
Responses from wolf_garcia

Schiit Freya + Class A in Stereophile
Mr_bill...yes, all 4. I even have a few extras and they last a very long time at least relative to power tubes. 6SN7GTB. Stereophile rated the Freya + "Class A" even though it has lots of features...  
Mixed Brand Pre-Amp Power Amp Pairings that Work
An original version Schiit Freya 9 with NOS GE tubes into a Pass Labs XA-25. Yeah man. Yeah. That's right...  
Is There A Big Difference Between Subwoofers From Different Manufacturers
Used RELs...works for me.  
Schiit Freya + Class A in Stereophile
My elder Freya with NOS GEs is absolutely on par with other far more pricey preamps as I proved (to myself and a few friends) by group listening tests comparing it to some ARC preamps and others a few years ago when it was new. In the tube mode it... 
Who actually uses digital speakers?
My ego won't allow DSP as I abhor the relinquishing to strangers of tonal responsibility. Or relinquishing tonal responsibility to strangers. Or, uh, something.  
How Much Do Your Subwoofer(s) Cost Relative to Speakers
I have 3 older REL subs, 2 Q150Es and one Q108 MK 2, 2 were 200 bucks each and one was maybe 250...my mains are Heresy III "Capitol Records 75th Anniversary" (woopty friggin' do) editions and they cost 14 thousand bucks a pair. I may have paid too... 
Cable curmudgeon
Does the alarm system have luscious midrange and toe tapping inciting wide soundstage (not TOO wide) "straight wire with gain" absolute accuracy? Or is it simply alarming?  
Is This the Essence of "The Audiophile Dilemma?
Dilemma? How about "fun." Great audio is FUN, and if you're too tightly wound to have fun since you may be worried about your subs or "early reflections" (good name for a book) or toe-in...you should do something else. I look for new music frequen... 
Many higher end preamps are dated and ugly, why is this?
Yeah, lame topic but so what? Schiit gear works very well for my tastes regardless of how it looks (my Freya looks cool though), and don’t let women with no pants sit on your carpet...trust me.   
Ideas for an amplifier?
I can't think of anything nice to say so...no comment.  
klipshorn speakers
I drive my Heresy IIIs with a tube preamp into a recently acquired Pass XA-25...(my single ended tube power amp is on vacation). Note that when Klipsch designed a lot of this stuff the only choice was tube amps, so there's that...  
Question about speaker angle
Whatever you do, do not trust your own ears...this only leads you down the rabbit hole of having your own tastes and opinions which is never a good idea. Opinions of strangers and those claiming expertise on a system they can't actually hear is al... 
Honest Experience on Effects of Subwoofer Please
Subs are easy for me to set up (sorry mijostyn) as they're a relatively simple thing. You turn 'em on and listen...mine have phase switches that need to be heeded and some may find that daunting but really...you simply listen. Adjust the levels, a... 
Best audiophile earwax removal system?
Also, never put a $10,000 cable in your ear.  
Honest Experience on Effects of Subwoofer Please
A lot of silliness get passed around with topics like this one, and all bloviating aside, subs aren't that difficult to set up, more than one helps tame standing waves but one sounds much better than none, and don't be afraid to try 'em. I have a ...