Looks like you're going nowhere with many different suggestions already. I would concur with several opinions in that your equipment may not be the issue. If your 14'x20x11' space is dedicated, I would suggest placing all your equipment into that room and work with the room acoustics first. You can be amazed at the benefits of a well-treated room and the subsequent impact it has on any particular system. When things don't turn out the way you want them to be then only start looking around.
Shadorne's recommendation on active ATC speakers is a good one. You can also try AV Designs which is the distributor of PMC speakers and Bryston electronics. Both will be quite a step-up from your existing setup although it may cost quite a bit(you didn't mention your budget). The most important is for you to go and listen to the system yourself and decide.
Shadorne's recommendation on active ATC speakers is a good one. You can also try AV Designs which is the distributor of PMC speakers and Bryston electronics. Both will be quite a step-up from your existing setup although it may cost quite a bit(you didn't mention your budget). The most important is for you to go and listen to the system yourself and decide.