Looking to downsize and for suggestions for amp(s)

I currently have a pair of Pass 260.8's and I am considering to start downsizing my main system. While I really like the amps, considering something a little more flexiable. I currently have them on platforms in front of my rack so they take a lot of real estate. Hoping for suggestions that might actually fit back in rack.

I curretnly use an ARC 5se with and I am not curretnly thinking about changing that or other sources or speakers, just the amps.

Mostly looking at SS amp(s) as I have felt that they usually mate pretty well with tube pre's.

Have a ML 23.5 in second system that I still really like, but that also requires a platform so that might be an upgrade to something a little smaller down the road.

Speakers are 87dB  Shahinian Hawks, also not currently looking to change.

Thoughts? Suggestions?


Take a look at the Gold Note PA-1175MK 2.  200 wpc, reasonable size (won't strain your back) wonderful sonics, reliable, can be left on 24/7 and draws next to nothing when music not playing.

@stevea11757 Wrote:

I currently have them on platforms in front of my rack so they take a lot of real estate. Hoping for suggestions that might actually fit back in rack.

I would move the mono amps in back of the speakers, to save real estate and keep the speaker cables very short 12'' or less.



They are currently just behind speakers with as short a cable as I could go. 

I like my Coda Continuum No 8 V1.  It's not huge and fits in my cabinet.  Only 62 pounds.  Plenty of power.  They have different configurations for this amp.  The V1 that I have runs in Class A up to 18 watts.