Have to go with audition_audio on this one. There are few Skinheads, nor Neo-Nazis. When one does not have a good argument, one may try to use an exception to prove a rule. It does not work that way. However, there is a good lesson to be learned. "Othering" and ignoring concerns, even of those you don't agree with, lends to radicalization. It is easy to label someone a racist, or Xenophobe or bigot, but just like raising concerns about "Skinheads" or other fringe elements, they may too have a concern that may not be at issue today, but could become one. I don't worry about Skinheads or Neonazis. The elements that drive them tend to be ignorance. However, I do worry about things that will "grow" within the framework of life today, i.e. what could happen from growing economic disparity, from demographics, etc. I will say one thing, censorship will always be bad, as it is and has always been a tool of oppression.