The speaker’s ability to hold it all together when played very loudly is stunning. Just a fun and engaging speaker all at the same time.@grannyring Bill, I've experienced the same thing. Especially how the 2170 retains all of it's detail and dynamics at low volume. It's almost eerie. Or any volume for that matter. I'm sure your speaker mods contribute to that, but I'm experiencing the same thing with my unmodded DIs. I'll also add this was not a characteristic I experienced with either the LTA or Odyssey products. The tube experience for me was... it sounded it's best in the middle of it's output capabilities. It wouldn't support the dynamics at lower volume. And at anything close to it's output limits it would display distortion. And with 10 watts you get close to that max output pretty quickly. But I do understand many people like the sound of the tube distortion/"warmness". I'm just in that camp.
They are also fully engaging at very low volume. My current rig does explosive dynamics and engaging, low level listening with equal proficiency.
Tekton Double Impacts
I have dedicated audio room 14.5x20.5x9 ft. Currently have Marantz Reference CD/Intergrated paired to Magnepan 1.7's with REL T-7 subs. For the vast majority of music I love this system. The only nit pick is that it is lacking/limited in covering say below 35 hz or so. For the first time actually buzzed the panel with an organ sacd. Bummer. Thought of upgrading subs to rythmicks but then I will need to high pass the 1.7's. Really don't want to deal with that approach.
Enter the Double Impacts. Many interesting things here. Would certainly have a different set of strengths here. Dynamics, claimed bottom octave coverage in one package, suspect a good match to current electronics.
I've read all the threads here so we do not need to rehash that. Just wondering if others out there have FIRST HAND experience with these or other Tekton speakers
mac48025, Its nice that you could actually talk to Eric. He mentioned, but did not provide any real data to that affect. Charles1dad, As I review the few reviews from (Audio Video Review?) and on the Tekton web site there are no specifications stated. That and along with Eric's reluctance to answer my questions suggests his speakers don't test well. Perhaps these speakers perform well with low power tube amps but I have others who have sent emails stating that they perform better with higher power amps. That would concur with a impedance problem. Now I know $3000 is cheap in todays realm of High End audio but do you people just submit on line $3000+ without being able to get questions answered? ozzy |
Ozzy, One thing this thread has confirmed is the speaker sounds very good with a "wide" range of amplifiers. I don't know who's e-mailing you and honestly some people just prefer higher power amplifiers and Will simply have that preference. My point to you was they were just wonderful with my 300b SET amplifier and its 8 watts. The room wasn't small and volume wasn't held back. There were zero issues driving the speakers. So I just extrapolated and feel that your 60 watt OTL amplifiers "should" do as well as my 8 watt SET driving this speaker load. Just my opinion. Charles |
Ozzy, I feel you are stressing needlessly over this issue. $3000 + is not at risk, return shipping cost are along with a decent amount of inconvenience. In the end usually it comes down to do these speakers give you the musical performance you are seeking, or have enough potential that you want to work with them, or flat out realize they are not for you. 60 days is a generous amount of time for you to do the ultimate analysis. LP |
Ozzy, One of my concerns is that this is a 4 ohm speaker and that the 8 ohm version is +$400 more. $3000 is not cheap but it's also not unreasonable for a truly HiFi speaker. Also, boxing these up and shipping them back will be neither fun nor cheap. Maybe I'm just not comfortable about spending $3K without auditioning. Guess I'm just old school. |
Agronatz even me I was uncomfortable spending $2100 on my impact monitor, without auditioning, I called Terry London who is very kind to answer my question, read the review of DI by TL, emailed Aniwolfe and Waltersalas after reading their post, They told me this are very very good speakers, I respect them, they own tekton speakers, And they were right, my monitor are amazing, With this speakers it’s worth the risk.The risk is very low because more likely you will keep them, 60 days audition, And they have return policy.... |
jayctoy, Ipretiring, agronatz, One of my main concerns about buying and or then sending back for a refund is the size and weight of the speakers. I’m getting older now and carting 100lb+ each speakers up and down a flight of stairs would not be easy. BTW, some of my previous speakers were the Eggleston Andra 2 (215lbs each) and the Legacy Focus speakers. ozzy |
Sbayne, Regarding ozzy moving on away from the Tektons. Maybe so but no matter what speaker he chooses down the road he’ll have to hear them in his system. He needs to determine whether or not a given speaker is a match for his amplifier and system overall. Iwill admit it seems a bit strange given his emails, calls and posts on this thread he has gotten so little in response. Charles |
