Please Make Audiogon Cool

I think that there are a lot of experienced and interesting people on this site. Some in retail, some in manufacturing, and probably some really cool artists, scientists and engineers of all sorts of backgrounds.

I want to encourage those of you with something to say, a point of view, a helpful idea to post.

Without this type of interaction, Audiogon becomes just a shopping support group. If you care about the Audiogon community and would like to see it go in a particular direction, then please contribute in the way you feel most comfortable and engaging.


"Yes, "the difference between cables and fuses". that one is EASY.Cables are longer than fuses. I hope that makes it clear what the differences between cables and fuses once, and for all time. (this does not count giant industrial size fuses)"

Thanks Elizabeth I needed a chuckle
Any actual engineers and scientists in the audio field, are quickly turned off by stuff like this, which has no basis in fact ... So how do you change things ...
There are lots of facts here, but you don’t like them. There is a lot of evidence here, but not the kind you like. There are also multiple actual scientists and engineers who regularly contribute here. But you just joined yesterday, so you can be somewhat forgiven for not recognizing that. If you stick around, you’ll likely find some here who are even smarter than you.
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You know Erik_squires, there is one thing that would make these forums, and most audio forums better. I am okay with being anonymous, in today’s "cancel culture" I don’t blame people.

However, I think if people have to clearly state whether they earned money from the audio industry, AND, clearly state the type of products they deal with and whether they are a MFR, dealer, installer, etc. then it would allow others on the forums to better judge for themselves whether self-interest was influencing a particular posters writings.

Here, I will go first. I currently earn about 25-35% of my income (sometimes higher, sometimes lower) from the audio industry, through my companies design consulting on advanced product design for electronics, acoustics, and signal processing and some dedicated test and measurement gear, as well as some royalties for past designs and we box-build some items. It all depends on the agreed revenue/business model with the client. I have previously earned 100% of my income in the industry doing similar things, electronics, acoustics, signal processing, and in management and sales/marketing.
See Erik,

I rest my point. Any actual engineers and scientists in the audio field, are quickly turned off by stuff like this, which has no basis in fact, for which the author will be unwilling and unable to support with evidence ....

With confirmation bias, placebo effect, and a host of other human foibles so well established (by actual scientists), one has to wonder both why someone would make an assertion like this that is provably wrong, and why they would not be willing to prove the assertion.

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geoffkait17,625 posts10-22-2019 5:02pm
>>>>>Nobody is saying that the ears can’t be fooled sometimes. But intimacy with one’s system and recordings can help ensure not many mistakes are made. So, we can dismiss any psychological bugaboo, whether it’s being psyched out, confirmation bias, placebo effect, reverse placebo effect or whatever other mumbo jumbo terminology you like.😬



Your argument is easily dismissed as you have no evidence to support your position, nor are you willing to provide evidence via proving your claim.

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geoffkait17,625 posts10-22-2019 5:02pm
>>>>>Nobody is saying that the ears can’t be fooled sometimes. But intimacy with one’s system and recordings can help ensure not many mistakes are made. So, we can dismiss any psychological bugaboo, whether it’s being psyched out, confirmation bias, placebo effect, reverse placebo effect or whatever other mumbo jumbo terminology you like.

Yes, I have noticed your use of ad-homs when you are not able to address the argument. It is not something to be proud of.

"I’ve already used the term Wiki scientist, it’s what I labeled you, actually, so please stop using my material. Have you no shame?"

It will be difficult to make this a welcoming place for engineers and scientists because they will quickly tire of the attacks of the Wikipedia experts and those enamored and convinced of the infallibility of their ears and brains, even though confirmation bias is well understood in psychology and the foibles of non-controlled subjective audio testing were put to bed by actual audio engineers decades ago.

>>>>>Nobody is saying that the ears can’t be fooled sometimes. But certainly not always. Give us a break! Familiarity with one’s system and recordings can help ensure not many mistakes are made. And experience. So, I declare that we can summarily dismiss any psychological bugaboo, whether it’s being psyched out, confirmation bias, placebo effect, reverse placebo effect or whatever other mumbo jumbo terminology you like.

I’ve already used the term Wiki scientist, it’s what I labeled you, actually.  So, please stop using my material. Have you no shame?

“Many of you will go on to big things. The rest of you will become audio engineers.” - Commencement address at Audio school. 😬
OK, I'VE GOT something to contribute here, and "I" think it's cool in a weird way. I have a big, heavy, and very good-sounding system in the living room. It's pretty expensive gear, but I built it up over many years, upgrading a little at a time.
But I ALSO have a (miserable in comparison) non-audiophile system in my bedroom-
Teac compact components (8.5 in. wide) driving JBL "studio" 6in. 3-way speakers. Std. wire except for one pair of Audioquest Lapis connecting the CD player. It's not even quite up to Mid-Fi standards. There's no imaging, no stage, no silky highs. But... it's not all that bad, either. Plenty of bass when called for. It's clean sounding up to pretty loud volumes (35W/Ch). It looks nice and can play most any kind of music as well.
Why is it my ears don't discriminate that much anymore? I'm not questioning the validity of the delicate nuances coming out of a great speaker system, but I can ALSO listen to music on just about anything.
Except- an esoteric set of components that sounds unacceptional (but the "Watts" are certainly there if you're hosting a house party). I think we all know the disappointment of hearing a demo and have to be diplomatic with the salesman who wants you to be amazed. Of course the flip side of this is when the store has an irresistibly good sounding system that costs four times what you can afford, but you "know" that's the kind of gear you always dreamed of having.
The overall point here is that satisfaction is a complicated emotion- and what if all you want to hear is Black Sabbath at concert volume? Who can say what kind of system "you really need" to make you happy?

noromance ... sez:

  • "I had a boss once who was so ugly, he passed out business cards at bars offering his friendship and walks on the beach. We found a stash of them during an office clear out in an enormous box of french letters."   

