Think Its Possible To Order Tubes From the Ukraine?

Having a set of tube amps being shipped to me this week. Its a pair of Audio Mirror Reflections monoblocks that use the 6C33C tubes. The amps come with one set of outputs and a pair of spares. I was thinking of ordering a backup set of tubes. After looking at the tube sites, the majority of them are Russian sellers, and that is not going to work due to current events. However, there are sellers from the Ukraine of this tube. Do you think a person can order from them and have a good chance of receiving their package?


@nonoise and shrinking fast. Largest population of Homeless, Highest Crime Rates, Yep it is a great 3rd world crap hole.

Yes, there's lots of homeless people who come from other parts of the country for the weather and looking for a handout. Too bad the states where they came from harassed them and/or made it illegal to be homeless. 

You see, we happen to be more humane, to a fault, which is our downfall, but unlike the red states, we're working on it. We don't punish the homeless. I hate seeing it as well but I'm not going to shoot them or set them on fire, like some do in other states.

As for heading in the direction of a 3rd world country, that applies to all of America, as long as inequality is allowed to grow and unregulated capitalism is favored by the aristocrats, who'd love to turn this place into Russia Lite: less democracy, more corruption. 

All the best,

@dekay  that's my point. Why on earth pay these prices when they won't last. Prices will come vack to earth long before op needs to buy. I worry that the forest may disappear among the trees.

@jerryg123 What state are you from?  Sure California has its problems being the largest state in the union, but they still manage to pay more into the Federal government than they take in unlike the vast majority of government money-sucking states.  And California is a beautiful state — maybe go see it sometime so you actually know what you’re talking about. 

@soix been there done that. Before my stroke I was in the cesspool of LA and SF every 6 weeks. Love San Diego though. I have lived in Michigan, Ohio, Florida, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Wyoming. I am convalescing at my sons home in Texas S Padre Island after my stroke and surgery.

BTW California is not the largest state in the Union. 

Is California or Texas Bigger?

Texas is bigger than California, making it the largest state of the 48 contiguous states, but measured by population, the rankings are reversed. California is the most populous state with 39,776,830 residents, according to 2017 U.S. Census estimates, while Texas had a population of 28,704,330.Oct 5, 2019

You can take,California.

@jerryg123 I’m really sorry to hear about your health issues and hope you have access to some kind of decent audio system there so music can continue to feed your soul and help speed your recovery!

@soix Thank you and my son has my old system so yes lots of music here and it is lovely here on the gulf. 

There's been some weirdly random and selective taking down of posts in this thread, leaving up some much more objectionable ones.  Makes you wonder what's going on.

Some clearly have very low standards or you are one of the rich elite white minorities not effected by the liberal policies that have destroyed the poor minority majority. Proud of small business having to close because of the rampant crime and lack of law enforcement. Proud of the city being over run with homelessness and people getting high in public. Proud of the homeless junkies taking a dookie in the street and camping in your front yard.

You must live in a gated community like the rest of liberals and have private security. Or you are a Pelosi.

You and Soros made it now sleep in it. Many complaints about Regan closing the state hospitals when he was governor of California and that was how long ago?

How many Democrats have been governor since then and have done nothing?

Inmates are running the asylum in your cesspool state that has some very nice people that will hopefully become woke. Woke to the fact that you are doing nothing for them with defunding the police, not enforcing the law. It has begun with the recall of the Soros supported DA’s. Blacks and Hispanics are leaving the DNC in droves and companies are fleeing your state.

Proud of a cesspool, great!

Since you took a swipe, Ralph, perhaps because you possibly thought I was taking a swipe at you, I propose that maybe you state your position or purchase or support a hair differently next time so it does not look like it could be virtue signalling.

@teo_audio I didn't think any of your nonsense was directed at me. Just pointing out that your comments don't stand you in good stead.

The OP was about getting tubes from Ukraine and the simple fact is yes you can get them. IMO its best to do so before they get all smashed and when making a purchase, do so with the understanding that such might happen.  

Is it so hard to simply have that be a yes or no question without some messed up political BS??

I recently received some NOS tubes from Ukraine that I ordered

through an Etsy seller. I wasn't sure whether I would ever see them but thought getting some money to a citizen of Ukraine was worth the small risk on my part.

Post removed 

You see, we happen to be more humane

There’s the mistake in your state’s logic. It is not humane to let people sink into the degradation of drug addiction and live on the streets, stealing to support their habits from honest people who have put their lives into their businesses. Nor is it humane to let the old and weak become victims of crime, afraid to leave their houses.

