Seriously? Why Buy ARC Ref 6SE? seems Benchmark LA4 is a better choice.

And costs only a few grand vs soooo much more for a ref 6se preamp.  Benchmark LA4 Does HT bypass very easily.  
I am at a profound loss.  what the heck is going on inside the Ref 6se box.  What the heck does it all do? 
6se is very pretty but Benchmark LA4 also looks nice. And the McIntosh c1100 preamp is also very pretty.  Frankly, what justifies buying a preamp at such a high price?? It is supposed to be a neutral pass thru of a signal.

"And I don’t like listening to music very much."

Then the purpose of this thread was what?

Funny, I thought money was only in issue when two items performed identically in YOUR ROOM.

I would say this is a non-discussion.  Take both home, listen, and buy the one that sounds the best IN YOUR ROOM and that you can afford.

End of discussion.
Here is what I think is a very good discussion about the importance of preamps. In many cases, they can make the single biggest differences of any component. They are not just "pass through" devices. In my experience they are truly interactive in nature and therefore very difficult to get right. They interact with interconnects, media sources, and the RF and other noise sources and do so at various voltage levels. The design of a good preamp is a great combination of science and art. Enjoy what you will...
Check this out-
Great article about preamp.

anybody ever see a more detailed overview of internal components and how all are connected together?

Sometimes you just need to chuckle. The original question was posed by someone who posits “And I don’t like listening to music very much“ ?  No further comment needed.  
Yyzsantabarbara hit the nail on the head.  The fun in any hobby is to increase your level of appreciation for the object of your enthusiasm.
That can be accomplished with music reproduction whether you are building a $5K or $50K system.  Not so true with cars.  Believe me, I know.
I’m pretty sure that the OP emergeingsoul is actually Kenjit! He’s so universally ignored that he started another account to suck more unwitting victims in.
Pete ,  if you did not have to buy any of the products 
what one would you take home  
Odd that there is limited info available about internal design flow of a preamp.  Maybe a diagram showing signal flow.

this would be of interest to many. or maybe not.

I believe audiophiles should purchase whatever preamplifier, if any, sounds best to them in their system, and within their budget. We all value different musical attributes and presentations...fortunately there is an abundance of choices in audio gear. I’ve been using VAC preamplifiers since 2000 when I simply fell in love with their musical virtues no matter what amplifier I use.
I’m sure I could live with other fine preamplifiers at a lesser price. However, listening to a VAC preamplifier is my musical cup of tea. Drink up and enjoy!
Odd that there is limited info available about internal design flow of a preamp.  Maybe a diagram showing signal flow.

this would be of interest to many. or maybe not.
Maybe if you did some research you could figure out the signal flow, or maybe not.
If you seriously think the Benchmark preamp is "the better choice", then that's what you should buy. I envy your lack of discrimination.

If you seriously think the Benchmark preamp is "the better choice", then that's what you should buy. I envy your lack of discrimination.
A statement like that makes me think that you have never heard the LA4. I have heard some very expensive ARC gear,  I guess that must mean it was some of their better gear. 

Easy question in this discussion,  do want you preamp to add sound or no sound? That is the "discrimination" decision.
I thought we were talking about the Op's choice in preamps not mine. I already have a preamp that I am more than happy with. If you find the Benchmark to your liking, then go for it. For my system and my tastes, I prefer the ARC. For anyone who finds one equal to the other, I envy you because you can be satisfied while spending less money. 
@aewarren Yes we were talking about the OP's choice in preamp, not yours. I never asked what preamp you use or really care. I am curious as to how you can make a judgment on the LA4. Have you heard it? 

Next month The Absolute Sound will do a review of the LA4 + DAC3B. You know a mag that speaks to sophisticated audiophiles. You may find it interesting. I already know what it will say.
@yyetc In your barn a dead horse is still not safe from a beating. How could I, or anyone else, prefer one audio product over another if we had not auditioned them both? "For my system and tastes, I prefer the ARC." Again, if YOU prefer something else, then that's what YOU should buy. I take magazine reviews with a grain of salt and prefer to trust my own ears, after all the reviewers have their own tastes and their own rooms. Enjoy. 
Anyone read the Jason Serinus review of the ARC preamp in Stereophile?  The Benchmark got a brief comparative listen and, err, didn't come off too well.

(Full disclosure: of Stereophile's reviewers, JS gets on my nerves a great deal more than anyone else.)
@aewarren You must have been a good hockey player with those deflection skills. Whatever, man audiophile talk is not that interesting to me. 
I think many have a certain ideal when it comes to hearing/ listening.
Neutral or not, it's just the way it is.