Modified vintage CJ preamp vs. new one

I have a vintage Conrad-Johnson PV11 preamp which I had modified by the company with Teflon caps.
I like the sound of it.
As a matter of curiosity I’d like opinions as to whether it would be an improvement if I were to replace it with a new CJ model.
Glad to share my insights. My daughter plays cello and bassoon. I listen, hear, and enjoy. I used to restore old Rover sedans and Land Rovers. Hence, the hybrid name.

Thanks for the info.
Right now, since the caps broke in, I’m very happy with the sound I’m getting.

BTW,  Are you a cellist?  I was a classical pianist.
Hi rvpiano--
Your PV11 only has Teflon caps in the power supply. There is no physical room in the preamp for Teflon caps or Vishay resistors in the audio circuit.  The ET6SE, has better quality RCA jacks, Teflon caps in both the audio circuit and power supply, and Vishay resistors through out will sound cleaner, more dynamic, more detailed, and more neutral. Hence, more musical and maybe even a tad warmer. If your ears want that great of a change then go for it. Would be happy to speak off line.
KeEp the upgraded CJ Pre. 
  Use her for many years to come.  Enjoy he music. 
   Ou would make a sidestep and be out of unite a lot of money.

 Save $, new cables. 
 The PV pres’ were great   
 Keep your upgraded preamp!

 Probably not even broken yet, those Teflon caps take hundreds.  Of hours to fully break in.

For what its worth,  I own the Classic 2SE and after demoing that and a non SE ET3 in a 50k plus system I thought the Classic with Teflon caps  sounded better.   
There does not seem to be a lot of feedback , or reviews in regard to the ET6 available. I am also curious how the ET6 compares to the ET3 and even other vintage CJ preamps.


benchmark has an extended, clean and lean house sound... your older cj pre may have a great synergy with it

so if it ain’t broken...

as for what an et6 could do in its place... only one way to find out, right?  😆

good luck!
It’s entirely possible that the ET 6 will sound better, but the modified PV 11 is pretty clean and definitely does not sound muddled especially as it is paired with a Benchmark AHB2 amplifier.
   "...i have not heard it... but i would suspect the et6 would be substantially better than a many many gens old pv11, caps upgraded or not... the pv11 would be substantially more honey colored, less resolving less impactful on transients, throwing a more muddled stage..."

I would lean this way also.   
i currently have the et5 as well as an older prem 16ls2

had the pv10a, pv12 and 14 in the (quite distant) past

the current et6 is an upgrade from the just prior gen et3... which was not a great sounding unit for the money - the et5 was a huge step up in sq

i am sure jeff and the guys at cj have improved the et6 quite a bit as a result of the relatively poor performance of the et3... i have not heard it... but i would suspect the et6 would be substantially better than a many many gens old pv11, caps upgraded or not... the pv11 would be substantially more honey colored, less resolving less impactful on transients, throwing a more muddled stage
The PV10 through PV12 (or PV14?) were really stellar, and with the right caps amazing. The improvements were mainly around the power supply.

I would not replace it, I'd keep it and use it elsewhere, especially if you already have Teflon caps on it.

One major thing I liked about them was the use of low gain tubes, meaning lower noise. :)

