I ove this speakers , on my set up they sound really very dynamic and easy to listen. Is there anyway to replace their tweeters to improve them? I do love the design of the impact.Thanks
Maybe MC work really hard to make the MoAb sing, and besides he has a very good gear.I could tell he is very knowledgeable and patience.
I wish that those with more electronics knowledge than myself would chime in, but it could be that there is something wrong with your amplifiers.

I think you have several amps, have these been in use recently without problems?
Jetter I connected my Elac B6 monitor just to see if the elac will have the same result?So far I did push the vol to 10 same cd, no problem.
Maybe MC work really hard to make the MoAb sing,

I completely believe this to be the case.  In fact I'm nearly certain that Tektons would respond very well to Townshend Seismic Pods (springs) as the cabinets are quite resonant according to Stereophile's measurements.
Jetter 3 tweeters both Speakers, Iam using Tsakadiris mono tube 150 w.Iam almost sure the sacd I played is one of the reason. And the volume set up.
Iam cautious not to connect the system to my Andra 1 Eggleston, why I choose the elac just in case the damage will not be much ,just in case the amp are the issues.
Jayctoy, I guess that you just exceeded the "120 Watt power handling" capability listed for the impact monitors on their website. Coincidentally, the B6s specify the same 120 watts max.

Again no expertise in these problems, and you are likely 100% correct, but I was a little surprised you would think a particular CD versus any other was the culprit. I imagine you are saying it was poorly recorded and happens to have a lot of mids/highs that pushed the drivers too much.

It does sound like all you need to do is replace the drivers and you are good to go. No more 10!!! (LOL) Wonder if the driver connection wires need to be soldered or hopefully just have push in connectors.
If one uses Tekton Design’s sensitivity specification of 94db 2.83V@1m, and enters into this calculator 150w (peak power output of the Tsakiridis Apollon Ultra amplifier), at 1 meter, speaker away from walls, the calculated decibel level is 115.8dB.

If one does the same calculation using John Atkinson’s sensitivity estimate of 87.5dB 2.83V@1m in his Stereophile measurements section of the Impact loudspeaker, the calculated decibel level is 109.3dB.

Both results are below the loudspeakers’s 120dB power handling limit (per Tekton Design’s specs).

Hopefully, Van L will provide some expert analysis to explain why the tweeters failed.

I agree with you completely. No matter how many times knowledgeable members warn of the folly of substituting drivers in speakers, there is always someone who tries it anyway.
No matter how many times knowledgeable members warn of the folly of substituting drivers in speakers, there is always someone who tries it anyway.

A possible solution - don't buy a speaker where you feel like you need to swap out drivers, crossovers, and place it on springs in order for it to sound really good.
Jetter the sacd Iam talking is Suite espagnola. Asturias is a killer driver , the impact of this music will not make the tweeter happy.
Grant I will ask Van L what was really the cause, for this tweeters to burn the voice coil.
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facten- Rick, thanks for your informative, genuine, non-self serving and balanced posts. No surprise though, as you always post that way
"Non-self serving"! He fell for it! They all fell for it! Well done, sir!
Grant In this forum like in everyday life you ask people questions 95% people will not answer correctly, always they will express their own even is out of  topic.Why my wife likes to read our post , just to relieve stress and laugh.😀
My favorite responder here is Mike Lavigne , he is always right on the money.
millercarbon - " "Non-self serving"! He fell for it! They all fell for it! Well done, sir"

Unless you are suggesting that Rick is someone with an elevated opinion of himself , or had some hidden agenda in his comments what’s your point? 
I think it's a form or reaching with a dose of opportunism and a dash of vainly trying to turn this into just another moment of "owning" everyone.

All the best,
to the OP can you provide more info on the disc, artist, disc # and track….

also learning to solder is a great skill to have, along with your sense of humor..
Yes, but starting off soldering around a million little paper tweeters may be a bit tricky.
Tomic601 the title of the cd or sacd Suite Espanola by Fhrubeck de Burgos. I do have the vynil also acoustic sound has them.
Jetter , my good friend John Va L Speakerworks will install the tweeters and inspect the speakers.Tomic 601 yes soldering will be fun.
"Non-self serving"! He fell for it! They all fell for it! Well done, sir!

apparently there are no limits to who MC will throw under the bus. 

Soldering can be tricky. If you do a poor joint, the component you are soldering on will be quick to tell you  "Houston, we have a problem!"  Lol

apparently there are no limits to who MC will throw under the bus.

Unless I'm totally off base here, I think you guys have it wrong. Not saying I'm an MC fan, but I believe his sarcasm dial was pegged to the right........
No, it is not sarcasm. It is just hilarious how off base these clowns are. I am real reluctant to say anything negative about Rick after the way he helped me with crossovers and springs and stuff. But the shill crap thrown at me is just too much.  

The truth is I have zero financial interest in Tekton. Eric gave me not one cent discount. Not even on the crossover. And don't think I didn't try! He also did not do any of the crossover upgrades I wanted but instead gave me only the standard option upgrades same as anyone else. On top of all that I had to wait twice as long as originally promised. I don't use words like clown sarcastically. These people literally are clowns, at least in how clownishly inept their perception of reality is.  

Now Rick on the other hand, the speakers he brought are built under license and he hopes to build them under license. So he does have a financial interest. I could say more but that is plenty enough to prove the clowns truly are clowns. Dim ones too. All a guy has to do is talk like they like to hear, and they lap it up and swill it down and pat themselves on the back.   

Well har de har, har. You been duped. Hook, line, and sinker. 