Think about the families of the two cops just killed by the "compassion" for violent criminals shown by LA DA Macron.  That's not compassion.  It's lack of common sense.

@twoleftears , I think it may be that the one who's the most obnoxious, profane and insane resides in the same state that this site operates out of. It could be a kindred spirit kind of thing.

All the best,

All violence in all ancient societies were banned by the distribution rules attributing a taboo prohibition for some group activities for a peculiar group but reinforced and allowed for and by some other group... Then all causes of violence were controlled and heavily channelled...

Rene Girard already demonstrated that all human society is explanable by the mechanism of canalization of violence...

This is so in traditional societies... And this is so after with the emergence of monotheistic religions in a more diluted way but in a more conscious way......

With the industrial era and especially after world war 2 after the financial era, which replaced the industrial era inherited from the 19 century, the mechanism of debt and interest rates in financial engineering had replaced taboo distribution and religion in society control... The mathematical formula behind derivative products even deserve a Nobel prize to the economist who create it....

What this means?

It means that the financial banks system and central bank system of fiat money have sacralized the debt mechanism in an iron trellis , this is the moloch sacrificial mechanism, by which all humanity is sacrificed for and by money to those anonymus stateless unelected corporate people who control it...

Anthropological studies and paleo economic studies demontrated not so long ago, that the religious taboo about debt and interest rate in biblical societies, which inherited it from his Mesopotamian imperialist origin demonstrated that each ruler must set all debts to zero for the sake of the creativity and renewal of all the soiciety...

The Rosetta stone in three language which Champollion use to understand Egyptian language is a tablet about universal debt forgiveness...

If not, without this regular debt forgiveness, the society will die by suicide under debts accumulation...Then the taboo about debt and the interest rate comes not from religious reason first like we were told 50 years ago, but from the sound and sane economic experience of these ancient ruler kings...

All empires who did not learned this lesson were doom...Money creation must be owned by the king for benefit of all, or in our modern society by the elected one for all, never by private interest....

Now think about the dying american country under the weight of his anonymus empire, enslaved and enslaving all with his neo liberal dogma ?

The next solution who point his head already is deemed to be a "new world order", a transhumanist society of total control, where the debt mechanism is replaced by the hacking and control of the brain and body imitating and surpassing Chinese absolute social totalitarian control...

It is where we are....

And at a crux on the road....


@atmasphere No, it appears it’s impossible to have an audio discussion without politics. The same thing happens in the Decware forum threads too. What also seems impossible is leaving character judgements aside. Civility and decency appear to be rare commodities in a society with too much time on their hands... Thank you COVID.

@nonoise I emailed Tammy about one of my posts this morning.  She restored it and told me she had no idea why it was taken down.  Which begs the question of who took it down.  Hmm.

@twoleftears , Curiouser and curiouser, as Alice would say. Seems like someone has an inside line that circumvents Tammy. I always wondered why some were so quickly taken down while the patently offensive ones would stay up for days.

All the best,

Yes you can! They will do barter deals for ammo etc. Most dealers prefer NATO rounds but will usually take 223 as well.


Jesus. I don't care about what your opinion is of whatever state, or the country in general. 

All I did was ask a question about ordering a set of tubes for an amp. I don't CARE what you think about wherever you do, do not, or used to live. Give it a rest. 

I did get a response back from a Ukraine seller that he is able to mail tubes. It's on Ebay so I have buyer protections. I will give the seller a chance, and a decent amount of time for the postal system to deliver. 

As an update, the amp arrived but must have taken a shock during shipping. I have an output tube socket that is showing a fault. So its going back to Vladamir for repair, and he is doing that gratis. But there are updated resistors and wiring available for this amp, so I am sending the second one along too so both amps can get the latest updates and a clean bill of health. These are not going to be my primary amps, so the wait is no big deal. 

Have to say these 6c33c tubes are beastly. The amp came with blue glass Sophia 6SN7 and Sophia 6SL7, both are lovely looking tubes. Always liked the Sophia products as I used to own their 300B Meshplates. 

But give it a rest, I don't care what you think about the US and where you live. 

Okay,  so then order them and let us know how it went.

 I did get a response back from a Ukraine seller that he is able to mail tubes. It's on Ebay so I have buyer protections. I will give the seller a chance, and a decent amount of time for the postal system to deliver. 

So I got the tubes in the mail today. Looks like things still work and it took 23 days.