Going linear - The Luxman 507ux

No one panic, but I just picked up the last Luxman 507ux in the US. About 110w/ch with power meters. 😀

Ill compare them directly with my Class Ds at home. 
Thank you erik and astelmaszek for taking the time to explain your experiences with your amplifiers.  I had originally thought that each amplifier would have had much more of a sonic difference from each other than you have experienced. But I have read before that once you reach a certain level of quality the differences in amps are more of flavor than better or worse, which you have confirmed.

Enjoy it all.

One attribute of the Luxman I am actually very pleased with is the resolution of detail at all frequencies and all volumes. Not an easy feat.
Often when I hear reviewers talk about a piece of gear having excellent detail it means the gear is bright, brittle or hard.

Not in the case of the Luxman. It seems to breathe incredibly comfortably at very low power and at any part of the spectrum. Evidence is that low volume listening sounds like "loudness" has been engaged, in that your ears seem to be younger, you hear more depth at such low volumes.

Strings have bite without grit. Cymbals flourish, and deliberate phase effects in recordings and movies are pretty remarkable.
I'm the latest Luxman fatality.  Found a screaming deal on an almost new 509x.  Should be here Monday.  It'll be driving my Dali Epicon 8s.
Except for the time when I was in school, this will be my first transistor amplifier.  I've had tubes for 32 years.

I'll let you know how it goes. 

- Bob
For the past 3 years I've had a Primaluna Dialogue HP integrated.  Besides the stock EL34 tubes, (stupid good) I also had a set of KT 150s. 

Luxman just kept popping up on my radar.  Over and over again. I read the reviews, talked to some friends and pulled the trigger even though I've never heard one.  I live in a small town and the nearest Luxman dealer is at least 300 miles away.   My Epicon 8s will take a lot of power and I had some gear I wasn't using and at the end of the day I had money in the bank.  I'm very curious as to how it will stand up to the Primaluna, as I found it to be a very fine piece of gear.

I'm pretty pumped.  I'll be sure and let you know how it goes on Monday when I get to fire it up.
Also, please accept a quick thank you for your contributions to the forum.  I don't post very often, but I read and appreciate your input here.
- Bob