He should have tried my line. I just siddle up to a good looking woman at the bar, and when she glances over at me, and I see that look of disgust on her face, I just say ... "I'm really not this tall. I'm sitting on my wallet." 

Works every time.

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It will be difficult to make this a welcoming place for engineers and scientists because they will quickly tire of the attacks of the Wikipedia experts and those enamored and convinced of the infallibility of their ears and brains, even though confirmation bias is well understood in psychology and the foibles of non-controlled subjective audio testing were put to bed by actual audio engineers decades ago. 

The funny things is, actual engineers and scientists do far more subjective audio testing than these armchair audio athletes, they just do it in controlled situations with larger groups. When one of the audio athletes wants to prove a point, they will latch onto an actual scientific paper like a rabid crocodile if it in any way supports their position. 

Audio press, many manufacturers, dealers, etc. are more than happy to encourage this mindset .... it is in their best interest as it helps sell their highest margin products, which drives advertising, which .... well you get it.

Take a count of how many threads there are about cables, fuses, power conversion, isolation products, and similar "tweaks". Now take a count of how many threads there are on acoustics and room treatments, and how few people have any significant knowledge in this area. A well placed $200 absorption or diffusion panel is going to improve sound far more than a $2000 cable upgrade, a few thousand in room treatment, more than 10's of thousands of "tweaks". It may not make the audio industry go round, but it is a path to the best sound possible for a given budget.

So how do you change things ... ask better questions?  I don't have an easy answer, but I am sure it starts with the consumer.
There needs to be more discussions on double blind abx testing and the differences between cables and fuses. Can’t seem to find enough of that around here.
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I was talking with a ham radio Nazi and he didn’t see the cell phone as a logical extention.....
When I'm in an extreme analog and tube moment, I feel the same about DSP reissues and streaming.
I have the good fortune to work with a number of young people. They DO think audio is cool. I have a tube setup at my office and they are intrigued and interested. Play them some of their music and they will instantly smile. In fact, a young professional I work with told me last week that she would be buying a turntable. I asked her if she had any vinyl and she said not yet.

Here’s what they don’t think is cool: things that are radically expensive without justification and people who take themselves OR their gear too seriously. The shrines and rituals are what tend to fade over time in all parts of the human experience. If you make the act of listening to music a solemn, non-interactive experience in solitude while placing an almost religious fervor to its reproduction then the community has no right to whine that it just isn’t catching on. Keep doing the same old things and expect different outcomes? 
I was talking with a ham radio Nazi and he didn’t see the cell phone as a logical extention.....
I like high-end audio. Have since the 70s. I wish it was perceived as cool, but it just isn't. Every single person I have ever discussed this hobby with considers it odd to sit still, with eyes closed, listening to recorded music without talking or DOING SOMETHING! It simply is too technical, too meticulous, too anal-retentive, too obsessive-compulsive, too mathematical, too physics-centric, too electrical-engineerish, too expensive, too opinionated, too damn boring! I'm sure there's others, but I can't think of any more right now. 
What it is, is the antithesis of "cool". It's serious stuff, it's meaningful, it has depth and breadth, it requires commitment, determination and dedication. 
It's not for the casual person tripping through life day to day lacking focus and planning. It's for serious people who make plans and then see them through to fruition.
It's a wonderful hobby, but I don't know anyone who thinks it's "cool".
I wish it was.
I had a boss once who was so ugly, he passed out business cards at bars offering his friendship and walks on the beach. We found a stash of them during an office clear out in an enormous box of french letters. 
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That response actually made me laugh out loud Erik! If I wasn't already married...
Hello Erik and millercarbon,

     You're right, millercarbon did respond very quickly.  Let's explore this for deeper significance, shall we?

     I know you're both interested in audio and listening to music that is well reproduced in a home environment.  I'm already picturing you two cuddled up together on a plush loveseat underneath a blanket on a snowy and blustery winter's evening, sharing a bottle of wine, with a toasty fire crackling away in the fireplace and listening to "Do You Like Pina Coladas?" on your spectacular sound system that you both created together with an overabundance of love.

     Wait a minute, is the true purpose of Audiogon a Dating Service?  At least you two lovebirds will always have an adorable meeting story to tell your grand kids.

Oh yeah, I'm sorry but I'm not going to make your wedding once you two agree on a date, but I will be sending a gift.

Good luck you two,
3 minutes between the time I posted something and the time you replied.

I feel we really should start planning some sort of future together, Miller. Are you into sports? Beaches?? How do you feel about adopting?
Without this type of interaction, Audiogon becomes just a shopping support group.

You mean like when I came asking about a simple ciruit mod (in tech talk no less!) and was told to just sell the amp and buy another one? 

Wait a minute! That was you, wasn't it??