Ferarri, Some have said the Foam Noodle Toys that you can get from a swimming pool store work, but I do know the stock MK-IV, with metal sub-chassis, and Platter are a lot of weight to support.
Some have used Carbon Fiber Pucks from somebody like Back Diamond Racing, other options might be having somebody machine you four Delrin Pucks, and compliment-supplement them with thinner sorbothane sheeting from someplace like McMaster-Carr? I am unsure if McMaster-Carr sells the correct diameter sorbothane rods, which could then be cut to proper height?
Ya gotta figure, if VPI could get this material, perhaps so can you from somewhere? Mark
Some have used Carbon Fiber Pucks from somebody like Back Diamond Racing, other options might be having somebody machine you four Delrin Pucks, and compliment-supplement them with thinner sorbothane sheeting from someplace like McMaster-Carr? I am unsure if McMaster-Carr sells the correct diameter sorbothane rods, which could then be cut to proper height?
Ya gotta figure, if VPI could get this material, perhaps so can you from somewhere? Mark