Selling gear with TMR

I’m at the point of wanting to sell some gear and am seeking any experiences of selling with The Music Room. Did it make things easier? Did you get what you thought was a reasonable offer? Other benefits or detriments you might share?


I recently sold two items to them and declined to sell three more items. The three I declined were way too low. One of them was DAC I bought from them a year ago, they offered less than 40% of what I paid them for it. Of the two I sold, one was an ok offer, it was a transport which has flooded the market so lots for sale and few selling. The other piece was a 30 year old tube amp that worked great. They offered $500 which I thought was probably about half what I could get for it and I did not have original packaging so I thought, oh well save me the trouble. They listed it for $1500 and it sold in a few days from their website, never made it to Audiogon. I’m pretty disillusioned with them right now …

If you have to send the product to them why not sell it yourself and send it to someone else? I don’t know how it makes it easier. They seem like a great company though.

If you have to send the product to them why not sell it yourself and send it to someone else? I don’t know how it makes it easier. 

@bubba12 Because they carefully describe, test, and guarantee what they sell, they take the risk out of the sale for buyer and increase the likelihood of a sale. They also can ensure it's packaged professionally. Take a look at their site, and you'll probably see why it's so popular for buyers.

@pmotz ...They offered $500 which I thought was probably about half what I could get for it and I did not have original packaging so I thought, oh well save me the trouble. They listed it for $1500 and it sold in a few days from their website, never made it to Audiogon. I’m pretty disillusioned with them right now.


They offered you 33% of selling price, and 200% profit for them in two days.

Accepting their offer and determining "Value Received" is a learned experience,

Now you know more, and can sell it yourself if that makes better sense next time.

I recently bought from The Music Room and was impressed with their support when FedEx became a problem. I was totally impressed with their packaging. They went beyond anything I've ever seen. They use a liquid foam packaging process that completely pads the equipment. They seem to be a good company that cares about customer service. Would I sell my gear to them? Probably not. I'm not interested in selling at 33-50% resale value. I've been selling gear for many years. Talking to the person on the phone always fleshes out any questions in my mind. I haven't had any problems with transactions, but it does require time to take photos, package things up, list the ad, respond to replies, have that phone call, deal with PayPal, go to FedEx, UPS, USPS. Then wait for confirmation that everything is okay. I don't mind doing those things, but some might not.