Turntables currently considered top of the range. Do you know what they are ?

I haven't been following this for a number of years. Just curious.

Does any of you have one of those ?

"Top of the range" is British English, that was intentional. When I think turntables, at least under $50k or so, I always first think British.


What did you think of the difference between the Wood and the Master?

@dwette The the extra mass (especially in platter) definitely makes a positive difference - in both sonics, and the fact that I’ve experienced (sometimes) woofer flapping with the Compact and Wood but NOT the Master, despite ALL kinds of thrashing with loud music :) The Innovations (Compact / Wood / Master) share very similar sound signature - super clean midband, superb detail, pristine & smooth treble, clean bass - while remaining quite musical. The bearings are all dead quiet and smooooth. The Master just seems extra dynamic and powerful.

I also have SOTAs I like quite a bit - Nova V, Cosmos IV - they’re a tad warmer and "fuzzier" sounding than Clearaudios (sometimes this warmth is nice), very musical, and have GREAT isolation built in (especially Cosmos). I like them a lot. But the best sounding source I’ve ever had is Master / FR64S / Koetsu Blue Lace Diamond - decisively so. The FR64S can’t fit on a SOTA, only the lighter FR64fx, and these things do make a difference.

At times I’ve thought about selling the Master, since the SOTAs seem to get quite close, but at the end of the day - no, I just can’t! I’m certain I would regret it too much. The build is exceptional and it’s a gorgeous statement table. You know what, I just amped myself up again on how much I love it lol.

mulveling, why did you choose Clearaudio turntable ? Did you compare with other brands ? There is quite a choice at this level.

12 years ago I was looking for something different / better than my old SOTA Star and decided to buy new through my local dealer. Limited to what they had, the Innovation Compact that really clicked with me. I liked its fast, detailed, lively sound. And I love the looks of this series. So I decided to go one up to the Wood. After I bought that, the dealer got a Master for the floor, and one for his home. Then 5 years later I moved up to the "floor" Master. My dealer also had Transrotors and Pro-Jects (absolutely NOT) and in the past had VPIs. I don’t know what came over me to try VPIs a couple years back, but I did and it was fun for a minute but that ended quickly - back to SOTAs and the Master Innovation.

I always think Linn LP12 because that’s the one that I have been most familiar with. Maybe, it’s short sighted of me but I’ve never felt the need to look at anything more exotic than an LP12.

For a short while, my Klimax LP12 has been at the top of the tree, until Bedrok came along this year. I can’t see me ever buying the new plinth given the disappointingly high cost. Yet reports indicate it is a significant upgrade for the money, so never say never.

I forgot to mention how the VPIs sound versus Clearaudio and SOTA. Aries 3, Avenger Ref. They’re darker sounding. Especially with the 3D and Fatboy arms (I honestly liked the late make metal unipivots). There is a bass-reinforcement effect that can be fun, and some like. In my setup they were extremely reactive to feedback in audible bass frequencies, say 60 - 120 Hz. I think this is part of their sound. The CA Innovations can be reactive in the subsonic range (woofer flapping), due to the magnetic "float" bearing, but are SUPER clean and quiet through the audible specturm.

I think this is why VPIs pair well with Van den Huls, which have super clean bass, a lot of HF energy and firehose of details. With Colibris you can find yourself staving off sibilance, but Crimson & VPI was a really nice balance. I still ended up liking the metal uni better, but see why some like the Fatboys. The plain 3D arm, ugh I hated it.

@mulveling Thanks for the detailed and very helpful response. I hope to do that upgrade later this year.

I really haven't had any issues with woofer flapping on my Innovation Wood with the Universal arms. I do have it sitting on a HRS R3X isolation platform, with the LF feet factory tuned specifically for the turntable. I have a pair of REL S/510 subs so I should notice if I had an issue. My Boulder phono-stage has a 10Hz low cut filter and I don't notice any difference with it engaged.

I really haven’t had any issues with woofer flapping on my Innovation Wood with the Universal arms. I do have it sitting on a HRS R3X isolation platform, with the LF feet factory tuned specifically for the turntable. I have a pair of REL S/510 subs so I should notice if I had an issue. My Boulder phono-stage has a 10Hz low cut filter and I don’t notice any difference with it engaged.

@dwette It’s really dependent on your floor, rack, positioning relative to speakers, and how loud you play. I’ve pushed it on all accounts, except for the fact I don’t run subs, at least.

The rumble filters built into phono stages are generally pretty mild - they can help, but not enough in some cases. The KAB filter is much steeper and works well, though perhaps not 100% sonically transparent as advertised. Isolation platforms like from HRS and CMS seem most effective in midrange - my CMS ones didn’t help solve LF issues. LF energy issues can be quite hard to deal with.

Anyways, sounds like you’ve got it all squared away for your setup, and you should benefit from and enjoy your Master upgrade all the same! Great table. I’m happy you’ll get the latest version. I’d really like that for mine, but it would probably be hard to pull off without a lot of additional funds. Clearaudio has worked in improvements over the years, which I like better than the whole Mk 1, 2, 3 [SE] type schemes. 

@newton_john  I agree with you, the Bedrok does seem to be priced at a point that is not that attractive. However, like most things in this hobby, I suspect one will come along on the used market, priced at a fraction of new. That would be the time to jump. Patience is the key here. 


I see. Are you also familiar with SME turntables ?

Anyone has Walker ?

From What Hi Fi also, a more down to earth, yet still expensive turntable list. “Best high-end record players 2025: ultimate premium turntables tested by experts”. 

Wow it looks like you can buy most of those tables on Amazon. How can you go wrong! 


Wow it looks like you can buy most of those tables on Amazon. How can you go wrong! 

I clicked through for the Clearaudio Ovation. The link is for the belt. laugh

@jwei VPI absolutely belongs on this list. But made in Brooklyn somehow lacks the cachet of more exotic manufacturing locales like Scottish Highlands, the Black Forest or some medieval city in Eastern Europe.

VPI also doesn’t adopt contrarian logic like arguing with the basic laws of Newtonian physics like F=ma, and unlike certain British turntable makers and their penchant for using tiny torque-free clock motors.

However VPIs do routinely run at the correct speed. Quietly, and pretty much forever.