Which one to choose between two 80K$ tube amps?

There are two interesting 80K$ tube amps on sale at Audiogon.


The first one is David Berning OTL design with output of 60 Watts.

it looks beautiful. But I had never used OTL amp yet.

I am curious how it sounds with high efficiency speaker.


The second one is Jadis JA800 with 6 pieces and 400watts.

I had used JA500  (only 4 pieces with 350 Watts) from 2000 to 2002 to drive B&W Notilus 801 with utmost authority and unbelievable slam.

It was kind of lifetime experience to own this beautiful and overbearing monster.

But I could not use it during summer time in modest size room.

Thus I let it go and got Silbatone 300B SET amp to drive efficient full range speaker.

350 Watt to 8 Watt

If you have money or hit the Jackpot, which one will you go for?

In my listening room, 48 Watts SET is enough to drive my Lansche speaker ( oficial eff 99db/w, but I guess 95db/w).

But I have to save money to afford 80K$ tube amps.

I had spent 30k$ yearly on audio components during last 3 years.

That means I had better not spend any more money for next 2 years
I own Jadis amps....BUT I would NEVER own the larger models! The 500 or worse, the 800, are going to be heat engines...and work great if you need a space heater and live in a very cold climate! Otherwise, why bother with that kind of heat generation???

I also happen to believe if you own a speaker that requires hundreds of watts to drive...you own the wrong speaker and have not considered the all important amp/speaker synergy. Best to dump the speaker and get a more easily driven model.

If you are trying to make a decision like that, you should buy both pair and sell the one you like least

I agree the ZOTL40 is spectacular. If you can’t afford 211/845 and I can’t, then the ZOTL40 is the next best thing. If you want more power then get two of them as mono blocks.