All things being equal (hypothetical) which do you prefer, XLR or RCA?

Hello All,

Just curious here. All things being equal would you go balanced or unbalanced if you have the option for both? I only ask because I've never really compared-though I have gone both routes at different times. I have gone the balanced route now (power amp to pre, and DAC to pre), but wonder which route you all would choose...Just curious and having some fun...
Simply stated differential balanced means no signals are on the same boards, which 100% eliminates cross talk. Anything less, should NOT be considered Hi-End
XLR, provided that the components to which the connection is made are truly balanced.
Single ended with non-metalic connectors.

I use 47 Labs OTA and their non-metallic RCA's along with bare ended OTA as speaker cable.

This is for home use with <12' speaker cable runs and fairly short 6" to 30" IC's. 

Give it a rest.   
Question posed is, which do you like better?
"Go for it" is NOT an answer.