Off on some tangent here eh sport! You seem bitter! Did Rick’s balanced & complimentary reflection on your speakers/system, which folks were reacting to , fall short of the glowing review you think was warranted. It sure seems that way since you decided to state his supposed personal business intentions, thereby insinuating that his post was nothing more than an attempt to focus on his speakers for future benefit. Pretty low!
Mr m1, I agree soldering can be disastrous if done incorrectly.I will call Jeff Bezo not Houston.😀 our new NASA 

Our new NASA is Space X.  Bezos has yet to send anyone into orbit, only the threshold of space.   Space X did that years ago.
Off on some tangent here eh sport! You seem bitter! Did Rick’s balanced & complimentary reflection on your speakers/system, which folks were reacting to , fall short of the glowing review you think was warranted. It sure seems that way since you decided to state his supposed personal business intentions, thereby insinuating that his post was nothing more than an attempt to focus on his speakers for future benefit. Pretty low!
- Facten
facten- Rick, thanks for your informative, genuine, non-self serving and balanced posts. No surprise though, as you always post that way
"Non-self serving"! He fell for it! They all fell for it! Well done, sir!
- millercarbon

I believe millercarbon is reacting to having been called a shill, and that I have in fact indicated to him that I would like to build speakers again, speakers designed by Mike Lenehan in Australia, built here in America.

Pretty much like everyone else here, MC posts his positive preference to his speakers of choice (common). From comments I have read, it is his frequency and excitement for them which has ruffled some feathers.

So it is true that I have desires and plans to build and sell, a not yet fully designed, still in development (in very early development actually) pair of composite, skinned with American hard woods, highly inert cabinet, with premium drivers (most likely the 4Ohm version of the Purify 6.5") with a top tier 1 inch chambered textile dome tweeter. Possibly next year, if all goes well (fingers crossed) as a direct sales, low volume, high end speaker.

There are no plans to build and sell models of my present pair of stand mount speakers, and it’s not possible to do so, as the materials used are no longer available (Laminex HD3). My ML2 stand mounts weigh 90+ lbs each, the new design will be somewhere near that region - assuming a suitable tweeter to compliment arguably the least distortive midbass driver available globally.

I do not believe that millercarbon is a shill, passionate and interested in sharing is not disingenuous, despite opinions on sound and build quality of his speakers of choice.

I have presented openly my ambitions, hopes and desire to build again in the future.

If I am considered a shill, that’s okay, but I still don’t have anything for market - yet.

Mike Lenehan is the guy that designed these - (I will not be building these either by the way)

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I just deleted my last post, because after thinking about it and talking it over with a friend, we both came back to the strong opinion that it's more likely that clipping caused high frequency distortion and that clipping is what tore your driver/s up.

Not so much over driving the drivers, sending them heavily distorted signals that were not musical in waveform. Brutal and sharp electrical signals can be generated during clipping, certainly with a reasonably high powered amp, and less attenuated into a high sensitivity circuit will do damage easily.

An analogy to what clipping is like for a driver, might look like revving an engine hard, and dropping the clutch violently, then hitting the brakes and doing it over again in rapid succession.

It doesn't need to be high frequency initial signal to produce high frequency distortion, with abrupt polarity swings.

Believe it or not, often amplifiers pushed with less current potential can be the cause of more damage. It may seen counter intuitive, but it's the limits of the output, that can't complete the soft upper and lower roll of the sine waves, by simply truncating them (clipping) that produce sharp and fast changes in the signal to the motor assembly (electro magnet).

Sorry to have kinda jumped into your thread about the MC Moab weekend, it was still about Tektons though. I hope you don't burn anything else up, that's not fun at all.
Rixthetricker you are fine, no need to say sorry, At times even on discussion here we get excited .At times that’s what gives life to the thread.
@jayctoy - seems to me you're a good sport, good to interact with you.
In other threads, I have mentioned the possible pitfalls of swapping out drivers into a speaker and how it may (more often than not) disrupt the linearity of the output.

Often a good design will use crossover frequencies that take into account the frequency response of the drivers themself, using strengths to hide weaknesses and breakout in response. It is truly an art to match speakers (drivers), as all are compromised in some way or nother, and to engineer the very best out of them.

In fact, it's often not the best stand alone qualities of the drivers, but the unique pairing that happen to resolve well, where blending the responses with such finesse where they actually sound as though there is no seam between them in the soundfield - that's real talent.

By swapping out a driver, perhaps an even better quality driver (sound quality, not build) it can upset the frequency response and the cohesive response of the voicing of the speaker. It's dependent on the design of course, a lesser design is less prone to losing quality sound, and well, heck there's nothing to say you can't just get lucky!
I have to believe the best upgrade would be of the crossover to higher quality components. I've experienced that making a significant difference in performance. #2 would be a cabinet upgrade. Not because there is a problem with what tekton does because there isn't. But there is generally room for improvement on any mfg cabinet. But you also need to be careful there. The cabinet design and sound absorption configuration can actually degrade the sound if not done correctly. I've considered Erics offer to me to do a Be upgrade to my Ulfs and shied away from it because I like the sound of the soft domes. Sometimes you can go one bridge too far. But I have reworked a set of Lores with new cabinets I constructed and component upgrades. They sound very, very good. So I've actually taken this path.
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This is only my opinion but those things are the biggest crap going they look cheap they use cheap drivers and that's why they're cheap and if you think those speakers could go up against speakers three or four times the price you better get your ears checked.
Rix yes Iam very good sport, I made a lot good friend in this site, I try to understand everyone opinions and personality here, Most of them I will meet them at Axpona.You will be surprise how nice they are in person.I also agree with your assessment on what might happen on my 6 tweeters, Please keep on posting.
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Lot of opinionated losers on this forum.Yikes!
You all have fun treating each other like sh1t.

Thanks a lot, noob!