REGA, Still in Business?

I am in need of some spare parts for my Rega Turn Table.
No dealer in my area so I sent 4 emails to Rega Service. No Reply.

Did they go belly up? Factory burn down?
Any news?

I have contacted several Rega dealers, USA, Singapore, England, but I guess it's too much trouble to send me a ball bearing for my spindle.
Be patient. The folks at Music Hall were kind enough to send me a replacement anti-skate counter-weight I'd lost ($14). Maybe the Rega peeps getting ready for the L.A. Stereo show in June.
Let us know how this turns out.
With all the news surrounding the Apollo introduction, I highly doubt they are going anywhere.
Rega normally requires you to go through their distributor.
They usually avoid responding directly to customer inquiries. Good luck.
I've sent emails to Rega directly and received replies, but as noted above, they are structured to rely on their distributors and dealers. The US distributor (Sound Organisation) is pretty responsive. They normally respond to emails the same day. They will locate a dealer who can address your need, or contact Rega if they can't help you themselves. I had one query they couldn't help with once and they helped get the Rega lab guys to respond.