Well, user error isn't over just yet *sigh*

Trust me, if I could enter profanity directed solely at myself, I would. It seems the sloppy, lazy, stupid error I made a couple of weeks ago didn't just fry my ST-202+ amplifier. It also appears to have fried my 2015 Sunfire SDS-12 subwoofer as well ( see previous forum threads about that ). No matter how I hook it up even WITHOUT hooking it up, there is an enormous HUM coming from it so I'm assuming a short in there somewhere.

Now, I need a new subwoofer to temporarily or permanently replace mine. The SDS-12 is discontinued so it will be risky or impossible finding a new, factory spec model. At the time I posed my original question about what subwoofer I should get to replace my rather lousy Klipsch, EVERYONE on here said go with the REL T9. I believe them, for sure I do. But at that time ( 2015 ) it was 3 times the cost of the SDS-12.

So, 6 years later, what's the best subwoofer out there I can get for something in the $600-$700 range? All answers welcome, even trolls 😉 Thanks!
Sounds like a good deal. I do like Klipsch horns a lot. High efficiency speakers, horns, for audio are my preference. Wait until you're a little older, I need to do all my close/small soldering tasks in the morning while my eyes are still fresh. What a drag!
Fiesta, fortunately for me, there was no hum in mine until I goofed up. Once I saw what I did, it was fixed in 15 minutes. No more hum. Plus I got a deal on mine. The dealer needed to clear floor space so I got it for $400 instead of the usual $600.
Correct, the humming sound is gone but I can always look at subwoofers and other esoteric items.

My REAL problem is trying to fix something 20 minutes after I get up instead of waiting until after lunch.

LOLOL...I see there is no Klipsch love here. I confess it's been a true drag watching previous outstanding gear get their brand names sold off and turned into junk.

I've been at this since I was 16 when I bought my NAD 7020 receiver in 1981. I still have it and it still works but I am sure it could use a good refurb.
In subs, you get what you pay for. I like REL and JL audio. Hsu is OK if you like the boom. The ONLY Sunfire subs that are worth anything are the XTEQ 12. Hum was a big problem with Sunfire, you have to use the high level inputs to avoid the hum.
Hsu.  It's always Hsu.

You may also want to do some research at data-bass.com
SVS are reputable and get a lot of good comments. I don’t own one but have been around to see the comments. They used to be often recommended.

Oh BTW, I hate to do dumb stuff myself so I understand your situation because I've been there. However,  I used to tell my son this when he was beating himself up. Be easy on yourself. Don't beat yourself up too bad. That's what the rest of us are here for. Anyway, good luck & Godspeed
Thank you. But, I think I just fixed It! But if I am wrong, I will keep them in mind.
Oh, I mentioned I have been out of this game for a very long time. So, I do see some subs in my price range by a company called SVS....but I've never heard of them before ( as I said, out of the game for a long time ). Can they be trusted or are they the bad side of mid-hi-end audio from overseas masquerading as quality but really junk? Thanks again.