The sound quality from DACs - is it all the same?

I've been talking to my cousin brother about sound quality. He is a self-proclaimed expert audiophile. He says that Audio Science Review has all of the answers I will need regarding audio products.

In particular, he says an inexpensive DAC from any Chinese company will do better than the expensive stuff. He says fancy audio gear is a waste of money because the data is already bit-perfect.  All DAC chips sound the same. Am I being mislead? 

He also said that any DAC over $400 is a waste of money. Convincing marketing is at play here, he says.

He currently owns a Topping L30 headphone amplifier and D30 Pro DAC. He uses Sennheiser HD 569 headphones to listen to music.  I'm not sure what to think of them. I will report my findings after listening one day! (likely soon, once I get some free time)

- Jack 



Post removed 

@asctim I’m hard pressed to believe that differences in the sound reaching my ear that I can detect are not measurable with a good calibrated microphone and some software.

I really wish all SQ elements are measurable such that, like I mentioned in other topics, a matrix can be established as a basis to more objectively assess the performance of speakers and other gears. But, so far, other than decay, SPL and related vertical/lateral responses, distortion/noise such as SNR or SINAD, etc., what other sound traits have been scientifically measured/reported? The dynamic range can possibly be done easily but was never reported at least to my knowledge. Can the width, depth and height of soundstage be measured accurately in spite we know the SS is created/affected by the delay of sound arriving at ears? How can one measure imaging, separation of intruments, the quality of bass such as speed and weight of bass, etc.?

The sound color created by adding odd/even order of distortions (as shown below for example) also makes a difference too, but that is usually not the difference we discuss here. I always turn these effects off or set it to Standard when auditioning the DACs. Anyway, I can not afford $5k, $20k or $150k DACs referred by rich audiophiles here but I could ensure you that even the entry-level or mid-tier DACs up to $500 can sound differently from each other.

(Smsl Su8 Sound Color SPL)



Can the width, depth and height of soundstage be measured accurately in spite we know the SS is created/affected by the delay of sound arriving at ears? How can one measure imaging, separation of intruments, the quality of bass such as speed and weight of bass, etc.?

I measured these acoustic factors rigorously with a finely tunable and precisely located grid of Helmholtz resonators and diffusers, their placement changed the pressure zones signature of the room, all these devices are precisely mechanically adjustable by hearing experiments like a piano tuner tune progressively a piano in a room and for a room...More than only measuring these acoustic factors i can change them at will in my room... 😁😊

Our brain/ears can measure all complex aspects of sounds together better than tools ask an acoustician...

How is it possible to "measure" the complexity of a musical timing event on all acoustical and musical counts at the same time ? Ask your brain...


Because i listen natural sounding timbres together as a whole, not microscopic detached details, i choose a low cost Dac, a non oversampling one, TDA 1543 old mythical low cost chip , with a complete minimalistic design , low noise internal battery, connected to a non linear supply, i never look back... His cost was peanuts... Happiness is not an enough strong word for my emotion description....


And i look more with pity than envy to any other option... Why?

Because the ratio S.Q./price is over the roof and anyway i cannot fault this dac...It recieve ONLY good reviews all over the internet... i bought it for that reason and for his low price at the time...A lucky day 6 years ago ...

The gear specs sheets  matter less than acoustic knowledge in audio journey...


Even if you think the sound differences are subtle in your system, consider basing your choice on how easy it is to get service if something goes wrong, whether or not the power cord is detachable IEC without a wall wart, etc. Even those two parameters might cause you to rule out >>90% of existing DACs, especially the cheapies.

I agree with many of the posts on this thread that different DAC's will sound different to some people and the best policy is to choose the one in your price range that sounds best to you providing you have an opportunity to compare different DAC's in the same setting. If you don't have an opportunity to audition the DAC's select a few with features you like in your price range and read a few different professional reviews on each DAC to see if that helps with your selection. 

I have an onboard DAC in my Preamplifier and an onboard DAC in a CD Transport and I can stream music from a separate Streamer through both devices and can say they both sound good but they definitely sound different. To my ears I prefer the matchup of the Streamer with the DAC in the Preamp. 

For CD's I prefer the sound of the DAC in the CD Transport possibly because it was designed to work as a system.

We all hear things differently.