Not asking the best....

but what is your favorite jam or interlude(not sure interlude is correct, hope example makes it clear)in a song?

What brought this up is I was walking the dogs listening to Pandora and the Stones "Can't you hear me knockin'" came on. Well, you know that extended part in the song where the sax and guitars do a little tasty playing, got me wondering what others thought were good jams like that.

I know there are tons and a few I heard tonight walking. So I put it to you what are some of your favorites? Any genre.


Hi Dave,

My favorite would have to be the long instrumental segment in the full (7 minute) version of the Doors' "Light My Fire". The highlight, IMO, being the keyboard work of the late Ray Manzarek.

Best regards,
-- Al
Boz Scaggs' "Loan Me a Dime" - the extended solo/jam that has amazing lead guitar, but equally amazing and subtle rhythm backing.

I also agree with Al's citing of Light My Fire, and would add other Doors songs (eg Riders on the Storm).
"Firth of Fifth" by Genesis.

"Nine Feet Underground" by Caravan.

"Summer Lightning" by Camel.
Iron Butterfly: In-a-godda-da-vida

Blind Faith: Had to Cry Today

Stones: Midnight Rambler

Allman Bros: Blue Sky