+1 @thecarpathian to @millercarbon saying the dramatic degradation of sound quality taking out 5 SG’s from his system is sad for all the time and effort he invested on the other myriad tweaks, equipment, electric upgrades, etc.
I bet you can’t find one other honest person to agree that the removal of half of their SGs has such a negative effect on their system’s sound.
Other Audigoners who have tried your experiment have dismissed SGs as far as audio improvement but they don’t want to get into any sparring on this now ridiculous discussion.
Can’t you admit just once that you are exaggerating the benefit of something? I know you don’t promote SGs like Tektons, Moabs, , Raven Amps and Better Records but please give it a break.
@Mahgister- I would never call you a minion. You are about as independent thinking as anyone I’ve ever seen and obviously unafraid to put yourself out there.
As a matter of fact MC is SO far out there, I would say he has no minions, only trusting people looking for help, which he sometimes provides. No need to act like an Oracle, this stuff is very much a matter of personal taste and perception and is debatable, down to the $2000 & up power cables’ value proposition.