Charles - I shouldn’t have been so short in my post. My thinking is Ozzy is well known and respected on these boards. He wants the manufacturer to respond to his inquires, specifically show him the impedance curve. Many have told him and believe (including yourself) his amps would be a fine pairing with the DIs but he wants to confirm it himself by seeing the data or at least talking to Eric about it. That hasn’t happened - which I agree should. Its been suggested he take the 60 day home audition but Ozzy indicated the speakers are too big and heavy for him to do that. Ozzy also indicated he doesn’t want to take a chance on a $3,000 speaker without getting this info. So, I was just trying to say it seems like the DIs aren’t for him. I’m not criticizing his posts it just seems logical too move on. Scott |
Scott, I didn't infer that your comments were critical of Ozzy's post at all. Even if he gets the impeadanc curve information he seeks he'd still need to actually hear this speaker with his Atma-sphere amplifiers. My point to him is There's an abundance of posts here that strongly indicate the DI has easy load characteristics. I thought this would provide some degree encouragement and optimism. Charles |
Scott I have high regard to Ozzy he a great contributor here at Agon, Markr discover CT cables thru his thread, and I heard it at Markr.And it’s the best speaker cables For my Andra...I respect that He wants more info on the DI.But if he audition The DI my bet He will keep them, I wish I live close to Him so I can help him unloading the speakers.And He is more than welcome to listen to my monitor...and serve Him good barbecue...😀 |
IMO Ozzy’s concern about how the DI’s impedance may vary over the frequency range is well founded, especially given the practical issues he mentioned that would be involved in auditioning and possibly having to return the speakers. The 4.1 ohm output impedance of his Atma-Sphere M60s is, as far as I can recall, more than twice as high as the output impedance of any other amplifier that has been reported in this thread as having been used with a DI. (For example the LTA MZ2 has a specified output impedance of 2 ohms, and according to a TAS review the Frankenstein, at least in its MkII version, has an output impedance of 1.8 ohms). The Zero autoformers he has can certainly reduce any impedance-related issues he might have pairing the M60 with the DI, and the capabilities of his DEQX might also be able to help with any such issues, but to what degree and with what audible side-effects is obviously difficult or impossible to predict. Best regards, -- Al |
I saw on here that several of you (corelli, and mac48025) had the Legacy Focus and went with the Tekton DIs. What was the difference in sound? I prefer rock, alternative and industrial, but have a fair collection of Jazz and Classical, but my heart is with the later. I have upgraded my components to many Agoner's advice and am currently running a Parasound Halo A-21 Amp with a Mac C48 pre, It's ironic these two speakers were compared when I was considering one or the other before I found this thread. The Legacys look like they have the rock aptitude with the larger double base drivers, I also like the varied ribbon tweeters...can you guys help me solve this dilemma, so I can push the button on one of these? Steve |
I finally had some time to hook up the Aric 300B and give it a lesson. Since I had to hold off on shipping it until I was back in town Aric had it pretty well burned in already. So how does it sound with the DI's? In one word.......sublime. As much as I like his Transcend KT 120, the 300B is just what I was looking for. It has all of the attributes of the KT120 with more texture, better tone and a more open soundstage with more pinpoint imaging. I am am experiencing a slight hum/buzz from the tweeters when music isn't playing but the background is pitch black when music is playing. There are two cathode bypass switches that allow me to engage/disengage cathode capacitors which effect gain and that hum so hopefully I'll find the right setting that will diminish the noise when music isn't playing. Thats a a minor issue as the music this amp provides is so engaging and delightful that I'm as happy as can be. As far as I'm concerned Aric has hit a home run with this amp! |
As I am also a previous owner of EgglestonWorks Andra IIs I can compare them to the DIs, because I've often thought about the Andra IIs in comparison when I think of their sonic signature. They are very similar in sound, only the DIs are easier to setup, easier to drive, and easier to get a solid center image. All in all, the DIs are more of a pure transducer of sound without the niggling idiosyncrasies of a Von Schweikert design. Mid-bass (or lower-mids, if you prefer) have the edge with the DIs. The bass response is comparable between the two. One of the lovely things about the Andra IIs was that the bass sounded so natural, as opposed to many speaker designs these days where the bass sounds goosed. Anyway, that's my spin, for what it's worth. |
Ok, minor noise issue musical bliss with the Aric 300B amp. The B should stand for beast as this is one hefty and powerful amp. How can 8 watts produce such beautiful music with so much power? At the 9 am position on the MZ volume control its at 80-90 db. It can get MUCH louder. It amazes me. |
Thank you so much for the posts and understanding. I could get friends to help me move the heavy speakers but my friends are older than me! It would make a good You Tube video I guess though. I am going to pass on these speakers for the following reasons. 1. I can’t believe that Eric or someone of knowledge from Tekton would not (at least) replied to me. That is truly sad. 2. Because of the lack of information as to the speakers specs. 3. With my own DIY speakers, I used the highest quality 8 ohm, highest sensitivity speakers with flat impedances that I was able to find. That and the crossovers I built used Mundorf SGO classic caps, resistors and inductors. All the internal speaker wiring that I used is the Cerious Technoligies Graphene Extreme. But, I would have bought and kept the Tekton speakers IF they improved upon my setup. I mean the sound quality is all that matters to me. ozzy |
