For the record, my making a post is not always an attempt at responding to a post from another.
Likewise, my showing a commonly found evidence that a particular individual is varied in their assertions made and stand taken, is also not my responding to an individuals post.
What might or might not prove to be of interest, is that the particular evidence used, is one that is 14 years old. The use of Dreary as a description does seem to be fitting for more than one reason when referring to my post.
I have made it known, I am not a lock oneself away in a room individual a their participation in Audio as a interest. I get out and take part in a spread wide social network.
As a result of my willingness to meet others, I've been exposed to a wide range of Plinth Designs. Where I have been seated in front of and receiving demo's of the fashionable materials for Plinths used for Idler Drive TT's from the 90's and 00's (Granite, Slate and well thought out timber structures are all met in used as a Plinth Structure being demonstrated, of which I chose Granite).
The 10's and now in the 20's, have introduced myself to new concepts (very advanced Timber Structures with designs included to aid damping, Increased Compression Wood Based Boards and Highly Compressed Foam Based Boards Polybentonite Resin, Highly Compressed Bamboo and Densified Wood.
There is no desire to return to any material experienced prior to my usage of a Densified Wood as a material, even though my experience of Highly Compressed Bamboo on a Garrard 401 has been very impressive and indelible as a memory, the best 401 met to date as my assessment.
As for materials I am keeping on, the next will be a Mycelium based product, hopefully all Organic in its origin and able to compete with substances coming from Chemical or Petrochemical origins.
Formula One already has a secretive materiel that is very much aligned to this new philosophy.
The same person who has received material Samples from me for testing, that are not commonly met materials, and the same person who over the Years been supplying Data on a vast range of materials used in audio. The same person who has in 'certain circles' become known as pretty much the Godfather of Panzerholz through the Testing and Data they supplied many many years ago, will receive from myself new samples of new discovered materials for testing.
I am not an expert, I don't have to be, I receive good description of Data from those that really know. That when contemplated by the Layman, helps making decisions to make a change a no brainier, to follow up on the idea to be inquisitive and learn what is on offer.
There is an amount of Threads to be found, with a substantial amount of Posts on Spindle Weights, Spindle Clamps and Mats.
My input will be I have found through many trials, what I class as suitable to my own unique preferences.
Yours will be a Journey of many stops with trials and discoveries to be met or a one stop journey where the alighting the interest ends quickly, I strongly recommend the former.