Someone else here was able to get to them and it works for me so I’m not sure what to tell you. In the past uploading links to Google photos has just been blocked so I have not tried it.
The suggestion about the other Martin Logans is noted but the reason I don’t buy used is because I cannot audition it. Once you buy an expensive speaker on the used market it is yours. You cannot return it. So that is a risk that I am not willing to take. I had read many good things about the motion speakers and I tried them out for a mere $20. I was able to get the focal speakers from a local used shop called the music room and those were free. So I’m not sure where the wisdom is in trying a speaker I have no idea how it’s going to sound without the possibility of returning. It’s the other side of the saying you get what you pay for. You get it and then you cannot give it back. Without auditions there is no chance that I would choose a speaker.
The suggestion about the other Martin Logans is noted but the reason I don’t buy used is because I cannot audition it. Once you buy an expensive speaker on the used market it is yours. You cannot return it. So that is a risk that I am not willing to take. I had read many good things about the motion speakers and I tried them out for a mere $20. I was able to get the focal speakers from a local used shop called the music room and those were free. So I’m not sure where the wisdom is in trying a speaker I have no idea how it’s going to sound without the possibility of returning. It’s the other side of the saying you get what you pay for. You get it and then you cannot give it back. Without auditions there is no chance that I would choose a speaker.