My stereo

I have completed my "forever" hifi system yesterday with the addition of the AI Modulus 2C. The pre-amp has been repaired and it lives again. This is shortly after getting the Vandersteen 2Ce Sig II speakers and four identical Kenwood L-05M mono block power amps. I play digital audio content off Quboz through my SMSL DO100 Pro DAC with digital volume control. The 32-bit digital volume control on the DAC allows me to control volume with the remote and reduce the level of the input, making the pre-amp function with modern sources, in a more modern way (one volume control instead of two on pre-amp, with remote control). This system is very important to me as it gives me an escape into the land of music exploration. Now that I've gotten everything working I am going to leave it alone. No touching tubes, wires, or anything like that. I'm using WBC Mogami 2964 cables throughout. 6 foot interconnects from pre-amp to amps. 0.5 foot between DAC and pre-amp. I also use a Furman AC-215A power conditioner with everything.


Congratulations on your membership in the Forever Club. I’ve been in the Forever Club for a year and a half now. It’s great feeling to be able to dust yourself off, sit back and enjoy the music; with the realization that you’ve jumped off the upgrade merry-go-round and, like me, can solely focus on the music…………

So this year, I’ll be adding,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, oh well.

Congratulations on a setup that you enjoy! It's great to get to a place where powering up the system and playing music gives the pleasure, without any nagging daydream of "what if " I made a change over here...

On the other hand, I'm a happy tourist that likes to sample gear. So I continue to assemble systems, and enjoy the idea of a bedroom or second system as a way to rotate pieces. I might find a combination that surprises me. This style also ensures a decent set of backups if something heads off for service.

I am also retired and trying to stay within a budget, more or less. Would I like a set of Quatros? Sure I would. Meanwhile, there's music to enjoy.


45+ years of this hobby for me.  In recent years, I've upgraded everything.  Spent the last several months tweaking with cables.  With the possible exception of an upgraded dac, I think I'm done.  

Tweaking with cables has been interesting.  I have a new digital coax cable on the way to me.  My cd player into my dac isn't quite as good as streaming.  Thought I'd try a better cable, but it may also be that the streamer is using an I2S input.

Hey there @freediver, First off, I am old😂...old enough to know a bitter audiophile when insulted by one for no good reason.  Second, what's wrong with being a gear head? Even though we older audiophiles/gear heads have slowed down our purchases a bit, doesn't mean we want to stop pursuing audio excellence for the rest of our able days.

This is the essence of being an audiophile, so lighten up Francis.

Congratulations to anyone & everyone who has reached the end of being a "true audiophile"(according to @cohicks4 )& gotten off the merry go round!
I will bet good $ that the repliers who all state "it won’t last" are children(compared to us old guys)who simply haven’t had the 50+ years of time to sort through what exactly constitutes "end game"sound to them,or the 50+ years of endless cycling through gear to find that sound...
I will also bet good $ that when every one of them reaches our ripe old ages,they will end up in the same place we are today,longing to get off the constantly revolving merry go round & just sit back & enjoy the few years they have left listening & exploring new music...
One last thing..
@cohicks4,YOU & those who subscribe to your definition of "audiophile" are NOT true audiophiles,you are GEAR HEADS!

Well, I guess I must not be a true audiophile after all because this retired "formerly known as" a true audiophile no longer has an inexhaustible amount of funds to spend on expensive high end audio gear  I'm all done.  I don't even look anymore, LOl!!!   

I Congratulate you! However, if you're a true audiophile, the journey never ends. Even if you found all the equipment that satisfies you, you'll keep buying music, tweaks, room treatments, and looking in Audiogon for that next special deal😂!

Congrats to you.  I'm an older retired audiophile who, after all these years, finally managed to assemble my end-game "forever" audio system earlier this year.  I  opted to omit CD and vinyl from my end-game, off into the sunset, audio system because I just no longer feel like fiddling around with them anymore.  I thoroughly enjoy streaming via Qobuz, Tidal, and also via ripped CDs to my hard drive.  Easy, relaxed, carefree, with truly awesome sound!!!  Happy listening.       

Congrats. Since you got your end system now, it may be a good time to start thinking about giving it an upgrade in room acoustics. Just a thought.

Congratulations on your retirement! I too have retired and completed my audio equipment quest! The last piece was a streamer which allows me access to both my own library as well as almost all the music available to hear. What a great place to be! Enjoy your retirement and the music, I am!

@olds1959special  So glad to hear you Think you are Done…

(…I give it a couple of months… ha)

Peace Out ✌️

That’s a tall order. Congrats though on achieving a level of satisfaction and contentment. Takes some character. Try not do any comparative listening to other’s systems. This is where temptation will originate. Enjoy. 

Take a sigh of relief and enjoy! I retired a couple years ago and would like to think I have completed my system. Although I upgraded my speaker cables a few months ago. But being on retirement my resistance to buy has been harnessed although…

With your forever systems in place, you can now focus on the music (and acquiring more music).


I am hoping that I am close to my forever system. A different DAC might happen, but no other high dollar purchases after that.


I hope.

Congratulations. It is great to get to the point of feeling no further tweaks are necessary.

I am definitely with you on the musical exploration. 

How does this system relate to your fish room system?