FM Tuner for audiophiles-is it a bad idea today?

I have almost completed my analog/digital mid-fi audio chain and was originally planning to eventually add a used FM Tuner primarily based on
leaning towards a tubed tuner or top of the list Accuphase.

I plan to stream both Tidal and Qobuz.

However, I suspect that most/all FM Tuner songs are either Cd/Redbook quality or lower, and that nobody spins vinyl for radio anymore.

Is adding a high-end FM Tuner pointless/a bad idea?
+1 @yyzsantabarbara

Nice! I have a Magnum Dynalab MD-102 FM Tuner as well.

Added bypass caps and OCC interconnects. Super nice.  Listen to it often.
I use FM tuner (Carver tx-11a) still for content not available elsewhere.  Special or hosted programming on public radio, etc.  Stuff you can't get with good quality streaming which does not include most published music anymore.

Had it on all Saturday afternoon.   My wife wanted Christmas music on the local station.
Bad for me. I purged mine years ago.
May be good for you.
There are NO stations here that are not available streamed, breakfast, lunch AND supper.
It's true most stations are streamed and will be a better option if fm signals are not strong and reception is noisy but resolution of many streamed local stations is not great and can vary so it still depends.

A good FM tuner will definitely help pull in the weaker stations clearly. The Carver is very good at that.