Help with McIntosh Repair Facility

My MC452 is having an issue with the right channel that's a little weaker than the left.  Not by much but definitely noticeable.  Have been trying to diagnose the issue and everything so far points to the amp. I'm using XLR and have changed ICs , preamp tubes, cleaned amp inputs, etc.. but the head scratcher is if I switch the right and left IC inputs on the amp the sound or output is balanced. The meters are in alignment as they should be. The only issue is of course the right and left channels are opposite now.   I've spoken with an authorized repair center and bench testing is $350 and worse case scenario the board needs replacing plus labor can hit $2500 which in my opinion is ridiculous.  Has anyone experienced this issue or have any ideas or know of a reputable or more cost effective repair facility? I'm in Lexington KY.  Thanks in advance.  

Ag insider logo xs@2xsamzx12

I'm in New Jersey if you want to communicate with me - PM me.  I have rebuilt entire amps for $2500!



Had the same problem with my MA2275. Was one of the front dials that went bad. Actually the inner workings of it. My local repairman ordered a replacement and the entire job cost $200. Not saying that is what is wrong with yours as not familiar with MC-452 but checked out the front of it online and it has dials. Probably an idiot response from an idiot but best I can say. 

I live in the Phoenix area.  Recently I brought my MAC 6900 integrated to a reputable high-end store for repair.  They charged $90 for a look-see and $90/hr to do the repair work.  Unfortunately , you may not have other options in your area.

I switched the left and right XLR inputs at the amp and the meters are reading the same now. 

I'm wondering if your problem is upstream. You said you didn't want the left and right channels switched but you can switch the source and get back to the correct channels. Not sure your amp is the issue if you can switch channels and it sounds right.