One more reason, Ozzy, is that you would most likely have to move the speakers away from and then back to the listening position in order to perform the DEQX calibrations. And quite possibly you would have to do that multiple times, to fully optimize the calibrations. Certainly doable, of course, but not a trivial task as it is with your much smaller DIY speakers. Best regards, -- Al |
Tom, Congratulations on your 300b SET amplifier, it sounds like Aric did a fantastic job! I think you're hearing what I hear regarding the 300b. When executed to a high standard this tube just seems made for the sole purpose of producing music beautifully and naturally. Aric built this amplifier with high quality transformers, parts and power supply and you're hearing the result of this effort. You have the right speakers to exploit all the attributes of this 300b amplifier. I'm very nappy for you Tom. Charles |
Thanks Charles, thanks to you for letting me hear what a well designed 300B amp such as your Frankensteins sound like I had a sonic goal to shoot for. Aric hit the mark and I feel I’ve achieved that goal. After about four of listening to music today I’m hooked. I can’t wait to hear what the SE’s sound like with this amp. Once my schedule settles down I look forward to having you back over to hear my new’s basically modeled after and similar to yours. Thanks for all of your input, insight and motivation. Ozzy, I totally understand you not pursuing your DI purchase and it’s a shame as I think they would be amazing in your system. I’ll second Charles’ suggestion of the Herbies Giant Gliders, they make moving the DI’s around quite easy. They don’t make unboxing them any easier though :) |
Instead of the cheater plug I used this video to build a homemade ground loop isolater outlet box..Kind of a take on the Ebtech |
Thanks for the kudos Tom- I'm glad you're enjoying the 300B! Just a note for anyone curious for more detail regarding the amplifier. It uses a single 6SN7, that uses one triode of the tube for the input signal gain, and the second as the driver for the 300B. Each stage has a defeatable cathode bypass capacitor, which boosts the current coming from the stage. Up, or "On" enables the cathode capacitor, and Down removes it (allowing a current-dependent "feedback" and lowering the gain of that stage). With both of them up, the gain architecture of both stages is quite high- and as such is susceptible to noise (especially with the gain control of the amp at full tilt- or close). These can be adjusted depending on the preamplifier's gain used, and allow you to "tailor" the gain architecture of the amp. It can also be used as an integrated with both bypass switches set to UP- and driven directly from a source (DAC, CD player, etc.). Regarding the "cheater plug" suggestion, it was suggested as a test to determine whether a ground loop may have been present or not. All audio gear has some sort of signal ground reference to circuit ground- some are isolated and some are not. I isolate the chassis from ground via an RC circuit, however another component may try to find "ground" through the signal. Sometimes moving a component to a different AC circuit, or lifting a ground somewhere in the signal path can eliminate AC-induced ground noise. Best wishes, Aric |
Lula, The chassis is 18.5" wide X 13.5" deep x 3.5" tall, with the power transformer sitting about 4.5" above that (with the tops of the 300B’s extending above those about an inch). Weight is just under 55 lbs unboxed- closer to 60 lbs packed. The amplifier uses two 5U4 rectifier tubes and independent transformers for each circuit in the unit. Best, Aric |
Aric, Your description of the cathode capacitors explains the seeming high gain Tom has. Good to know that the gain level is adjustable. This sure seems to be a very well engineered amplifier and exceptionally good sounding based on Tom's sheer joy😊. Tom, Just let me know when you're ready for me to come over again. Im really looking forward to it. Charles |
Tom (Mac48025), my congratulations as well for this excellent improvement to an already very fine system. And kudos to Aric for making it possible. Regarding the hum/buzz issue, I don’t know how you have the components physically arranged, but if your MZ2 is in close proximity to the amp or to any of your other components, including its own external power supply, you might try repositioning it to increase the distance between it and everything else in the system. I particularly suggest that because in looking at photos of the MZ2’s innards it appears that its output signal grounds are directly connected to its chassis. Which I’m thinking might result in a small hum/buzz voltage being applied to the input ground of Aric’s amplifier corresponding to whatever small AC-related voltage may be magnetically induced onto the MZ2’s chassis by a nearby component. As you are probably aware, use of a cheater plug as a long term solution results in a small but non-zero safety risk. (Note Aric’s statement above that the cheater plug was suggested "as a test"). In any event, congratulations once again! Best regards, -- Al |