

Responses from woodman

using hokey pucks for isolating speakers from the
I use the following under my Hales Rev 3s with excellent reults. First four hokey pucks then a 12" x 12" cement stepping stone from home depot (painted black) then my hales with the spikes. Now I admit my floor is a slab (most all are here in Texa... 
Tis a sad, sad day...
While I have never owned the N 805s, the best I ever heard them sound was in a store in Ft. Worth being driven by McIntosh, but sorry I do not remember model. I do remember they had a pair of 802 in the same room being driven by.....opps, not sure... 
Looking for Integrated Amp to power Hales Rev 3's
I've had a Sim I-5 with my Hales rev 3's twice now. I really like it. So well that a couple years after I sold the first I bought another. While I am currently using seperates I would not hesitate to go back to the sim again. I did try a Plinius (... 
Cleaning & polishing premium-grade speakers
Ok now y'all have me wondering. For years I have used Armor All on most of my wood furniture with only good results. More recently, I've been told that this is bad. Can any one out there help me. OK I have never owned anything made of any exotic w... 
Integrated amps with HT pass-thru?
Sim I-5 
recommendation for best low cost rca interconnect
Is there a web site for the art audio cable or is it audio art? The closest thing I foung was ART AUDIO, but no mention of cables.....Thanks, 
SS Intergrated with HT by-pass
I believe both the Sim I-5 and the Classe CAP 151 have the Home theater by-pass. 
Need advice ono a Tube preamp
A cheaper way to check out tube pre amps is the AES AE3. You can find them used on aoccasion. There,s one on the Gon right now for 400. And there are plenty of 6sn7 nos tubes. I love mine, it's sound, and it's simplicity. 
The Perfect Listening Room
As an avid accoustic original music fan (see websites for the Kerrville Folk Festival, UncleCalvins coffee house in Dallas and Jefferson Freedom Cafe in Fort Worth), I have been in the perfect listening room. It's a thing called a house concert an... 
Need woofer repair
Freeman-Tuell, 214-324-1132. in Dallas Well known among both home and pro audio folks. Give em' a call 
320bee and NHT SB-3's
I have used the 320BEE with a pair of NHT 1.5s and was very satisfied. 
Think I'm going to try tubes...
As mentioned earlier, you might try a tubed pre and a solid state amp. I have Hales Rev 3s which are rated at I believe 87db and I have been told that I would have to have a good sized tube amp (say 100 watts) in order to drive them well. I recome... 
Folk/Rock choices that are well recorded
As a fifteen year plus volunteer at a weekly coffeehouse in Dallas where we feature accoustic singer songwriters, I believe there are hundreds of unknown (to the general public) performers. They are mostly all on unknown labels and often on their ... 
Bryston vs Krell vs Simaudio
Grab a used I5 and enjoy. 
Hales Design Group speakers....how good were they?
I lusted after a pair of Hales for a long time. I have had a pair of the Hales Rev 3's for a few years now and have no intention of letting them go for years to come. I heard many of the Hales when they were still in business. My only regrets are ...