unit and I didn't find informative reviews so ultimately I passed on it. I'd love to hear about any comparison with other comparable players. Psacanli, what did you compare RT-20 with?
Well. I agree. Not much owner reviews going on. I have here an RT-10 and I think it sounds great on redbook using analog outs of which there are two. This may be a Marantz design, but I got a great deal so I'm thrilled. I think it bests any NAD player i have had which are my other favorites. But I also haven't tried too many high end players..Rega, Meridian, or Cambridge's best. I love this one, pacy, lively, and mostly mellow except for maybe the slightest touch of hash on some essses.