Turntable channel imbalance

Hi there!

I’ve noticed that the left channel is a bit louder than the right when I play vinyl. This is the only source that has this issue. I have 2 carts and both exhibit the issue. With some records it is more noticeable than others tho.

Is there anything I can adjust?


 I have Technics SL-B20D P-mount. TIA


Every single cartridge has a differing channel balance. You can adjust it in the phono pre. 

Or not.

@fuzztone using a Rega Fono MM pre - just on/off. So am I out of luck? Is this the table or the cart?

reverse the rca cables, does the problem switch channels?

are the rca connectors tight on both l and right?

Make sure the table is level. If it isn't, you are introducing a bias in the tonearm that favors one side.

It is most probably the phono preamp. There may be a balance control internally.

If you are fussy about balance and anybody with a system that images correctly will be you will be adjusting balance almost with every record or file. Fine balance is a preference issue plus no system puts out exactly the same level in both channels. If the mixing engineer's system is a dB louder on the left what you hear if your system is exactly neutral would be louder on the right. 

If the OP's system otherwise sounds fine, this is what you have a balance control. for. Use it. Nothing else that has been mentioned will effect balance. Anti-skating will effect tracking not balance, same for level. Tube variability can do it. A bad connection will usually cause distortion and noise but possibly volume.