How do you know when a stereo sounds good?

When do you know your system is pleasing to listen to? How do you conclusively prove to yourself that your system sounds good to you? How do you determine that you enjoy listening to music through your stereo? Do you have a suite of measurements that removes all shadow of a doubt that you are getting good sound, sound that you enjoy? Please share.


I find that I have no need to listen when I know my system sounds good enough as it will always be there for me when I desire to listen to it. No more having to chase the dragon as I've already caught it. 

This question has been asked many times in similar ways on A'gon and I find it a bit amusing when some criticize the OP for asking it because of who he is when they afforded more latitude to others. Interesting. 

As for the whereabouts of the objectivists, who cares? 😀

All the best,


Being objective is a means to an end. It helps one make good decisions based on the information available. No good reason to vilify that. 

The objectivist has internal belief system that regulates audio equipment evaluations, It doesn't matter that nearly every audio system is bespoke, likely totally unique assemblage of  equipment, room, ears/brain etc. I accept I can't know the quality of sound others experience with all these variables in play. I accept at face value they hear what they hear. The internal skeptic in me remains, but I have capability of open mindedness, I can be convinced with new knowledge. Bottom line for me, why should I feel the need to impart my sound quality evaluations to another, I respect their evaluations as credible for them.


As other posters mentioned, a quality system for me is one that involves me emotionally. Sense/illlusion of performers in room has been my goal from the very beginning.

I know it’s good when I have to switch one of these in for extra long listening sessions.





I listen and the music draws me in to stay.

What Mapman said. Plus:

  • There is some magic between the speakers- a heavenly illumination .
  • My wife sings more.
  • More genres are enjoyed.
  • When I still tinker but more to explore possibilities than to look for change.